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  1. #1
    mancunny is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2005

    low T and low LH 25yrs old

    Hi all I'm wondering if the cure for my low Testosterone is HCG regiment.
    Last edited by mancunny; 11-16-2009 at 04:44 PM. Reason: privacy concerns

  2. #2
    pharmtech is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2006
    Orlando, FL
    No, HCG would not be the appropriate choice here. Clomid or Nolva would be preferred, although there is some debate as to which is more effective at stimulating endogenous LH production, thereby increasing natural testosterone levels .

    After some recent libido issues, I had bloodwork done, only to find that while my total testosterone was within the normal range at 527, my LH was just 1.24. As a result, I am running a standard PCT of Clomid and Nolva over the next four weeks in an effort to restore HPTA function and increase my total testosterone.

    By the way, I am 26 and I have done only one cycle, which was three years ago. It consisted of 500 mg Test E (1-12) and 60 mg T-bol (1-6), followed by a PCT of Nolva and Arimidex .

    If you use the search function, there is plenty of debate/research here on the subject. Best of luck and feel free to PM me if you have any questions.

  3. #3
    rogue01 is offline Associate Member
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    May 2009
    Wouldn't hcg and clomi be a better combo than just using one to stimulate production?

  4. #4
    pharmtech is offline Junior Member
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    Orlando, FL
    Technically, I guess it wouldn't hurt, but I would consider the Clomid and/or Nolva to be most critical here, as the problem appears to lie with his low LH production. Of course, HCG would be helpful in stimulating the production of testosterone in the testicles, but only if a sufficient signal is being sent by the pituitary, which doesn't appear to be the case. While there may be some benefit to using HCG in conjunction with Clomid/Nolva, doing so may further inhibit his natural LH production, as HCG merely mimics LH, rather than stimulate production in the pituitary. Due to his bloodwork results, I would consider Clomid and/or Nolva to be the critical choice here. As for which one to choose, that's up for debate. At the moment, I am using both to achieve a similar goal.

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