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Thread: can I make trt end up like a cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA

    can I make trt end up like a cycle

    I kind of started this in another post. Here is my dilemma. I have a low test count (250) If I get TRT could I make it end up like a low dose cycle by taking the first 6-8 weeks of my scrip and not using it? this way when they recheck my levels they will still be low and the Doc will up the dose. with the higher dose and the 8 weeks worth of the script can I get the equivilent of shooting 250-400mg of test a week for 6 weeks or so? Not sure if this is possible would like to know your input Thanks

  2. #2
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    sounds like a plan. good luck with it !!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    I kind of started this in another post. Here is my dilemma. I have a low test count (250) If I get TRT could I make it end up like a low dose cycle by taking the first 6-8 weeks of my scrip and not using it? this way when they recheck my levels they will still be low and the Doc will up the dose. with the higher dose and the 8 weeks worth of the script can I get the equivilent of shooting 250-400mg of test a week for 6 weeks or so? Not sure if this is possible would like to know your input Thanks
    you should prolly post your age,basic stats, past cycle experience, goals....... A 6 week cycle isnt the correct alittle reading around here,..i'm not even sure abt Dr.,,scripts and shit but trt is for life and you'd get btr results at 100mgs aweek..100mgs aweek is prolly btr than 250-400 for 6weeks

  4. #4


    A very smart and diplomatic answer. It’s really appreciable and generous.
    Delaware Drug Treatment Centers

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Kahnawake, Quebec
    I would try to get dosed at 150-200 a wk than take 100 a wk to level yourself out, buy a 10ml vial of test and work in a real cycle. Be careful, don't cycle when you know you have a Dr's appt, they love to through random blood test into the mix.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    I am 34 years old
    Weight 240#

    I have done 3 cycles so far and this is because i could not get a hold of the gear

    1st cycle was just 8 weeks of Dbol pills (good size and strength gains)

    2nd cycle was Tren Only every 6th day I can not remember the dose but it was not very high. The cycle as about 8-9 weeks and it worked great! I had just lost my fiance' of 10 years in a car accident and I was super determined. I went from 245# at 21% BF when I started and after 9 weeks I weighed 193# (32" waist)and was 9.5% B.F. I was able to put up 425 for 2 bench and 450 squat. I had 17.5# arms and loved how I looked

    Last cycle I started with DBol 60mg ED and test Enanthate 3500mg wk after 6 weks added Tren and slowly sloped off the Dbol and Test I was not as concerned with cutting but I got good and strong and pretty big

    Weight 247#
    Arm Almost 19"
    Bench max 455#
    Squat max540#

    I already had a bad back and I was squatting one day and blew out another disc that is why I stopped training but I am back into it hard now and want to get shredded for summer

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    I am 34 years old
    Weight 240#

    I have done 3 cycles so far and this is because i could not get a hold of the gear

    1st cycle was just 8 weeks of Dbol pills (good size and strength gains)

    2nd cycle was Tren Only every 6th day I can not remember the dose but it was not very high. The cycle as about 8-9 weeks and it worked great! I had just lost my fiance' of 10 years in a car accident and I was super determined. I went from 245# at 21% BF when I started and after 9 weeks I weighed 193# (32" waist)and was 9.5% B.F. I was able to put up 425 for 2 bench and 450 squat. I had 17.5# arms and loved how I looked

    Last cycle I started with DBol 60mg ED and test Enanthate 3500mg wk after 6 weks added Tren and slowly sloped off the Dbol and Test I was not as concerned with cutting but I got good and strong and pretty big

    Weight 247#
    Arm Almost 19"
    Bench max 455#
    Squat max540#

    I already had a bad back and I was squatting one day and blew out another disc that is why I stopped training but I am back into it hard now and want to get shredded for summer
    3500mg/wk of test e??? wtf?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    350 a week my bad!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Your life must suck with 250 levels. I would focus on getting your life back.

    If you just want to cycle, then why not just cycle? Seems like going to a doc is the hard way of doing it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    NO!! I do not want to just cycle! But I am sure once I am feeling like myself I will want to (6 months or so) Just was wondering what people thought of that plan. Also if anyone else has done this same basic type of thing!
    As far as just getting it and doing a stint, Every place I used in the past is gone now and I just soon do it with a legal script if possible

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    i would just keep it simple....

    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    NO!! I do not want to just cycle! But I am sure once I am feeling like myself I will want to (6 months or so) Just was wondering what people thought of that plan. Also if anyone else has done this same basic type of thing!
    As far as just getting it and doing a stint, Every place I used in the past is gone now and I just soon do it with a legal script if possible

    i would just do low dose...150 aweek for life..

  12. #12
    agreed, when it comes to TRT slow and steady wins the race!

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