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  1. #1
    Gettinbig01 is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2005

    Goodbye Endo... Hello Urologist

    So i took some of you guys advice on the board that told me get rid of my Endo and see a urologist. The Endo would not treat my problems cause the number were in range but I dont feel right (no sex drive). So I just went to the urologist he sent me for another blood test, sonogram and a seamen analasys. Anyone else ever have these tests done by a DR. Please any imput would be great! I hope to be treated soon to feel like myself again.

  2. #2
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Aug 2009
    I know all too well how it feels to go from Dr. to Dr. to get what you need. My Endro was much better the primary doc, but still lagging. Finally went to a specialty clinic on HRT and now the world is a better place (it cost me a little more, but it's done right with proper cycling on Test C, HCG , AE, etc.) I didn't read your original post, but what was your total/free test count? I wonder what the driving force is for them to do a semen and sono analysis. If you feel they're stroking you, take all of your lab results and have a HRT clinic doc look it over and give you his/her 2 cents. Like so many in this forum, I've learned that the conventional doc is very good at most things involving health, but way too many are missing the boat completely!

  3. #3
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    good advice and was wondering about his need for your seed as well...first time hearing that one...did he let u know that HE WILL treat you for the symptoms you complained of and were NOT being treated by the quack endo?

  4. #4
    Testomaster's Avatar
    Testomaster is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gettinbig01 View Post
    So i took some of you guys advice on the board that told me get rid of my Endo and see a urologist. The Endo would not treat my problems cause the number were in range but I dont feel right (no sex drive). So I just went to the urologist he sent me for another blood test, sonogram and a seamen analasys. Anyone else ever have these tests done by a DR. Please any imput would be great! I hope to be treated soon to feel like myself again.
    I did both . Seamen analysis is to see quality of sperm (infertility) while sonogram is also called ultrasound. I bet your urologist sent u for a prostate ultrasound . Anyway both test can't help to treat the "no sex drive" symptom.
    An eventual prostate enlargement can't be responsable of sex drive ....
    If your hormonal numbers were in the norm it could be also a psychological issue.

  5. #5
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    thanks testo...i'd like to do both exams...might be able to if i get the insurance that i just applied of the best there is ....wish me luck

  6. #6
    Testomaster's Avatar
    Testomaster is offline Junior Member
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    No worry...I suggest you the 'noninvasive' pelvic ultrasound instead of the 'painfull' transrectal ultrasound... Pelvic would be enough to see :

    seminal vesicles.

    It can detect calcifications, prostate enlargement,prostatitis,tumors,ecc...
    Preparation is very simple ; stop going to the toilet at least 3 hours before the test (bladder must be full).After a first scan, you have to go to the toilet to empty your bladder so the second scan will see if there's any presence of residual urine in prostate .

    This test has nothing to do with libido or/and erective issues.

    Good luck.
    Last edited by Testomaster; 08-30-2009 at 01:22 AM.

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