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  1. #1
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Justification For TRT in Healthy Young Men Who Use AAS

    Im young 27, and have normal testosterone levels . But, i have been playing with the idea of going on TRT. I have done a few cycles with proper pcts, and im looking at the benfits of being a juicer on TRT, as well as the cons. I doubt i will do this soon, but maybe in a few years after more thought.

    -Stable testosterone levels all the time, whether your sick, accidentally didnt eat right that day, got stressed whatever. You levels are not subject to environmental, situational or other external factors. You inject it, and it's there.(Except for excessive fat gain which can aromatize testosterone, but only dumb people get fat)

    -No PCT required. You simply "bridge" when your not "on" with your regular TRT dose. This means less drug use overall. Less drug expense, less liver toxicity. Less need for expensive testosterone tests. You could just get the liver and kidney tests and what not and save.

    -Contraception. Testosterone long term will cause reduction in sperm count. Having babies is expensive, especially in a crappy economy. Vasectomies have some serious side effects, post surgical pain for years, reduced testosterone levels, and autoimmune disorders from sperm backing up into the testicals till the compartments stretch and tear, letting sperm into the bloodstream. The body sends out antibodies to the sperm, but since its your sperm with your DNA, the body has just waged a war upon itself. Yipe. This makes male hormonal contraception much more appealing.

    -You have to inject yourself on a weekly basis. Persoanly i like shooting. Im wondering though if after years it will become an annoyance.

    -Your balls shrink. I like getting tea bagged. But then again, it still feels good when they're small too. Also though, they cant slap against your girls butthole when your bangin her, and girls like that. Also the girl can't reach under while shes takin it doggie and cradle your balls as good. HCG can be administered to resize the balls, though this negates the contraceptive effect.

    -Dose adjusting. Occasionally i see a guy on here complain that he cant get wood and feels lethargic even though hes on 100-200mg of test /wk. This seems to happen randomly, and estradiol is usually the culprit. It may be a pain to have to deal with that adding "x" amount of a-dex, going back and forth. Also with that, i read on Pub med that some people incure "aromataze inhibitor resistence" after a year or more of usage. That would suck to have that happen and not have a way to mange your estrogen. Its not common though and TRT a-dex doses are like .25 ed or eod. However, if someone is on ADEX FOR 20 YEARS, could that not still happen?

    -Economic downfall. If their is an econmomic crisis and america goes to shiit, the drug companies could very well go under, thousands of people would be without their heart, thyroid, diabetic drugs, etc, etc. and TRT people are not gonna be on the top of the list to help out. Nobody died of low testosterone ...but life would suck, and goverment would prioritize cardivascular , and diabtic patirnts, cancer patients etc. Hopefully not all the pharmacies that make injectable test would go out of business. Then it would be UGL stuff, which is fine, but if america goes down, some of them even foreighn labs could feel the effect and go out of business. Or if their is a major depression, their still might be test around but you might be too broke to buy it

    The main thing is i don't want babies. I banged so many women with kids i know its not for me. I think they're cute and all, but im high maintennce. i cant even take care of a goldfish. no time. Im busy. Heck if i want kids, i can date a single mom, and ehen i dont want them, i date a regualr chick. Its that simple. I also dont ever wanna get married. I think its a crapshoot. Theirs no way i could bang just one chick, i dont care how hot. Im too much of a whore.
    I think male hormaonal contraception is a safer idea than femal contraception cuz they use weird versions of estrogen and progesterone at high doses.

    Your thoughts gentlemen

  2. #2
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
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    Your kidding me.......... Right?

  3. #3
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by EROC1313 View Post
    Your kidding me.......... Right?
    No y?.

  4. #4
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    DO you know how many people get pregnant on cycle?

    the thought that you think birth control is a reason to be on TRT is ridiculous !!!

    also, you are 27, do you really want to be injecting for the REST OF YOUR LIFE???

    and if something happens that you can't get test, you are SCREWED !!

    I would NEVER go on TRT until it was the LAST resort

    Not to mention the need to have blood monitored all the time
    and have AI support for EVER.....arimidex isn't cheap!!

  5. #5
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
    Papa Smurf is offline Senior Member
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    Your test levels are currently normal..... right?

  6. #6
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
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    Ahhhh T-Mos you beat me to it! I wanted to unload on him!

  7. #7
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Did you guys even read the "Pros and CONS" section???? I said what you said in the cons. Im very aware of all that.

    Now im not saying the contraceptive effect is immediate. If a guy goes on cycle for ten weeks, that probably not enough time to induce azoospermia. Peak sterility would most likely take over a year, and yes even then its only as reliable as female BC, which is not 100%, but it's still somethin.

  8. #8
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
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    Stick a inch and one half needle in your ass, delt, quad or where ever for just one year every week and then come talk to me about Pros and Cons...... OK

  9. #9
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    It's an extreme thing, yeah, i get it. But having kids is extreme too, and it could put an end to anyones gym rat, girl chasing lifestyle. I mean when you REALLY sit down and think about almost seems like the only sane thing to do.
    But thats cuz i got a girl pregnant about 10 months ago. I have researched vasectomey since then. The fetus grew in her fallopian tube and didnt go to term. Vasectomey is not something i feel safe with.
    Condoms are good but not a hundred percent. why not ad percentages and and cut back on sperm?
    Also...think about the freedom you have in your cycles. you do a super long cycle, 6 months if you wanted to and not worry about shutting down. just a thought

  10. #10
    ENraged's Avatar
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    if you already have acceptable test levels then you have no pro's or con's my friend.
    you will notice some animosity towards your idea for the simple fact that you are choosing to embark on something that the rest of us have to do just to be normal which you already are?!? see my point? sure many of us cycle I mean hell I am already poking myself I might as well spruce things up a touch. but in the end I think many of us would rather be in your shoes choosing to cycle now and then instead of our own!
    your just speaking a different language to us

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981 View Post
    It's an extreme thing, yeah, i get it. But having kids is extreme too, and it could put an end to anyones gym rat, girl chasing lifestyle. I mean when you REALLY sit down and think about almost seems like the only sane thing to do.
    But thats cuz i got a girl pregnant about 10 months ago. I have researched vasectomey since then. The fetus grew in her fallopian tube and didnt go to term. Vasectomey is not something i feel safe with.
    Condoms are good but not a hundred percent. why not ad percentages and and cut back on sperm?
    Also...think about the freedom you have in your cycles. you do a super long cycle, 6 months if you wanted to and not worry about shutting down. just a thought
    If you are that concerned then get snipped and use a condom and pull out!

    you have blood work to think about as a TRT recipient. Rite now I am cycling and in the back of my mind planning constantly to assure that my levels are correct for my august bloodwork! its a major pain in the ass to be honest yea sure next time I will have a longer period but still

  12. #12
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENraged View Post
    if you already have acceptable test levels then you have no pro's or con's my friend.
    you will notice some animosity towards your idea for the simple fact that you are choosing to embark on something that the rest of us have to do just to be normal which you already are?!? see my point? sure many of us cycle I mean hell I am already poking myself I might as well spruce things up a touch. but in the end I think many of us would rather be in your shoes choosing to cycle now and then instead of our own!
    your just speaking a different language to us
    i understand where ur coming from. On the other hand i didnt invent male hormonal contraception

  13. #13
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
    Papa Smurf is offline Senior Member
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    Man..... if you wanna trade being normal, possibly for the rest of your life, just so you can run cycles with no pct and not worry about knocking up so girl............ Im lost for words,,,, you got me kid, Im mean sir.

    If you dont want kids, get a vasectomey. If you change your mind later you can always reverse it.
    I had mine at 35 and my natural test levels didnt bottom out until I was 45.
    Its not an automatic thing. You may be fine........


  14. #14
    ENraged's Avatar
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    so STD's are cool with you but kids are not?
    get snipped put some baby batter in the fridge until you settle down and leave your hormones alone.
    and fyi my 1 year old was conceived on 500mg of test c and 300mg of tren per week so yea get snipped!

  15. #15
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Vasectomies have some serious side effects, post surgical pain for years, reduced testosterone levels , and autoimmune disorders from sperm backing up into the testicals till the compartments stretch and tear, letting sperm into the bloodstream. The body sends out antibodies to the sperm, but since its your sperm with your DNA, the body has just waged a war upon itself. Yipe. This makes male hormonal contraception much more appealing.

  16. #16
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981 View Post

    Vasectomies have some serious side effects, post surgical pain for years, reduced testosterone levels, and autoimmune disorders from sperm backing up into the testicals till the compartments stretch and tear, letting sperm into the bloodstream. The body sends out antibodies to the sperm, but since its your sperm with your DNA, the body has just waged a war upon itself. Yipe. This makes male hormonal contraception much more appealing.
    hahaha... f*ck go on TRT if you think you're ready. It's none of our business really. If you feel like you can bare the thought of injecting for the rest of your life then just cruise brutha!! haha. Some people go onto TRT when they're 19 (although this is for severely low test levels)... go to and endo and talk to him about it

  17. #17
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    hahaha... f*ck go on TRT if you think you're ready. It's none of our business really. If you feel like you can bare the thought of injecting for the rest of your life then just cruise brutha!! haha. Some people go onto TRT when they're 19 (although this is for severely low test levels)... go to and endo and talk to him about it
    I have a script for 150mg. wk test cyp. i fooled one doctor by getting post cycle bloods. Anyway i talked to another doc. She was an anit aging doctor and i think i might switch to her cuz she said testosterone would need to be administered in higher than normal doses to shut you down faster. She also said she might want to add in progesterone for extra shutdown, but im not diggin that,lol. maybe i would just add deca in the beggining since that does a nice job of shutting down. Actually a little progesterone wouldnt hurt. Deca is 20 times more potent at stimulating the progesterone receptor than prgesterone itself.

  18. #18
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    oh the reason, i had the cyp script was just so i can stockpile it for cycles. At 150mg a wk i have enough for ten weeks a year at 750mg /wk. i didn the math. it's just antother source. clean and legit. So i could just TRT tomw if i wated to, but i havent sold myself on the idea just yet. Besides, my orignal intent was to always have a source of pure test for cycles. So i want to use it for a few years for my original intent before jumping on this new idea.
    Last edited by AnabolicBoy1981; 06-04-2009 at 08:21 PM.

  19. #19
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981 View Post
    I have a script for 150mg. wk test cyp. i fooled one doctor by getting post cycle bloods. Anyway i talked to another doc. She was an anit aging doctor and i think i might switch to her cuz she said testosterone would need to be administered in higher than normal doses to shut you down faster. She also said she might want to add in progesterone for extra shutdown, but im not diggin that,lol. maybe i would just add deca in the beggining since that does a nice job of shutting down. Actually a little progesterone wouldnt hurt. Deca is 20 times more potent at stimulating the progesterone receptor than prgesterone itself.
    all this just so you can go screw without protection????

    wow, now I think i have seen just about everything .....

    Come back and let us know what you will be naming your first kid and who the baby momma is!!!

  20. #20
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    You sound like you have done your research, some diabetics take 3 or 4 shots a day, 1-7 a week is a lot better than that and not all that inconvenient. I am 28 and I see your outlook, I am thinking about going TRT too. I probably have a mental problem, but I just don't have as much confidence and don't even act the same when I'm off. I just started my second cycle, and when I quit the last one all I could thank of was the next one, my workouts went downhill when I wasn't on cause I knew I wasn't going to make any gains.

    Anyway this is about you, you're an adult if you want to do this go for it!

  21. #21
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
    Papa Smurf is offline Senior Member
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    you do know that most doctors want you to have your blood work done every 3 months.

  22. #22
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    I had blood work done every other month for a year till my doctor was satisfied with my levels. Now it's once a year.

    Quote Originally Posted by EROC1313 View Post
    you do know that most doctors want you to have your blood work done every 3 months.

  23. #23
    kickinit's Avatar
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    I feel stupid having read this.

    Most people on here are on TRT/HRT due to HAVING to be on it. It's a plus for those of us that dont have normal or even any test at all, and your using it for a game or an excuse to. Probably wrong place to post this since you wont get any responses that support your post.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by kickinit View Post
    I feel stupid having read this.

    Most people on here are on TRT/HRT due to HAVING to be on it. It's a plus for those of us that dont have normal or even any test at all, and your using it for a game or an excuse to. Probably wrong place to post this since you wont get any responses that support your post.
    Due to "having" to be. I imagine most people here that are on TRT did it to themselves by running cycles in the past without any education. He has a lot to look into, but he knows what he's talking about. If that's what he wants to do, and he is educated why not.
    Last edited by illwillogical; 06-05-2009 at 08:40 PM.

  25. #25
    rogue01 is offline Associate Member
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    You may not want kids now and all that stuff...but what about 5 years from now? You may meet the "perfect woman" and want a family with her. I am the same age as you and also scared to death of kids and marriage right now...but think it may be something I want in the future. Don't come back with "No. not me, NEVER GONNA HAPPEN." People change and you never know about the future. Do what you want but always good to keep your options open. Just pull out and unload on the face...they like that right?

  26. #26
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rogue01 View Post
    You may not want kids now and all that stuff...but what about 5 years from now? You may meet the "perfect woman" and want a family with her. I am the same age as you and also scared to death of kids and marriage right now...but think it may be something I want in the future. Don't come back with "No. not me, NEVER GONNA HAPPEN." People change and you never know about the future. Do what you want but always good to keep your options open. Just pull out and unload on the face...they like that right?
    Theirs lots of "perfect women" lol. Why limit myself? Besides, Male hormonal contraception is not impossible to reverse. HCG is administered when you decide you want kids. You dont come off the test cuz you been on it so long but the HCG can make you unsterile for several weeks

  27. #27
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by EROC1313 View Post
    you do know that most doctors want you to have your blood work done every 3 months.
    not my idiot! lol

  28. #28
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    I had blood work done every other month for a year till my doctor was satisfied with my levels. Now it's once a year.
    he did 3 tests on me over 9 month period. now its just once a year. I can work around that.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by kickinit View Post
    I feel stupid having read this.

    Most people on here are on TRT/HRT due to HAVING to be on it. It's a plus for those of us that dont have normal or even any test at all, and your using it for a game or an excuse to. Probably wrong place to post this since you wont get any responses that support your post.

    Me too...

  30. #30
    rogue01 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981 View Post
    Theirs lots of "perfect women" lol. Why limit myself? Besides, Male hormonal contraception is not impossible to reverse. HCG is administered when you decide you want kids. You dont come off the test cuz you been on it so long but the HCG can make you unsterile for several weeks
    Perhaps it would be better for the world if you were sterile *ZING

  31. #31
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    all this just so you can go screw without protection????

    wow, now I think i have seen just about everything .....

    Come back and let us know what you will be naming your first kid and who the baby momma is!!!
    Im a realist. Im very objective. I analize myself constantly and i know exactly why i do everything. I prioritize sex, yeah, so? Why is that so weird. Its my favorite thing to do. I mean really, what other thing could i possibly do in my life that gives me more joy than playing with a beautiful womans private parts?? What? Golf? Paint gun shooting? Playing football with the stinky guy freinds? What? I love my sexy car...but is it better than a *****? No. Screwing is lots of peoples favorite thing, but they don't realize it and take it for granted. What the heck do i go to the gym for? Any of us? So i can get big huge muscles and be ******...why? So i can have guys be impressed? Ok..maybe a little.....but its really all about pullin *****. If your not a competetive bodybuilder, or athlete,the main reason you work out is *****. Realize it. Your on a steroid message board. If workin out was just for health, you wouldnt need steroids . You can workout and just be healthy without steroids. Why you on a steroid message board? Yes there is also a thrill of seeing weights go up in the gym, breaking personal records etc.....but it still is not as thrilling as putting your face in a pretty girls butt. Its that simple. I don't care if im ever a millionaire or still have a cool car in ten years or live in a big house. I cant worry about that. It's not that important because nonE of that stuff can make you as happy as having girl parts in your face.
    Problem is.......if you get one pregnant..BAM...the ass parade ends. Then you gotta be daddy. Eww. Lame. Then you will get sick of your ***** kinda, and other stuff will look soooooo good, and all you can do is silently pine for it...cuz your married, WITH CHILDREN. Ahh! Or you could neglect your kid/s and keep running around, see him once in ahile "Whats up son? Hey look, got you a hat. Yeah, your favorite team, Yankees!"
    " favorite teams the Phillies...but this is cool i guess." "oh...yeah..yeah thats right.....hey i know lets go eat somethin" then what's that make you?
    No thanks.

  32. #32
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    ^^^^ Thank you for showing all of us your maturity level with the above statement !! Enjoy your TRT for LIFE !!!

    Don't forget that we warned you when your first baby comes out.....LOLOL

  33. #33
    alpmaster is offline Member
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    I have played with the idea in my head, and I would definitely go on TRT for life IF and ONLY IF there was no chance of me becoming sterile. I really would love to cruise and blast and always know I have great T levels and have that awesome feeling you all know of when you're on. And really, I don't care about pinning, hell I pin everyday and it doesn't bother me. So once or twice a week isn't that bad really, for the results one could have.

    But I do want to have a family of my own one day, and I just couldn't deal with the potential consequence of not being able to have one because of my own selfish wants. But as soon as I decide I've made enough little ones, I will be hopping aboard the HRT train.

  34. #34
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by illwillogical View Post
    You sound like you have done your research, some diabetics take 3 or 4 shots a day, 1-7 a week is a lot better than that and not all that inconvenient. I am 28 and I see your outlook, I am thinking about going TRT too. I probably have a mental problem, but I just don't have as much confidence and don't even act the same when I'm off. I just started my second cycle, and when I quit the last one all I could thank of was the next one, my workouts went downhill when I wasn't on cause I knew I wasn't going to make any gains.

    Anyway this is about you, you're an adult if you want to do this go for it!
    good points with the diabetics, i mean they shoot every damn day and they get it done...whats once or twice a week?

    but sounds like your levels aren't coming back post cycle. Do you PCT properly? Even still, you gotta expect your gonna be low comming off a cycle, thats why i dont get down about it. I expect gains to level off or go down slighlty. you can't just grow all the time. That would be hell on your connective tissue anyway. How long you feel less than normal aftera cycle?

  35. #35
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    ^^^^ Thank you for showing all of us your maturity level with the above statement !! Enjoy your TRT for LIFE !!!

    Don't forget that we warned you when your first baby comes out.....LOLOL

    Ok whats some of your favorite hobbies? What do you like to do? Whats you thing T-MOS???

  36. #36
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981 View Post

    Ok whats some of your favorite hobbies? What do you like to do? Whats you thing T-MOS???
    how am I a hippocrit for thinking it STUPID to shut down your body's HPTA permanently at your age??? Just cause you MAY or MAY NOT become sterile.

    GET SNIPPED..... it doesn't hurt at all. I drove there, had it done in the office and drove myself home THAT DAY........NO pain, NO complications, NO BABIES..... freeze some semen cause you are gonna regret this someday!!

    You are being IRRESPONSIBLE which at your age is natural, but this is EXTREME thinking that this is the best form of birth control you have.

    I got NO PROBLEM with you getting as much tail as you want, I have had HUNDREDS, but this isn't the way to do it and you have NO CLUE what you could be doing to your ENTIRE body instead of just your reproductive system

    My "hobbies" have nothing to do with this. My first cycle was at age 35

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    how am I a hippocrit for thinking it STUPID to shut down your body's HPTA permanently at your age??? Just cause you MAY or MAY NOT become sterile.

    GET SNIPPED..... it doesn't hurt at all. I drove there, had it done in the office and drove myself home THAT DAY........NO pain, NO complications, NO BABIES..... freeze some semen cause you are gonna regret this someday!!

    You are being IRRESPONSIBLE which at your age is natural, but this is EXTREME thinking that this is the best form of birth control you have.

    I got NO PROBLEM with you getting as much tail as you want, I have had HUNDREDS, but this isn't the way to do it and you have NO CLUE what you could be doing to your ENTIRE body instead of just your reproductive system

    My "hobbies" have nothing to do with this. My first cycle was at age 35
    Man dont waste your energy if he feels with is logical then nothing we can say will change his mind.
    Honestly he makes getting snipped sound like you balls will crawl up inside your body afterwards and wage war?!?!
    if he doesn't want to listen to men older then him that have the experience to say "Dude your being retarded!!" then let him.
    I mean odds are if he is getting enough tail to warrant justification for these extreme insane methods and is not taking STD precautions he will be a decaying mess long before the test thing comes back to bite his ass.
    And one thing your forgetting about the diabetic aspect! THey have to or else they die do you not think they would rather take no shots I mean honestly thats about as piss poor of an example as they come.
    Yes I am on a cutting diet and irritable but still this is just asinine! /END rant..

  38. #38
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    how am I a hippocrit for thinking it STUPID to shut down your body's HPTA permanently at your age??? Just cause you MAY or MAY NOT become sterile.

    GET SNIPPED..... it doesn't hurt at all. I drove there, had it done in the office and drove myself home THAT DAY........NO pain, NO complications, NO BABIES..... freeze some semen cause you are gonna regret this someday!!

    You are being IRRESPONSIBLE which at your age is natural, but this is EXTREME thinking that this is the best form of birth control you have.

    I got NO PROBLEM with you getting as much tail as you want, I have had HUNDREDS, but this isn't the way to do it and you have NO CLUE what you could be doing to your ENTIRE body instead of just your reproductive system

    My "hobbies" have nothing to do with this. My first cycle was at age 35
    There are many vasectomy horror stories. Like having constant pain forever afterwards. Also, the autoimmune effects from sperm backing up and getting into the bloodstream. Look it up. TRT isn't ruining your body compared to vasectomy.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by illwillogical View Post
    Do to "having" to be. I imagine most people here that are on TRT did it to themselves by running cycles in the past without any education. He has a lot to look into, but he knows what he's talking about. If that's what he wants to do, and he is educated why not.
    Alot of people on here also do it POST Snipping, Cancer, loss of testical, testicular infection (ME) etc.. Yeah im sure some of them are because of not doing proper PCT and running cycles too long, but NOT ME.

  40. #40
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENraged View Post
    Man dont waste your energy if he feels with is logical then nothing we can say will change his mind.
    Honestly he makes getting snipped sound like you balls will crawl up inside your body afterwards and wage war?!?!
    if he doesn't want to listen to men older then him that have the experience to say "Dude your being retarded!!" then let him.
    I mean odds are if he is getting enough tail to warrant justification for these extreme insane methods and is not taking STD precautions he will be a decaying mess long before the test thing comes back to bite his ass.
    And one thing your forgetting about the diabetic aspect! THey have to or else they die do you not think they would rather take no shots I mean honestly thats about as piss poor of an example as they come.
    Yes I am on a cutting diet and irritable but still this is just asinine! /END rant..
    I never said i was definetly gonna do it. But vasectomy does cause antibody counts to your own DNA to show up. Why would i make that up?. If i felt getting snipped was safe i woulda done it. But when i research something i look at both sides. These are big decisions that can change your life. And I DIDNT INVENT male hormonal contraception. Its not MY crazy idea. But its something im looking at.
    Its an extreme thing to ponder....but in this economical climate, and for my liofestyle, having a kid could be a nightmare. Only when you get a girl pregnent and SEE the ultrasound, does your mind SERIOUSLY start to go to work on such ideas. Even when your girl is late on her period, its sooo scary. Now times that by ten, thats what an ultrasound looks like.
    And i never said anything about ceasing condom usage. But if a condom breaks and i have way low sperm, thats less chance of pregnancy.

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