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  1. #1
    Imatk is offline New Member
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    Advice for a 38 Year Old in Houston

    A little history... I've been active my whole life.

    I've worked out with weights since I was 14 years old and have never stopped.

    I bike, hike, and workout daily now (minus weekends)

    I had no idea about hormone replacement therapy until I started reading about it on this site.

    I started getting depressed when I was 30. I vividly remember when it all started.

    I saw a shrink... got put on an anti-depressant, but ever since then I've REALLY battled it.

    I've since switched anti-depressant meds three times and now on my third it seems to not be working again.

    After reading this forum for a while I think I might just be a prime candidate for HRT.

    I've also recently found it to be increasingly difficult to maintain my weight.

    I was in a biking accident and crushed both of my elbows so I was out of commission for about six months after surgery and recovery so I gained twenty pounds of pure fat.

    I've since taken off about ten of those pounds, but it sure isn't like it was even two or three years ago where I would have EASILY shedded the weight.

    I know no one here can diagnose me, and I plan to get my levels checked as soon as I can find a good doctor.

    So my questions are:

    1. Is anyone else in the same boat as I? Does this sound familiar and do you think I am a good candidate for this therapy.

    2. Does anyone have a recommendation of a good Dr. in the Houston area... I live in Clear Lake near NASA if anyone knows of one.

    I'm contacting my family doc today and hopefully she'll have some good advice on the matter, but from what I've read it seems like I really need to go to an endo to get this stuff done.

    Thanks for any help guys

  2. #2
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Come on dude - there is no place to to "hike" in Houston....

    Do your research, and take in mounds of it to your fam doc after your test come back in and if they show low t. Remember to get the full panel done so your doc (or another doc) can diagnose primary or secondary. This is really important. You will forever wonder if you don't do it this first time.

    Good luck to you - my doc might go to that area once a week - You would be better off though if your Doc is up to date on trt and takes insurance if you have it.
    I think you are showing some signs of low t - but you won't know for sure until your tests come back in. I have never taken anti-d's but have read many posts where they have been prescribed when t should have been. I also know they can give the same symptoms as low t as well - so you should really talk to your doc about those concerns.

  3. #3
    Imatk is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the reply.

    I'm not sure what the full panel is or the primary / secondary you're talking about.

    Could you elaborate?

    (BTW I'm not from Houston, I moved here a year ago... I was hiking in California )

  4. #4
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Imatk View Post
    Thanks for the reply.

    I'm not sure what the full panel is or the primary / secondary you're talking about.

    Could you elaborate?

    (BTW I'm not from Houston, I moved here a year ago... I was hiking in California )

    I'd elaborate, but you need to research on your own so you really understand what may be happening to your body and to be able to speak with confidence to your Doc. You can also print off some of what you find to take with you.

    All of these things can be found on this board.

    Good luck!

  5. #5
    wifor is offline Junior Member
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    I have been doing TRT for about a year now and was also struggling with depression. I have been doing 100 ml of test Cyp for about 8 months and was using a gel before that. Honestly, I am feeling much better now mood wise but am still taking the anti-d because because of the side effects of going off. We are experiencing financial stress at this point and I hesitate going off right now. I don't want to make a difficult issue worse by dealing with withdrawls. I think I am going to discuss discontinuing the anti-d with my doc and see if that can be done.


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