I am now on my third injection of testosterone 100mg per week. So far i am more run down than when i started. After each injection i feel ok for about 2 days then get really run down and tired. I have had my testosterone checked many times and the highest it has ever came back is 250 nanograms total test. Though i do not suffer from the normal sides of low testosterone. The only sides i suffer are lack of sex drive though i still do have sex and a general feeling of being tired at night after work. I am very lean about 7 or 8 percent body fat and have never had trouble making gains in the gym. I have been training for about 7 yrs. I really thought that the 100 mg per week of testosterone would make me feel better and maybe help my gains in the gym. My diet is really strict. I know i will get blood work done again soon and we will see why i am feeling this way. Do you think my body could have been producing 100 mg of test a week and this is why i am feeling like shit? If so maybe the doc will put me on a higher dose? Thanks