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  1. #1
    HeavyHitter's Avatar
    HeavyHitter is offline Anabolic Member
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    Doctor Question: Tendon Healing

    Just to give you guys and update...

    Ive just had my 2nd surgery from a torn pec tendon in my chest. Yes, both sides!! I just spent the last year trying to heal my first injury and now I have to start all over again. I had my 2nd surgery 1.5 months ago.

    My question, would I be able to ask a doctor to perscribe growth, or IGF-1 for my healing process. From the research Ive done, this and maybe some deca are the best for healing tendons. But i would like to get it legally and doctor supervised!!

    Does anyone know if this is possible and/or how i can do this??? I asked my ortho doc who did the surgery and he said he doesnt know much about that stuff...

    any help would be appreciated.... thanks fellas


  2. #2
    BOB89 is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2009
    Can you ask sure, will you get any doubtful. I tried one time following a sports injury and got the run around on the effectiveness and health dangers, I'd ask your GP as well what can it hurt, he says no and you say OK.

  3. #3
    38inflorida is offline New Member
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    in the past 4 years I have had surgery to repair a torn rotator cuff and a torn bicep tendon. Tore my "good" shoulder and having that rotator cuff fixed next month. Basically spent the past 4 years recovering from injuries.

    I asked. Doctor said it would make it worse (which I dont believe). Then he preceeded to say if I did any steroids when I was younger, it is likely why i am tearing things at the rate I am now.

  4. #4
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
    did you ask him how much alcohol you should be drinking everyday to help prevent cardiac disease?? answer is 2...

    and he knows it... he does know that there are other drugs that are effective that he may not know about correct??
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