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  1. #1
    mancunny is offline Junior Member
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    reveal 1 cycle history to endo or not

    I'm seeing an endo regarding low t.
    Last edited by mancunny; 11-16-2009 at 04:43 PM. Reason: privacy concerns

  2. #2
    Paul_Best's Avatar
    Paul_Best is offline Associate Member
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    i would whats the point of hiding it or lieing about it?

  3. #3
    mancunny is offline Junior Member
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    I'm assuming it can cause big problems with insurance companies later in life if that ends up in my medical history. My logic is that it was only one cycle, is it worth mentioning?

  4. #4
    Paul_Best's Avatar
    Paul_Best is offline Associate Member
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    Doctors cant tell ins. companys shit theres little thing called hippa

  5. #5
    LexusIS09 is offline suspended for a very long time
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    Quote Originally Posted by mancunny View Post
    I'm assuming it can cause big problems with insurance companies later in life if that ends up in my medical history. My logic is that it was only one cycle, is it worth mentioning?
    lol. i'm seeing an endo right now, and he knows i'm on cycle.

    of course you should tell him, he's a HORMONE doctor. that's like going to the doctor and saying you have pain, and want medicine... but you don't want to tell where it hurts.

    if you want him to help you give him all the necessary info.

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    wut would be the advantage of telling the endo this information

  7. #7
    LexusIS09 is offline suspended for a very long time
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    wut would be the advantage of telling the endo this information
    ummm because he did a cycle of deca and test, at the peak of his natural test production... which obviously shut him down hard. now he has low-test levels.. anyone else see the correlation there

    use some logic people.

  8. #8
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by LexusIS09 View Post
    ummm because he did a cycle of deca and test, at the peak of his natural test production... which obviously shut him down hard. now he has low-test levels.. anyone else see the correlation there

    use some logic people.
    then why ask spock

  9. #9
    Bender45's Avatar
    Bender45 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LexusIS09 View Post
    ummm because he did a cycle of deca and test, at the peak of his natural test production... which obviously shut him down hard. now he has low-test levels.. anyone else see the correlation there

    use some logic people.
    I still don't see what advantage it would be to tell the doctor. In my opinion, mentioning you took steroids may put up a red flag in the doctor's mind. He may think you're looking for a free prescription, since it's altready been indictated that you took roids.

    I wouldn't mention it. It's not like the treatement will be different either way.

  10. #10
    Warrior1700's Avatar
    Warrior1700 is offline Associate Member
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    I would tell him everything, I did...He's your Doctor, He cannot reveal anything to anyone regarding your treatment or history, the only reason he could ever revela anything would be if you are going to harm yourself or others. 1) it's called HIPPA, 2) it's best for him to know everything he is dealing with to better treat you properly. That cycle could have something to so with your current situation, even if just a minute amount, it's best to tell your Doc. He should have an objective opinion and neutral opinion and as a Doctor should'nt judge you or your intentions now. that was 4 years ago. if your blood work backs up your need for HRT, then so be it. IMO.

  11. #11
    mancunny is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks. I will tell him asap.

    On another note, I dont understand why he did not mention anything regarding my super low LH levels (1.8 UI/L). In the case of low Test and low LH, hCG can be administered to stimulate LH and therefore raise testosterone , and even after hcg administration is stopped.

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