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Thread: new to trt

  1. #1
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    new to trt

    21 (young I know) 5'8" 170lbs about 3 cycles
    great diet and still improving

    I have had low test levels for my whole life or for as long as I have been testing for them. I have not wanted to go on trt because I am young and although I do not ever see myself having kids for many reasons, I like to prepare myself for the future. anyway I have always been able to get my t levels back to the high 300's after a cycle. I usually do testosterone only cycles and have done other compounds but always run test for a month longer.

    After this last cycle of propionate (endo monitored) I had a test level that was lower than 100. this is pretty upsetting to me. My doc told me that it is time to do the trt thing because he does not think that I should be even trying to get my natural test back up because the roller coaster is too hard on my body. I already have test cyp and androgel prescribed to me, it is my choice to take them.

    my question for you guys is: is there any reasons that I should not do it?

    also my doc said that androgel will be better for me because I can maintain better blood levels - I am very responsive to any test, especially at low doses. so should I stick with androgel to try it out or no?

  2. #2
    pepous is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Did you try very strong PCT?

  3. #3
    workdog is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Read, Testosterone for Life by Abraham Morgentaler,M.D. It is written from the Harvard School of Medicine......great must read! all ya need to know.

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