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  1. #1
    bjjkid is offline New Member
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    First time aas hrt

    I started about two months ago on a HRT Im 23 years old and currently taking 150mg of test cypionate a week one injection of Mon. with 1.5 iu of HGH 5 days a week with two days off. My doc is also giving me hcg every two weeks with one injection a small amount not sure. I was wondering how long can you be on HRT for and would I need to do a PCT at any point? If I should stop and do a PCT when would be good and what would you recommend? I've been told since it's such a small amount not to worry to much about a PCT and that I would be able to be on it year around but I really wanted to get advice from all of you. Thank you very much hope to hear from you soon. My test levels where at 4 and my doctor is trying to keep them at 6-7.

  2. #2
    bjjkid is offline New Member
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    Im also getting Labs done about every 2-2 1/2 months. Please any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  3. #3
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    well. sorry to break this to you... .

    but HRT is FOR LIFE!!!!

    you are going to have to inject test every week for the rest of your life

    there is no coming off

    no PCT is ever needed

    your only 23?

    why did you go to your doc in the first place? i mean why did you think you needed HRT?

  4. #4
    bjjkid is offline New Member
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    I train like a mad man about 15-20 hours a week bjj, weights, swimming etc. My body had peaked I search for alittle help me give me that little edge. I was scared to take anything on my own or on high dosages hence the Doc. and the HRT. Alot of guys in my gym where going to this Doc. older and around my age so I decided to give it a try. I feel great maybe it's more physc than anything but I feel a significant difference. My labs have all come back from the first two weeks positive everything became better my igf-1, hgh, good/bad choles, test etc. Is it safe to continue without a PCT at any point? Let's say 3 months from now I want to stop for a couple months would in that circumstance need a PCT. Also is taking alittle bit of HCG every weeks bad or good? Thank you.

  5. #5
    bjjkid is offline New Member
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    Sorry first 2 months the labs came back great.

  6. #6
    xo3et's Avatar
    xo3et is offline Productive Member
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    Dude i dont understand, you went to the Doc because you had low test levels? or because your friends recommend him as he will give you steriods ????

  7. #7
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjjkid View Post
    I train like a mad man about 15-20 hours a week bjj, weights, swimming etc. My body had peaked I search for alittle help me give me that little edge. I was scared to take anything on my own or on high dosages hence the Doc. and the HRT. Alot of guys in my gym where going to this Doc. older and around my age so I decided to give it a try. I feel great maybe it's more physc than anything but I feel a significant difference. My labs have all come back from the first two weeks positive everything became better my igf-1, hgh, good/bad choles, test etc. Is it safe to continue without a PCT at any point? Let's say 3 months from now I want to stop for a couple months would in that circumstance need a PCT. Also is taking alittle bit of HCG every weeks bad or good? Thank you.
    takin HCG every week is recommended.

    seems like the doc is just giving out scripts

    and you can stop in a few months and do pct.

    since your young and its a low HRT dose i would think that you could get your levels back up

    but if you stay on HRT for a long period of time... eventually your body will STOP producing its own Natural Test. and you WILL need to shoot test for the rest of your life

  8. #8
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    Quote Originally Posted by xo3et View Post
    Dude i dont understand, you went to the Doc because you had low test levels? or because your friends recommend him as he will give you steriods????
    thats what im wondering

    he did say in his first post that his levels were a 4 and they should be a 6-7

    (though ive never heard of test levels referred to in that way)

  9. #9
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    if your just doing the 150mg a week for an extra boost to your MMA training

    then your wasting your money

    that dose is a REPLACEMENT dose of test for what your body would normally make

    so it wont give you any gains or change anything


    i think we need to see a copy of your blood work

    cuz something isnt adding up

  10. #10
    bjjkid is offline New Member
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    Well to both of you it was alittle of both my personal and to see where they were at they were at 412 something of that sort. He said the average high for someone my age was around the 800-900's. My hgh was at 65 he wanted to get my hgh up to 500-600 and the test at 600-700's. If I did want to do a PCT in two more months what would you recommend and how would I do it thank you. I definetly do not want to become dependent on this stuff and I do not want to ruin my chances in one day having kids.

  11. #11
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    pct would be

    week 1-2 - 100mg clomid a day
    week 3-4 - 50mg clomid a day

    week 1-2 - 40mg Nolva a day
    week 3-5 - 20mg Nolva a day

    make sure you run your HCG
    that will help you recover

  12. #12
    bjjkid is offline New Member
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    Thank you could I do 2 more months of this or would you recommend to stop now it's been 3 1/2 months I was planning to do 5-6 months? Also just for future reference how long after PCT could i start a new cycle of low dose test maybe do 200mg of test cypionate a week and for how long would you recommend and would I need HCG during that.

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