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Thread: A Puzzle on HRT Effects.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    San Diego, CA

    A Puzzle on HRT Effects.

    There is something I am not clear on. I hope that only those who know the answer confidently, will respond.

    Here is the puzzle:

    Lets say your body operates a Testosterone production of 50% that of a normal guy your age.

    Hypothetical numbers:
    Normal Guy's Testosterone production: 800
    Your Testosterone production 50%: 400

    Then you take Androgel / Testogel.

    It kicks you up to 100%, putting you at 800.

    What *exactly* happens to your own testosterone production? Does your 400 dip down to 200? Does it do nothing? Does it go to zero?

    The reason I ask is this: The introduction of testosterone to your system makes your body stop producing. But that is a very *vague* statement. Does your body know what 100% is? Does it stop producing as much when you get to 110% because it knows youre 10% over? Does it stop producing simply because it realizes there is another source - yet it has no way of actually measuring how much is coming in?

    There's a reason why I am wondering these things. I am at 435. If I take enough to kick me up to 800 - is it going to damage my natural 435 and put my production down to 200? If so, I dont want to be taking this stuff.

    If there is some guage that knows the difference between 50% and 100% then it would say "Oh - okay - we're now at 100% - ill just keep making my 50% naturally. If we go to 120% I am going to knock down my production however".

    In that case, I can just make sure I dont go over whats normal for my age. The point? I dont want to harm myself by doing HRT. A lot of guys say its "for life". I am drastically enjoying how I feel after 2 weeks on the stuff, but I do not want to damage my natural production.

    One guy said his doctor told him that if he got it up to 800 for awhile, it would "Make his body want to stay at 800" and when he dropped treatment, the body would kick in to try and maintain that 800.

    Sounds like another theory. Would be great if that were the case. But i doubt it.

    So anyways ... this is a complex question. I hope someone can tell me - will supplementing my testosterone cause my natural semi-healthy testosterone to go down no matter what? Or is there some sort of gauge which knows im only ading a little, and the natural process continues ....

    I wonder if anyone evne knows.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    yes i heard that one theory as well

    your main question...i cant answer exactly how or y but i believe i read your post where you had intolerable symptoms and i wouldnt go back to that even though i had to rely on the meds forever...just my .02

  3. #3
    If your body is at 400 than thats all it can produce, why is it different than someone your exact same age...numerous reasons...but the number 800, where does this number come from...when the medical society give range numbers these are from many different case studies, where over the course of these studies they determine the upper/lower numbers and then of course the average is the middle....the biggest problem with these numbers is there is no way to tell for the individual what is the correct or best number...500 may be the best number for 1, 1000 for the next, there are to many factors for anyone to say what is the best number for an individual... but when you start on TRT it will shut down your natural production, so then you have to play with the amount you take till you get to your optimum number, and again that number only you can determine, depending on what you are looking for, believe me when you go above what you started at there is a feeling of euphoria, so again that is up to you decide what is best for you, no doctor can tell you that number, although upper/lower numbers will be a good reference, but average is not. When you stop taking TRT then it will take some time for your body to respond and start producing again, and of course with PCT it will respond quicker/easier. Where your natural production will stop after coming off TRT is a guess at best but I doubt it will reach a higher level tan when you started. But why would you start TRT if you feel your level is ok? TRT is basically for life, playing with the levels takes years and eventually you get to the point that you can adjust slightly one way or the other to tweak what you are looking for, but its for life once you start I doubt many who are on TRT will stop, those who are doing a cycle using TEST well that is a different situation. Hope this helps.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Seriously, how big are your balls?

    If they are small then your natural production is near zero.

    Taking test from an external source will eliminate/lower your natural production.

    Only way to know is ball size.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    San Diego, CA
    My balls are pretty decent sized. But my testosterone production wasn't. I know for a fact I used to hover around 1,000. I was the guy who masturbated 5 times a day and still wanted more. I masturbated so much that I scraped the skin off my dick numerous times because it felt so insanely good to cum. I have a very very strong feeling that this was an effect of high DHT however. I went on Propecia for 3.5 years and that pretty much depleted me of all DHT. Never really recouperated. I even looked into taking DHT cream instead of testosterone cream, but I didnt want to start losing my hair again.

    In any case, Im still not clear on all this. I was beginning to view life as complete dulldrums, but I wasn't in the 200's with testosterone or anything. Going from 1,000 to 435 can make you feel like things arent as "spicy" or interesting anymore. Music seemed dull. Girls - eh. It would take me 3-4 days just to feel any horniness. I used to feel it easily the same day - multiple times. It was nice riding high like that, but I have a feeling it was a little too high. But not having it makes me feel like im missing out. Like im getting old. And I dont want to feel that way. But I also dont want to f*ck myself up by screwing with my hormones.

    Not sure what to do.

    Last edited by Priapism; 07-06-2009 at 02:16 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Ask your doctor if you can do weekly self injections at 150-200mgs week. Androgel seems to be hit and miss for members here.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    San Diego, CA
    Works well for me. I just dont know if I need to be doing it or not. I stopped using it 3 days ago and im starting to get depressed again, for no reason. Just not motivated to do much. Anxious. Unsettled. Ill give it a week and get my levels tested to see if somethings causing my decrease in "T" aside from getting older. To my understanding, no 34 year old should be at 430. Those are numbers for 60 yr olds.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I believe it could be lower for many reasons like you said maybe taking the Propecia or from injuries or illness. I believe mine was low due to Hepatitis B and possible injuries I got when younger. All I know is mine was also low and I didn't find out until 45 It's better now but I think I still need higher to get the GOOD feeling back.

    Also, I never lost interest in girls, even with LOW test levels for some reason on an average day I need to get off 2x, on a good day it's still 3 or 4 times even when the test was low but that's all I felt like doing. LOL It might have something to do with internet porn also as a stimulant. hehehe

    BTW I believe you natural levels go down to zero when you supplement it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Fallon NV
    Yeah that is the one way you know the Test is working, your nut size will shrink, but I am almost 40 and have kids, everything works like it is suppose to so really who cares, but I have to hormone profile of a much younger man so guess it is a trade off...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Teufelhunden View Post
    Yeah that is the one way you know the Test is working, your nut size will shrink, but I am almost 40 and have kids, everything works like it is suppose to so really who cares, but I have to hormone profile of a much younger man so guess it is a trade off...
    thats the way most of us think about it...but i still wanna try to get the boys back

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Last edited by nonotone; 05-20-2014 at 06:55 AM.

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