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  1. #1
    Yug Def Fub is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Lab tests back after 3 months on Blast...Not too bad, but need help here.

    Quick personal info: I'm about 30 years old. This is my third "cycle," although I am on HRT now for life. I don't live in a country where I can get doctor supervision so I am doing this on my own.

    I have been blasting for the last 3 months, using the following stuff:

    400 mg of test-E per week
    Arimidex 0.5 mg EOD
    Proscar 1.25 mg/day for the hair
    Accutane 10 mg/day for acne

    So I just got my lab work done, and here it is:

    Hb is 17.0 (cut off is 16.5, so slightly high)
    Ht is 50.8 (within normal range, but on high end)
    BUN 12 (normal)
    Cr 1.4 (high...cut off is 1.35)
    Na 127 (low...cut off is 135)
    K 4.5 (normal)
    Cl 102 (barely low...lower limit is 104)

    All of the following tests were within normal range: Cholesterol (and entire Lipid profile), LFT's, and Fasting Blood Sugar

    What is worrying me the most is Cr....! Can anyone advise me on that? Which drug am I taking that is harshest on the kidneys?

    And what about the sodium (Na) level?


  2. #2
    bmit is offline Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    May want to go to herbal/vitamin store and get stuff for Kidneys. Cranberry would be a good place to start

  3. #3
    seriousmass is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Why wouldn't you have gotten your total total / free-test levels checked? that should have been a primary factor for the bloodwork IMO

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