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Thread: Concerned about a lot of young guys with low test

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Concerned about a lot of young guys with low test


    I fall in the same boat as well and was wondering if low levels of testosterone growing up affects normal developement. I did not find out about my low testosterone levels until my late 20's, and was just wondering if this could affect brain development somehow. I know brain development is important at a young age, but not sure how important hormones are to overall development. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    I'm 25 and known that I have "abnormal" test since about 22. However I dont show many if any symptoms. I'm just now doing something about it. I'm not interested in TRT because of my age, however I think I'm in need of HCG due to Low T and Low LH. I figured this out after doing some internet research. Interesting enough because my Endo did not suggest HCG treatment, and was somewhat willing to consider TRT which I do not want.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I found out through blood work that my test was low. Im 28 . I had a feeling that it was low because of my knowledge and research that I had done as a trainer and the use of AAS. I had to do TRT at my age because of what the lack of test was doing to me mentally and physically. If I was not having these problems I would def not have started at such a young age.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Yea. I realize many of us have lower than ideal levels of testosterone at a young age, but was mostly concerned about its effects on development if any? I realize most people tend to look normal as well if nothing major has happened to them.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009
    They do have a branch of medicine for pediatric hormone I would say it is very important for early development. I would think as long as you are average height, can see your junk, and can form a sentence you developed okay.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    What about for other issues like failing to thrive and so forth. I thought issues like this might be resolved after treating many of my hormones. However, I have moved back in with my parents because I am pretty much non-successful out in the world. Most everyone else seems to make life a bit more easier or more enjoyable than myself. Although, I look normal and weigh normal, and so forth, I am beginning to wonder why I make life look to hard. Others seem to have better physiology than myself, which makes me question my development.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by keithdolby View Post
    What about for other issues like failing to thrive and so forth. I thought issues like this might be resolved after treating many of my hormones. However, I have moved back in with my parents because I am pretty much non-successful out in the world. Most everyone else seems to make life a bit more easier or more enjoyable than myself. Although, I look normal and weigh normal, and so forth, I am beginning to wonder why I make life look to hard. Others seem to have better physiology than myself, which makes me question my development.
    sounds more like depression

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    It does sound like depression. Iknow what your going through.

    It sounds like for yourself your looking for an excuse to be having the troubles that your having..

    Im speeking from personal experience here , but you have to take the issues that your having and put them on yourself. There your faults, your not differant and if you were its still yours. Once you quit trying to analize this you will be able to move in the right direction twice as fast and with more confidence.

    Best of luck

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