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  1. #1
    pepous is offline Associate Member
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    free testosteron

    There are 3 possible reasons for low free testosterone
    1.Too much testosterone is being converted to estradiol by excess aromatase enzyme and/or the liver is failing to adequately detoxify surplus estrogen. Excess aromatase enzyme and/or liver dysfunction is likely the case if estradiol levels are over 30. Remember, aromatase converts testosterone into estradiol, which can cause estrogen overload and testosterone deficiency.

    you must use AI

    2.Too much free testosterone is being bound by SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin). (281-284) This would be especially apparent if total testosterone levels were in the high normal range, while free testosterone was under the upper one-third range (in the case of LabCorp, this would mean a number below 26)

    you must use AI - what to do if Estradiol is in bottom one-third of the highest number on the reference rangenumber ??

    3.Inadequate amounts of DHEA are being produced in the body. DHEA is a precursor hormone to DHEA ( and estrogen). (250)

    use AI

    Am I right?

    More free testosteron = you will feel better, without depression, better mood, more friendly? Am I right?

    Thank you

    Sorry for my english

  2. #2
    Testomaster's Avatar
    Testomaster is offline Junior Member
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    Estrogens are not the only cause of low free testosterone .

    What about if you have low free testosterone and low E2 as well ? Would you use AI ?

    The main cause of low testo (free and total) is a related to testicular/HPTA problems (diminished secretion of LH).

  3. #3
    pepous is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Testomaster View Post
    Estrogens are not the only cause of low free testosterone .

    What about if you have low free testosterone and low E2 as well ? Would you use AI ?

    The main cause of low testo (free and total) is a related to testicular/HPTA problems (diminished secretion of LH).

    But this is not possible if you are on TRT yet.

    Is possible this situation? high total testosteron, low free TST, low E2? What to do in this situation?

    Is this true? More free test cause better mood and so on? (corelation) Dont know how to explain that..
    Thank you.

    I hope you understand my bad english
    Last edited by pepous; 07-19-2009 at 06:07 AM.

  4. #4
    pepous is offline Associate Member
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    SHBG levels appear to be controlled by a delicate balance of enhancing and inhibiting factors. Its level is decreased by high levels of insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) (see:milk). Also, high androgen levels decrease SHBG, while high estrogen and thyroxine levels increase it.

    So I think that situation - High TST, low free TST and low E2 is very unlikely..

  5. #5
    Testomaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pepous View Post
    Is possible this situation? high total testosteron, low free TST, low E2? What to do in this situation?
    I agree this is a very possible situation when you are off cycle not when if you are on TRT . Although, while you're on TRT , you may experience a massive testosterone conversion to DHT instead of E2 so in this case you could have low free tes.,low E2, and high DHT. This is the reason why some athletes develop certain side effects rather than others (hair loss,acne,oily skin,prostate issue,etc.etc.)

  6. #6
    pepous is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Testomaster View Post
    I agree this is a very possible situation when you are off cycle not when if you are on TRT . Although, while you're on TRT , you may experience a massive testosterone conversion to DHT instead of E2 so in this case you could have low free tes.,low E2, and high DHT. This is the reason why some athletes develop certain side effects rather than others (hair loss,acne,oily skin,prostate issue,etc.etc.)
    But conversion to DHT dont increase SHBG.... Maybe "massive" conversion as you said will decrease a lot of total TST.... OK

    Will I feel difference between this levels of free TST on mood? If Normal Range is 50-210...... So Will I feel better with 300 pg/mL or it is same as 210 pg/mL ??
    I am not talking about effect on muscle but on mood.

    I hope you understand my bad english.
    Thank you

  7. #7
    Testomaster's Avatar
    Testomaster is offline Junior Member
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    Don't be paranoid about the mood...The hormones alone are not responsible for the mood, psychological factors are involved too.
    Of course if you have a low testosterone for months you will feel depressed but not so much difference between 210-300.
    Don't understimate psychological factors...If you are "lowdown" for any reason , there's no hormone able to get u up.

  8. #8
    pepous is offline Associate Member
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    you are right, I agree but other benefits as energy, libido are improved all the time.

    Can someone on TRT be in depression?

  9. #9
    art's Avatar
    art is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pepous View Post
    Can someone on TRT be in depression?
    Not only hormones affect your mood.

  10. #10
    pepous is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by art View Post
    Not only hormones affect your mood.
    I think depression as illness :-)
    -dont sleep
    -dont eat

    This is not only bad mood

  11. #11
    muldoon is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pepous View Post
    I think depression as illness :-)
    -dont sleep
    -dont eat

    This is not only bad mood
    Low Testosterone can be a cause of depression & the 3 symptoms you listed, but it isn't the only thing that can put a guy in that state of mind. Lots of neurotransmitters, or the lack of the proper amount of them, can cause all of this as well.

  12. #12
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    art is offline Junior Member
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    Right you are. It's a disease

    Depression has a lot of appearances. And symptoms can differ.

  13. #13
    nonotone is offline Associate Member
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    Last edited by nonotone; 05-20-2014 at 06:54 AM.

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