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  1. #1
    Testomaster's Avatar
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    Saw Palmetto (serenoa repens) for prostate issue

    Has anyone ever used it ? I have read that may cause sexual problems due to its anti-dht effect.
    Any feedback will be appreciated.

  2. #2
    ecsaaron is offline Associate Member
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    i have been on it for about 6 months and havent noticed and sexual side effects how ever PSA number went down 2 points....

  3. #3
    Testomaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecsaaron View Post
    i have been on it for about 6 months and havent noticed and sexual side effects how ever PSA number went down 2 points....
    Thanx mate , I'll try it.

  4. #4
    ecsaaron is offline Associate Member
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    There is a company in florida that harvest the berrys and sells what they harvest.I found it works better than the stuff from the store...You can order it from them on line and its dam cheap...If you want i can post their info if a vet or mod says its o.k.I dont think that would be against board rules but i will wait for an anwser...

  5. #5
    ni4ni's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecsaaron View Post
    i have been on it for about 6 months and havent noticed and sexual side effects how ever psa number went down 2 points....
    2 points?? What was it

  6. #6
    ecsaaron is offline Associate Member
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    5 went to a 3

  7. #7
    ni4ni's Avatar
    ni4ni is offline Pharmaceutically Enhanced
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    Saw Palmetto can be used to tx prostate. pick it up anywhere.
    thats one hella of spike in the PSA.
    I THINK theres another item out there called DIM-look into that also.
    Keep in mind that none of this is FDA approved

  8. #8
    bastiat is offline New Member
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    I had ED probs, low test level, but i did not know it...started DHEA and Twin Labs Male health form or the Male Fuel worked really good! I went from not being able, only lasting 3 to 10 min's if I doing 1 hr with my girl, being able to ejaculate, etc...

    but wehn I started the TRT, i got even harder!!!! and co uld ejaculate!....and have sex multiple times in a row, or day!...

    i stack my TRT with Palmetto, DHEA, Twin Labs Male fuel, etc and have not probs...

  9. #9
    Testomaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bastiat View Post
    I had ED probs, low test level, but i did not know it...started DHEA and Twin Labs Male health form or the Male Fuel worked really good! I went from not being able, only lasting 3 to 10 min's if I doing 1 hr with my girl, being able to ejaculate, etc...

    but wehn I started the TRT, i got even harder!!!! and co uld ejaculate!....and have sex multiple times in a row, or day!...

    i stack my TRT with Palmetto, DHEA, Twin Labs Male fuel, etc and have not probs...
    So are you saying that Saw Palmetto let your TRT works better ?

  10. #10
    ecsaaron is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecsaaron View Post
    i have been on it for about 6 months and havent noticed and sexual side effects how ever PSA number went down 2 points....
    I was wrong,it went from 0.4 to 0.2 on the saw palmetto

  11. #11
    tbgymb is offline New Member
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    Saw Palmetto (serenoa repens) for prostate issue

    Quote Originally Posted by ecsaaron View Post
    i have been on it for about 6 months and havent noticed and sexual side effects how ever PSA number went down 2 points....
    I have also tried but not gained. After this i have used Levitra. I think levitra is much better.

  12. #12
    Priapism is offline Junior Member
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    Saw palmetto has numerous studies in PubMed showing that it is beneficial for reducing the size of an enlarged prostate.

    It can tend to have some side effects such as oily face, zits, and antiandrogen related problems including gyno and other feminizing effects, but its mostly very tame.

    If you feel that you're all jacked up after awhile (which you probably wont) you can get your estrogen levels checked if you like, just to see if theyre still where they should be. Other than that, this stuff works great for the prostate.

  13. #13
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    DHT VS Testosterone

    Hi Priapism, I don't think the problem of saw palmetto is related to estrogen levels, infact I think it's related to DHT levels only. There's no scientific evidence that this product increases estrogen, there's proof that it can decrease DHT level instead.

    We know that part of our testosterone is converted in estradiol , part in DHT and a small part is available (free form).
    Now the big "dilemma" is : how important is DHT level to our body and... Can high DHT's level interfere with free testost. level ?

    Someone says that stuff lowering DHT can increase libido because : less DHT = more Free Testosterone.
    There are few important brands on the market having products wich(quoting) :
    ...reduce the unwanted metabolite dihidrotestosterone realising more free testosterone! DHT can have some serious side effect that bodybuilders should avoid at ALL cost.

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