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  1. #1
    testmess is offline New Member
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    Exclamation Losing insurance, now what?

    I started TRT a little while ago with androgel and its working.

    But im going to lose my job this year and wont have good insurance for a long time, probably 2 years as I start a new business.

    I have several questions.

    1) When I get private insurance, are they going to consider my HRT a pre-existing condition and try to charge me over $1000/month for insurance since 2 boxes of androgel/month run about $600 (right?)

    2) Whats the CHEAPEST way to do HRT? Im guessing switching to compounded cream. $40/month? Whats that usually cost?

    3) What the the MINIMUM # of doc visits a year I can get away with and still get a doc to prescribe me HRT? If I get my HRT cut off, there is no doubt in my mind ill end up on disability. My symptoms were incredibly bad without it.

    Im guessing I need to tell the doc my situation, ask to get put on the cheapest compounding cream they can find, and get my test levels STABLE so they dont have to frequently test and kill me with blood-work/office visit bills.

    Really need some good advice and strategies here.

  2. #2
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    Quote Originally Posted by testmess View Post
    I started TRT a little while ago with androgel and its working.

    But im going to lose my job this year and wont have good insurance for a long time, probably 2 years as I start a new business.

    I have several questions.

    1) When I get private insurance, are they going to consider my HRT a pre-existing condition and try to charge me over $1000/month for insurance since 2 boxes of androgel/month run about $600 (right?)
    more then likely, but TRT is still a debated topic with some health insurance companies. so it may be hard to tell.

    2) Whats the CHEAPEST way to do HRT? Im guessing switching to compounded cream. $40/month? Whats that usually cost?
    id say that, but honestly... and it may not work for you but id say start buying injectable test. (most likely illegally) and using it as your Trt. buying a 10ml vial for X amount of dollars and using 175mg a week or whatever dose you need, will equal more then 3 months worth of trt. Which is hella cheaper then Insurance and Id say youll like the injectable better then gels or creams.

    3) What the the MINIMUM # of doc visits a year I can get away with and still get a doc to prescribe me HRT? If I get my HRT cut off, there is no doubt in my mind ill end up on disability. My symptoms were incredibly bad without it.

    depends how far along you are on trt/hrt and if your at the status of having your levels at a stable level. most trt clients only go every 6 months or so after reaching stable test/estro levels

    Im guessing I need to tell the doc my situation, ask to get put on the cheapest compounding cream they can find, and get my test levels STABLE so they dont have to frequently test and kill me with blood-work/office visit bills.

    id def tell your doc, he may be a cool guy and write you a script for a shit load of items. some guys on here have had there docs write them scripts for enough gear to last them 6 months to 2 years.

    Really need some good advice and strategies here.
    comments above in red

  3. #3
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    just sit tight and more members who are on trt and have dealt with it will be on later today.

    theyll give ya more advice bro

  4. #4
    Silver-Bolt is offline Associate Member
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    My Dr would not start me on TRT. My number s are very low but still just barely in the "norm" range. I decided to go it on my own. Purchased Test-E via othe than traditional pharmacy. Without discussing a specific price the $600 you reference will cover my Test for about 3 years.

  5. #5
    testmess is offline New Member
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    wow - that is CHEAP. So if the worst case happens... at least I know I have some options ill be able to afford somehow.

  6. #6
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    I had a situation yesterday that somewhat parallels this and may spark a thought on your problem. I get a script from the Dr for a years supply of Nasocort allergy meds. (nose spray). I go to get it filled and its $93 per bottle (1 month supply), $46.50 of which is out of pocket after my insurance kicks in. I say screw that and order it online for less than $18 a bottle. Kinda makes you wonder why you even bother having insurance.

  7. #7
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    Shots are very, very inexpensive. It is the doc visit and Adex that will get you.

  8. #8
    ENraged's Avatar
    ENraged is offline Senior Member
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    If you order your anti-e online and your test from another magical place you can run HRT very cheaply! I mean a bottle of liq Aromasin and a single vial of Test C will last for months for a couple of hundred bucks. Now a visit and blood work like Fallen said! thats what's going to get you!

  9. #9
    ENraged's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    I had a situation yesterday that somewhat parallels this and may spark a thought on your problem. I get a script from the Dr for a years supply of Nasocort allergy meds. (nose spray). I go to get it filled and its $93 per bottle (1 month supply), $46.50 of which is out of pocket after my insurance kicks in. I say screw that and order it online for less than $18 a bottle. Kinda makes you wonder why you even bother having insurance.
    I am with you 100 percent! my insurance covers 50 percent script on a bottle of Aromasin that 200 bucks for a 30 days supply!
    I order it online get a 60 day supple for 90 or so shipped! gimme a break
    If it was not for wanting to be as legit as possible I would see no purpose of insurance!
    but with visits and blood work it does help out a lot.

  10. #10
    THORSZ's Avatar
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    Switch to shots. There is no patent on test E or C so it is cheap.

  11. #11
    testmess is offline New Member
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    If I can find a way to get compounded cream super cheap somewhere, id go with that. I know all about the shots, but really hate the idea of injecting myself every week for nice even test levels. Cream/gel works well for me.

  12. #12
    ruffcute is offline Associate Member
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    well I had first shot today and can tell you it isnt that bad, I thought theyd kill me with a needle that big, but I didnt even feel it go in or come out. I cant say much about the effects as its early but I'd say that from reading on here your better off with injectables. and I think they would still be cheaper than the creams or gels.

    This whole insurance thing is a big screw up isnt it, I watched sicko and thought they were exagurating, I guess not

  13. #13
    sweet-jayne's Avatar
    sweet-jayne is offline Female Member
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    Hi Testmess,

    I'm a financial advisor with xxxxxx here in Canada, and I sell personal health insurance quite frequently.

    Pre-existing conditions will be exempt from coverage. The cost of the plan will remain the same, only the cost of the medications will not be covered.

    That being said, if you have not yet received your termination papers, make sure that when you do you look at the insurance documents. I know, at least with our plans, when you are leaving your group plan, we give you 60 days to convert the group insurance into personal insurance without any evidence of insurability-meaning that your pre-existing conditions will be covered, as well as there will be no wait times for dental procedures. If that's the case, you may not have a problem.

    Hope this helps!
    Last edited by sweet-jayne; 04-14-2009 at 12:17 PM. Reason: a little more privacy

  14. #14
    ruffcute is offline Associate Member
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    you could always ring up and ask what the procedure is now, before deciding

  15. #15
    Pac Man's Avatar
    Pac Man is offline Senior Member
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    Agreed, do the shots. It's dirt cheap.

  16. #16
    GottaGetIt's Avatar
    GottaGetIt is offline Junior Member
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    I went to an after market doc (Life Extension) when my regular
    doc said my levels were within range (lower 2/3).

    I went through the compounded cremes then to injectibles.
    My insurance wouldn't cover my Test or my AI so I pay cash.
    I was fortunate until I got laid off that my insurance did pay
    for my bloodwork. I also paid cash for my Test doc.

    The test doc gave me scripts and I shopped them around to
    local pharamacies.

    I shoot test twice a week, Hgh 5/2 and take my AI through
    the week. I use 23ga to draw the test. 25ga to shoot and
    slin pins for the Hgh.

    Make sure to get any and all bloodwork done while you have
    insurance, get your Hrt doc to prescribe you test and pins and
    AI. Maybe if you explain the situation to him he'll do what my
    doc did and prescribe you a little more than you need so you
    can start stockpiling it a bit.

  17. #17
    testmess is offline New Member
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    Anyone have any advice on how to go about finding the cheapest, legal pharmacy, to fill my TRT script?

  18. #18
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  19. #19
    testmess is offline New Member
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    Dang it... I wasnt very clear.

    I need a compounding pharmacy. Does Costco or the Costco clones do compounding too????

  20. #20
    GottaGetIt's Avatar
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    Sorry. No.

  21. #21
    testmess is offline New Member
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    I think I found a place locally for $40-45 for a compounded cream.
    Will find out exact price today. I can afford that with zero insurance on my own.

    Now gotta get on it, get my blood stable and get my levels checked again before I lose my insurance. Crossing my fingers and hope it gives me good levels. Not too high and not too low.

    Im kinda stunned all HRT doctors dont use a compounding pharmacy for gel/cream based solutions. You can tweak this dosage this way. Adding or removing one full packet of androgel is too big of a change and very inaccurate for dosing.

  22. #22
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    I hate this fvcking economy. Good people loosing thier jobs and all because of the high gas prices from good ole' Bush.

  23. #23
    ecsaaron is offline Associate Member
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    its like a kick in the nuts after a kick in the nuts..(the economy)

  24. #24
    testmess is offline New Member
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    Got my new test cream. Its $40/month wheeew. I can deal with that.
    $600/month for androgel is not an option. What a rip off.

    Anyway, the amount of cream per dose is very very small compared to 2 packets of androgel. Sorta has me worried about absorption.

    I have to spread 2 packets of androgel over both biceps, shoulders and my back/lat on both arms to have enough room to spread it all around.

    This cream I can rub into just a single shoulder and a bit of my bicep and thats it. Its only 1ml? of cream per dose.

    Now I gotta wait at least a month and get blood work again and see how my levels compare to using androgel. Im sorta worried. Im tired of waiting already. Its going to to take forever to get tuned in

  25. #25
    testmess is offline New Member
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    Just realized my $40 prescription is for a 3 month supply!
    So thats only $13 a month!!!

    If it works at least as well as the androgel , I will be in heaven

  26. #26
    Pac Man's Avatar
    Pac Man is offline Senior Member
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    That's pretty cheap for creams.
    Good luck on your TRT, keep up posted how it works.

  27. #27
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
    to answer your question regarding the health insurance.. how many employee's are u going to have?? at least 2?? like you and the spouse??

    if so you could offer all employee's a group policy with no qualifications for the policy to be in effect..

    or you could do a HSP policy with a $3600 deductible, remember the company can pay for all of it with pre tax $$$$
    The answer to your every question


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  28. #28
    testmess is offline New Member
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    Bad news. I called my doc office for my blood results.
    They only ran tests for total T and PSA, so now I pretty much know for a fact they dont know what they are doing

    My total T went up, but only to the level I was at several years ago when I was also symptomatic at 430. Now im at 416 and still feel like crap and I have no idea what my E, Free T and DHT are at

    I felt like hell then, but I feel like death now. So ive basically gone from feeling like death, back to hell, while on 2 packets of androgel a day

    The old 200mg test cream I tried several years ago shot me way up to the point I got side effects. It worked way better than androgel for me. Go figure.
    If 2 packets of androgel dont work for me, then im screwed. Shots may be my only option.

    The search for a new doc begins tonight, crap. Im so over this. Really tired and depressed about this shit. Been suffering too long, just barely getting by in life.

  29. #29
    testmess is offline New Member
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    Day 7 on my new test cream and I feel run down today.
    Went to bed late though. I hope my T levels are not falling lower than what the 10G androgel was giving me

    Will get blood work done in 3 weeks. Crossing my fingers. Was in the low 400's on 2 packs of androgel and still feeling crappy. I first got symptoms when I dropped to about 430 years ago.

    I think I need to be around 600 to feel good, but no higher.

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