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Thread: adrenal fatigue

  1. #1
    SilverTest's Avatar
    SilverTest is offline Senior Member
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    adrenal fatigue

    ok guys , i think i have adrenal fatigue , i do not have any test deficiency or anything wrong with my other hormones.

    BUT i have :

    - low energy
    - extreme fatigue in the morning
    - zero libido (i can get it up but have no desire to whatsoever)
    - extreme irritability
    - joint pain and stiffness
    -decreased muscle volume and tone
    - decreased strength
    - no motivation to train
    - very weak morning wood
    - tired in the morning but cant sleep at night ( feeling alert)
    - extreme light sensitivity
    - hypotension(sudden)
    -dizziness and hypotension when standing from a relazed position
    - difficulity loosing fat
    - heart palpitations and anxiety attacks at night
    - nervousness
    - forgetfullness
    - craving for caffeine
    - minor lower back pain

    isn't this adrenal fatigue ?? i am going to the doctor after a few days , he will probably order some tests ,but if it is adrenal fatigue , can this shit be treated ?? i need myself back !!

  2. #2
    ZonaDave's Avatar
    ZonaDave is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverTest View Post
    ok guys , i think i have adrenal fatigue , i do not have any test deficiency or anything wrong with my other hormones.

    BUT i have :

    - low energy
    - extreme fatigue in the morning
    - zero libido (i can get it up but have no desire to whatsoever)
    - extreme irritability
    - joint pain and stiffness
    -decreased muscle volume and tone
    - decreased strength
    - no motivation to train
    - very weak morning wood
    - tired in the morning but cant sleep at night ( feeling alert)
    - extreme light sensitivity
    - hypotension(sudden)
    -dizziness and hypotension when standing from a relazed position
    - difficulity loosing fat
    - heart palpitations and anxiety attacks at night
    - nervousness
    - forgetfullness
    - craving for caffeine
    - minor lower back pain

    isn't this adrenal fatigue ?? i am going to the doctor after a few days , he will probably order some tests ,but if it is adrenal fatigue , can this shit be treated ?? i need myself back !!
    absolutely it can be fixed! i had the same thing but mine was low T related. when T drops the adrenals go into overdrive to help out. i did the saliva cortisol test and my numbers were off the charts.

    TRT has been helping alot.

  3. #3
    ruffcute is offline Associate Member
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    how exactly do you find out if you have adrenaline fatigue, and whats the saliva cortisol test

  4. #4
    SilverTest's Avatar
    SilverTest is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ruffcute View Post
    how exactly do you find out if you have adrenaline fatigue, and whats the saliva cortisol test
    if you have these symptoms and all your other hormones are in check , adrenal fatigue is suspected , saliva cortisol tests actually measure how much cortisol your body is producing.

  5. #5
    ZonaDave's Avatar
    ZonaDave is offline Member
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    from what i understand, the saliva test is the most accurate. you basically stick one of those cotton bars in your mouth 4 times throughout the day and then ship it off to the lab.

    i think alot of guys who are low on T for long periods eventually have adrenal issues but this can be reversed once on TRT long enough to allow your adrenal glands to recover.

  6. #6
    ruffcute is offline Associate Member
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    wow I will be speaking to my doctore about this, they never questioned it when I got onto trt, maybe they need to check my levels as I think I have a majority of the symptoms up there

  7. #7
    testmess is offline New Member
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    How do you know you dont have any Test deficiency?
    What was your total and free T on your blood test?
    Please include the ranges as well.

    Your symptoms match mine 99%, and my problem was low T.

    My T finally fell below 300 and I was put on TRT. But I can tell you, I had all those same symptoms when my T was at 430 too!!! Just not quite as severe, but still terrible.

    My T kept going down every year, and I got worse and worse until I dipped under 300 which is out of range. Until then, doctors ignored me because most of them are idiots about this stuff. So I suffered for many years.

    The problem is, the lower range of a blood T test is for an 80 year old on his death bed. So dont assume your T is fine just because you are in range. If you are near the bottom of the range and are not 60+ years old, there is a problem.

    You clearly have all the symptoms of low T.

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