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  1. #1
    Teufelhunden's Avatar
    Teufelhunden is offline New Member
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    Hormone replacement and workout stimulous

    Hey ,
    I was diagnosed with Hypogonadism when I was 36 years old and have been on injectable Cypionate ever since.
    After much trial and error with the dosing, I came to find that 1/2 cc a week was great about 100 ml, my levels are high normal, the only side effect was Polycythemia, but it was never determined if it was the test causing it, I also live at about 4000 ft altitude so who whows, my urologist is the 3rd guy int he nation and really knows his stuff..

    My questions is...

    I read about how certain ways of training, or the use of saturated fats etc elicit Testosterone increases or hormonal response.

    How does this work for those of us whom take injections of testosterone?

    If it is already in your system and is synthetic, what is there to stimulate?

    Just curious how this would work for me and others that are HRT, or TRT?

    I will add that I have had other strange problems that I believe are military service related, no one could ever find a cause of why I have polycythemia, hypogonadism and also having to be treated for sleep apnea, I am not the only one I know of with these symptoms either.

    Thanks guys,


  2. #2
    wifor is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2008

    Almost exact same story with me....including polythycemia. I was pushing 100ml/week of test cyp for about 6 months and then my red blood count came back high 20.2. I felt like crap...tired, cold sweats. My doc pushed me down to 50ml/week. 2 weeks ago I pushed 50ml and last week 25ml because I ran out. I have been feeling pretty lethargic lately. So I am going to pick up my new script and push 50ml tomorrow and see how I feel. The polycethemia thing kind of freaked me out. It helped to donate blood but I can't do that again until 7/31. I am hoping 50ml will still give me the benefits, if not I will push my doc to up it to 60 or 75. We will see.

  3. #3
    Teufelhunden's Avatar
    Teufelhunden is offline New Member
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    I can not donate at all between the steroids I have to take TRT, and the Anthrax vaccines I had I was told I was no longer able and the fact I also have Hypertension...

    I went in twice to have a pint taken out 2 weeks in a row and then decided screw this I am not going to do this for the rest of what ever.... I drink more water and take a full aspirin a day, so far so good....

    It was never connected that the PC was related to the TRT either... He said it could be a factor but am not on extreme dosages that would cause it ..

    You should be at a 42 Hemocrite, I was a 67, then it came down to 54....

    Eh who knows as I have grown tired of tests and blood work through all of this..

  4. #4
    Teufelhunden's Avatar
    Teufelhunden is offline New Member
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    Am I missing the relavance to my posting or are you just spamming us?

    Unless it is REAL HGH, you are wasting your money and increasing the cost of your pee.. known fact....

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