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Thread: bloodtest results

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the gym

    bloodtest results

    I just got results from my doc yesterday I was on HRT for like 3 months but had some non related med issues and had been off for 11months

    my prolactin is 14 (said its extremely high)
    TSH - 230 (said my metabolism is practically stalled out)
    Test 450 (borderline Low)
    DHEA - Extremely low
    the doc gave me some other results but I somehow forgot them
    Also she gave me a measurement saying that my sleep is like I am barely sleeping and will always be tired

    I was told to take OTC DHEA 25mg, and Melatonin 3mg for sleep
    I was prescribed

    Test 200/ml .1cc ed
    HCG 3 times a week
    T3/T4 2grains daily

    Has anyone taken such a prescription? if so did it help you feel better and more productive?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    A .1cc per day sounds strange to me. Unless she wants you to inject .7 a week. Which would be right in the middle for HRT doses.

  3. #3
    I always request copies of my lab results. They are happy to oblige.

    Concerning the sleep issue, did she order a sleep study? Or have you been tested for sleep apnea?

  4. #4
    I always request copies of my lab results. They are happy to oblige.

    Concerning the sleep issue, did she order a sleep study? Or have you been tested for sleep apnea?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    i just started HCG 6000 iu/week (2000 iu eod) and 150mg test cyp/week for 6 weeks. its only been a day but so far i already feel in better spirits. my total test was 167

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    i think somewhere the numbers got written down wrong as the only thing i can think was meant for the test doseage is 1cc ew
    and the hcg doesnt show a dose?
    and im not too familiar with those thyroid meds but never heard of grains so i'll....


  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    i think somewhere the numbers got written down wrong as the only thing i can think was meant for the test doseage is 1cc ew
    and the hcg doesnt show a dose?
    and im not too familiar with those thyroid meds but never heard of grains so i'll....

    A grain is a unit of measurement for thyroid meds. A grain is usually between 50mg-62.5mg (depending on the brand).

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2009
    What kind of test were your prescribed? I am guessing pro...since you said ED. It could take months to get the dosing right. Some people will need less, some more.

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