for several months i was on this protocol:
60mg T, 250IU HCG, .5mg Anastrozole
25mg DHEA
i bumped my T dose up to 100mg 2x/week but only took two shots when my doc called to schedule bloodwork. i took my last 100mg shot on a monday and drew blood that friday. here were my results:
TT = 1067 (range: 280 - 800)
FT = 20.49 (range: 1.4 - 12.6
SHBG = 18 (range: 7 - 50)
E2 = 19.5 (range: 7.6 - 42.6)
DHT = 439.6 (range: 25.0 - 99.0)
T3 = 4.0 (range: 1.8 - 4.6)
T4 = 1.31 (range: 0.90 - 1.7)
TSH = 2.3 (range: 0.27 - 4.2)
PSA = 0.85 (range: 0.00 - 4.00)
DHEA-Sulfate = 279.3 (range: 88.9 - 427.0)
IGF-1 = 262.0 (range: 101.0 -267.0)
Cortisol = 19.6 (range: 6.2 - 19.4)
i told her about the two 100mg shots and she said to bring the dose back so i dropped it down to 160mg/week (2x 80mg).
during the few weeks before the blood draw my libido was low, i still had ED and i didn't have any nocturnal erections which i thought was strange considering the numbers looked pretty good.
she also mentioned that she wanted me to skip every third week of the DHEA suppliment. i didn't think it was that high but she did...hmmmm
i'm going to work my way back down to 120mg-140mg/week and see how that goes.