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Thread: Latest Bloodwork

  1. #1

    Latest Bloodwork

    for several months i was on this protocol:

    60mg T, 250IU HCG, .5mg Anastrozole

    25mg DHEA

    i bumped my T dose up to 100mg 2x/week but only took two shots when my doc called to schedule bloodwork. i took my last 100mg shot on a monday and drew blood that friday. here were my results:

    TT = 1067 (range: 280 - 800)
    FT = 20.49 (range: 1.4 - 12.6
    SHBG = 18 (range: 7 - 50)
    E2 = 19.5 (range: 7.6 - 42.6)
    DHT = 439.6 (range: 25.0 - 99.0)
    T3 = 4.0 (range: 1.8 - 4.6)
    T4 = 1.31 (range: 0.90 - 1.7)
    TSH = 2.3 (range: 0.27 - 4.2)
    PSA = 0.85 (range: 0.00 - 4.00)
    DHEA-Sulfate = 279.3 (range: 88.9 - 427.0)
    IGF-1 = 262.0 (range: 101.0 -267.0)
    Cortisol = 19.6 (range: 6.2 - 19.4)

    i told her about the two 100mg shots and she said to bring the dose back so i dropped it down to 160mg/week (2x 80mg).

    during the few weeks before the blood draw my libido was low, i still had ED and i didn't have any nocturnal erections which i thought was strange considering the numbers looked pretty good.

    she also mentioned that she wanted me to skip every third week of the DHEA suppliment. i didn't think it was that high but she did...hmmmm

    i'm going to work my way back down to 120mg-140mg/week and see how that goes.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    nice numbers, what do you feel like with test levels that high?
    You numbers do not match up with the Ed but I will say a couple of weeks ago I went through something similar that magically went away on its own.
    Any life style changes?

  3. #3
    i don't really feel any better/different than i did on 120mg/week. i was only on 200mg for a week so i'm sure numbers would have been higher after a month or more.

    my DHT is too high but that should come down with a reduced dose. i think after a certain point the higher dosage defeats the purpose and you start losing the positive affects of TRT.

    i think my high cortisol level was having an affect along with E2 being off.

    now that i have liquidex i can start fine tuning the dose to get my E2 in a good zone.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Dave - I think the numbers look great for the most part. Congrat's. Your FT is high, so while your E2 is low mid range your AI seems to be working. How are you feeling overall minus the libido part? Also how is your BP?

  5. #5
    i never got my bp check this time but overall i felt pretty good. i think my levels were a little too high and outside my optimal range.

    even though the numbers looked good my libido was down and i still had some ED issues.

    i think i might do better on a lower T dose...maybe around 140mg-160mg/week.

    i'm also going to increase my DHEA another 25mg/day to see how that goes.

    my cortisol is still on the high side and that can definately cause libido/ED issues so that needs to be address by treating my adrenals. i think they took a good beating when my T was low for several years.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Personally I would drop the test down which it sounds like is your plan anyways.
    My libido leveled off finally which is probably a good thing as my lady really couldn't keep up with me chasing her around every night lol

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by ENraged View Post
    Personally I would drop the test down which it sounds like is your plan anyways.
    My libido leveled off finally which is probably a good thing as my lady really couldn't keep up with me chasing her around every night lol
    ya, too much libido isn't good

    yes, my plan is to drop down quite a bit. when i was on 100mg/week my TT was in the mid 600's. at 200mg/week my TT was a little over 1000. so i'm assuming 140mg-150mg/week would put me around 800.

    that even might be a little too high. i wish i had stayed at 120mg/week when i did my bloodwork to see what my levels were. i still felt a little off on that dose but looking back i think it was more E2 related than T related.

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