I posted this on bb.com but didn't get much in the way of discussion so here we go again:

After feeling exhausted, anxious, depressed, and weak for the past two years I have finally visited an endo who confirmed that I was hypothyroid with a small goiter and six nodules. He also determined that my test levels were just above the low cut off point. This is the second time I have had my test levels checked, and this is the second time they have come back just above the "low" cut off point (around 330).

He has put me on .1mg of synthroid to get my thyroid levels up and hopefully shrink the nodules and is starting me on Androgel (he originally prescribed Testim but the smell is too much for me) to get my test levels up a bit. He said my thyroid issue is most likely a genetic thing, doesn't really know why the test levels are low. I have come across some literature that says low test levels and hyoptyroidism could be related. Any ideas? Is there anything else I should be pressing him on?

He wants me to start on both and see him in a little less than a month to see where all my levels are at. I am also going to talk to my primary care on the 15th of this month to kind of give him an update of where everything is at and get his opinion on all of this. Should I be concerned with trying the androgel for a month?

Is it possible the hypothyroidism is causing the borderline low test results? What sort of underlying cause should I mention to my endo? Basically, what should I ask/press my doctors about?

Thanks all