Hey Guys,
After a little over a year on HRT (100mg.s-200 mgs. test cyp), my latest bloodwork has me spooked. I went a couple of months experimenting with 100 mgs. of cyp w/ 100 mgs. of deca per week. This is the period that made my bloodwork go haywire. My bloodwork three weeks ago showed high RBC count, my iron was too high, test levels in the high 1,200. I stopped the deca 6 weeks ago, but my hemoglobin levels jumped from 5.3 to 17.5.
My lastest blood test showed basically the same except the iron studies were normal. I guess that's o.k. because I tried to donate blood 3 weeks ago but the initial blood test showed that my iron was too high, so they wouldn't let me give. Also, I feel strong but I do get tired in the middle of the day.
Got a messege from my doc last week that he wants me to see the hemotoligist. The wife, a former RN, says it's not good and that scares the shit out of me.
Any similar experience(s)? Advice (besides making the appt. with hemotoligist asafp)?