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  1. #1
    Alpha-Male's Avatar
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    Longtime AAS user, first time HRT consider-er :)

    Okay, bad grammer aside, i've been off and on aas since age 17 (no flames, i already know) at age 33, i have approached a clinic out of Florida (PM for name or if it's okay to post, let me know--curious for feedback). Anyhow, bloodwork came back, and everything is fine (i have emailed my contact for exact values and hopeful breakdown), growth hormone levels, estrogen, prostate, thyroid, cholesterol, liver a tad high, but total test at 218. Now, i'm thinking there are some underlying causes--my last big cycle ended in July 2008--crappy, and i mean crappy PCT, few weeks of nolva, no hcg nothing! Also, i've been taking quite a few opiates over the past few months, very steady...i develped somewhat of a problem with them after my back surgery a few years ago. I read that opiates can negatively affect DHEA, and therefore test levels. Also, the horrible PCT didnt help. And i havent been exercisign or dieting properly over the past few months due to some issues with another disc in my back. Recently, i'm feeling better, at least enough to get back in the gym regularly and i've quit taking the vicodin. I'm wondering if I can bring my levels back into a normal range with some natty test boosters or some late PCT regimen, and working out/high protein diet. Or should i consider the HRT?

    She says the doc is recommending 1cc/wk (250mg) of the test blend, 200mg/wk of the deca , with hcg at 2 units (she didnt give me strength) two days and the day before the other shots, along with arimidex (again, no mention of strengths). She mentioned i didnt need Gh, but that the dr. would prescribe it if i wanted it. I suppose i'm reluctant to take on HRT at age 33. Ive read through some threads, and wonder if i would be able to get to the 500 range on my own, based on my background, and then return to cycling of some sort, since she mentioned that they do not promote cycling at their clinic.

    Any help here is appreciated.


  2. #2
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    I also take low doses of prednisone, 5mg/day, every once in awhile for RA (rheumatoid arthritis). I just read a study where this can lead to low test levels also...

  3. #3
    Alpha-Male's Avatar
    Alpha-Male is offline Senior Member
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    Antiproliferative-Antiinflammatory Effects of Methotrexate and Sex Hormones on Cultured Differentiating Myeloid Monocytic Cells (THP-1)
    a Laboratory and Division of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Specialities, University of Genova, Genova, Italy b Department of Orthopedics, University of Genova, Genova, Italy
    Address for correspondence: Maurizio Cutolo, Division of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Viale Benedetto XV, 6, 16132 Genova, Italy. Voice: 0039 010 3537994; fax: 0039 010 3538885; [email protected].
    Copyright 2002 New York Academy of Sciences
    antiproliferative effects • antiinflammatory effects • methotrexate • sex hormones • myeloid monocytic cells • androgens • estrogens
    Abstract: Methotrexate (MTX) is believed to exert both antiproliferative and antiinflammatory effects in a dose-related manner in a majority of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients along with an abrupt flare of the disease after drug discontinuation. To investigate the antiproliferative and antiinflammatory actions of MTX and the combined action of sex hormones, we evaluated these effects in differentiated monocytic myeloid cells (THP-1) prestimulated with testosterone (T) or 17-β estradiol (E2). The effects of MTX and T combined treatment (T/MTX) on THP-1 cells showed a significant inhibition of cell proliferation when compared with E2/MTX- treated cells or controls: 53% at 72 h versus E2-treated cells; 58% at 96 h versus E2-treated cells; and 41% versus controls, respectively. Bax and Fas CD95 expression was found increased in T-treated cells: 14% T at 48 h vs. E2-treated cells and controls; 45% T at 72 h versus E2-treated cells and controls; 97% at 96 h versus E2-treated cells and 37% versus controls for Bax: 33%, 41%, and 42% T versus E2-treated cells for Fas. Moreover, a significant decrease of IL-12 levels in T/MTX treated cells was found at any time when compared to E2-treated cells. In summary, the association of testosterone and MTX compared to MTX alone suggests possible synergistic actions. Therefore, the enhancing antiinflammatory effects exerted by androgens might represent a further explanation for the reduced frequency of inflammatory diseases in male subjects.

    WTF? my rheumatologist told me AAS were a gigantic "No-No"...

    It's strange, now that i think about it, when these RA symptoms first presented, about four years ago, i had taken a very long break from aas, probably over a year...and every cycle i have done since, i've felt awesome (of course)...oh, btw, i take the methotrexate (MTX) for RA, along with prednisone for flareups. my doc says i should take the MTX non-stop, and the prednisone when needed. it seems that the prednisone can along with the disease itself can lead to low levels of Test...

    Maybe i should attempt to stop ALL meds for a few months and retest...or should i just hit the TRT and take advantage of all the upsides and benefits, especially with my condition?

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