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  1. #1
    saltydog1820 is offline Junior Member
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    Lab Results are in! - I Need a New Doc!

    After 4 years on HRT followed by 4 years of feelling like crap without it, I had some blood work done.
    My numbers came back:

    Total Test - 167
    Free Test - 37.1
    % Free Test - 2.22

    I think these numbers suck and explain all of my symtoms.

    My Doc's response quoted from her email,

    "Testosterone comes in both bound and unbound forms in the blood;
    only the free (unbound) form is the physiologically active hormone (the
    unbound testosterone doesn't do anything). So since your free
    testosterone appeared normal, it seems to me your testosterone is fine."

    I have the Test levels of a 95 yr old. Any suggestions for a guy in Houston?

  2. #2
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    MEN do not need to see women dr about men problems.

    WEMON do not need to see men dr about women problems

    Get a new DR

  3. #3
    saltydog1820 is offline Junior Member
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    +1 on the female doc. My bad.

    Do you agree that my numbers are $hit and indicate a legitimate need for treatment?

  4. #4
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    I was in the same boat as you. My female dr checked me because I told her to. Test was 269 ng/dl. She said oh thats normal. I told her is wasent and to refer me to a specialist so she did.

    Left my uroligist the same day on 400 mg cyp a week and Im 28. He said anything under 300 needs to be treated.

    The rest of you #'s I dont know the awnser to.

  5. #5
    saltydog1820 is offline Junior Member
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    Should I look for an Endo or Urologist? I keep hearing mixed opinions.

  6. #6
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    I used my Uroligst because I knew he was cheaper and I did not have ins. But had a endo lined up in case I needed to see him.

  7. #7
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    I've done a few recent posts with very similar issues. By all means, move on to a different Dr. My female Dr. had been very good with me on everything until my testosterone dropped. I had to eventually end up going to a Anti-Aging Clinic to get the expertise that I deserve. I had a 195 count, and now it's 200mg of Test C, some HCG , and Arimidex for estrogen control. My new Dr. is looking at all my stats and hormones (not just testosterone) and making sure they we have everything optimized. I know what you're feeling bro, it's not good.

  8. #8
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    On another note, how the hell can a person with that much education, medical school, which obviously required better than average intelligence, state that someone in the 160's total testosterone is "normal?" That's complete ignorance on their part! Why is it they avoid this area like the plague, but if your Dr. is like mine, she'll prescribe enough vicodin to put down an elephant if you complain about a finger hurting.

  9. #9
    ZonaDave's Avatar
    ZonaDave is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHAP View Post
    I was in the same boat as you. My female dr checked me because I told her to. Test was 269 ng/dl. She said oh thats normal. I told her is wasent and to refer me to a specialist so she did.

    Left my uroligist the same day on 400 mg cyp a week and Im 28. He said anything under 300 needs to be treated.

    The rest of you #'s I dont know the awnser to.
    damn! he put you on 400mg/week? are you still on that dose?

  10. #10
    Tjohn6231's Avatar
    Tjohn6231 is offline Associate Member
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    I agree about going to a male doc for sure. I hope you get a good one. You shouldnt have to go through that, and not be treated for it. Good luck, TJ

  11. #11
    saltydog1820 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for all your support. I will start making phone calls next week. Hopefully I won't waste too many office visits before finding the right doc.

  12. #12
    Pac Man's Avatar
    Pac Man is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHAP View Post
    MEN do not need to see women dr about men problems.

    WEMON do not need to see men dr about women problems

    Get a new DR
    Couldn't agree more.
    I had a female Uro who didn't know her head from her ass when it came to treating hypogonadism.

  13. #13
    saltydog1820 is offline Junior Member
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    Appointment made! Seeing an Endo that supposedly believes in TRT on the 17th. Wish me luck!

  14. #14
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    You did the right thing. If he puts you on some weekly shots, you'll be feeling great again real soon.

  15. #15
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    You did the right thing. If he puts you on some weekly shots, you'll be feeling great again real soon.
    It took me about 3 weeks to start felling a little better.

    I hope you get the trreatment that you deserve.

  16. #16
    Barnie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by saltydog1820 View Post
    After 4 years on HRT followed by 4 years of feelling like crap without it, I had some blood work done.
    My numbers came back:

    Total Test - 167
    Free Test - 37.1
    % Free Test - 2.22

    I think these numbers suck and explain all of my symtoms.

    My Doc's response quoted from her email,

    "Testosterone comes in both bound and unbound forms in the blood;
    only the free (unbound) form is the physiologically active hormone (the
    unbound testosterone doesn't do anything). So since your free
    testosterone appeared normal, it seems to me your testosterone is fine."

    I have the Test levels of a 95 yr old. Any suggestions for a guy in Houston?
    What are average to ideal numbers? im waiting on my bloodwork results at the moment

  17. #17
    saltydog1820 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barnie View Post
    What are average to ideal numbers? im waiting on my bloodwork results at the moment
    My lab used the following reference ranges as "Normal".

    Total Test: 250 - 1100
    Free Test: 35 - 155

    Because my Free Test result came back at 37.1... Dr says I'm "Normal".
    No treatment needed.

    I think normal for a 45 yr old would be near the middle of both ranges.
    With treatment, I would hope to be at the upper end.

  18. #18
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by saltydog1820 View Post
    After 4 years on HRT followed by 4 years of feelling like crap without it, I had some blood work done.
    My numbers came back:

    Total Test - 167
    Free Test - 37.1
    % Free Test - 2.22

    I think these numbers suck and explain all of my symtoms.

    My Doc's response quoted from her email,

    "Testosterone comes in both bound and unbound forms in the blood;
    only the free (unbound) form is the physiologically active hormone (the
    unbound testosterone doesn't do anything). So since your free
    testosterone appeared normal, it seems to me your testosterone is fine."

    I have the Test levels of a 95 yr old. Any suggestions for a guy in Houston?
    that means more to me than any of the numbers...hope u get leveled out bro

  19. #19
    dutchproguy is offline New Member
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    Wink Here's my story

    I am 37 yrs old was 190 lbs 6" tall and in ok shape 6 months ago. I had low sex drive low energy and overall pain in my joints. I have a physically hard job and needed to do something to stay in my game.
    I found a great clinic in that specializes in rejuvination.
    My test was at 483, igf 134. total chol 188, hdl=63, tri= 84.
    My doc started me with 200mg deca , 200mg cipionate, and 5 -1cc hgh shots per week.
    I got harder and felt more energy but my sex drive still didnt raise.
    On my next cycle after doing an off cycle therapy he added 1cc 50mg propianate 2x week.
    I felt the increase in sex drive on week2 after the prop.
    Long story short there is a legal way to feel younger and fit if you know where to go.
    I did stop the omnitrope (hgh) because my wife would not appreciate me draining out bank that much.
    I have gained serious muscle dropped my love handles and look like im ready to box anyone.. Legally...
    I will not give my clinics name so dont ask.

  20. #20
    saltydog1820 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by saltydog1820 View Post
    Appointment made! Seeing an Endo that supposedly believes in TRT on the 17th. Wish me luck!
    Update - Got in to see the Dr. a day early. Things went much better than expected.

    He took one look at my lab work and started writing. New script for 300mg/wk of Test Cyp with a years worth of refills. He told me to start at 150mg/wk and to find a dose I felt best at... come back in 6 months for more blood work.

    I was so excited, I think I was skipping when I left his office... I felt like a kid on Christmas morning.

    Just took my first shot - 150mg... I'm back baby!

    For anyone frustrated with their current Dr, keep searching, understanding Dr's are out there... And thanks to everyone above for their positive comments.

  21. #21
    fm2002 is offline Associate Member
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    That's great you hooked up with a doc that's not afraid to prescribe Test. Would just like to add that at 150mg per week you are at the max of being on HRT and not a cycle. Of course your follow up blood works will determine your limits, but for me I went from TT of 550 to 1090 on just 125mg Test E per week. Good luck.

  22. #22
    FlyingIllini is offline Junior Member
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    Guys, how do you time your lab work if you are EW or EOW injections ? Do you do it the day before your next scheduled injection ?

  23. #23
    dutchproguy is offline New Member
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    Now I can Actually help

    I didnt feel any change in my body until my test injections hit 400+ mg a week. if your on test therapy I feel like your doc is playing with you at anything under 350 mg/ week no matter what ester your doing. I didnt feel real results until I hit the 700 range after thousands of dollars and months of less than stellar results. of course i know that we all have diff needs but less tham 400/mg week of any test seems like wheel spinning. if im wrong say so.

  24. #24
    FlyingIllini is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dutchproguy View Post
    I didnt feel any change in my body until my test injections hit 400+ mg a week. if your on test therapy I feel like your doc is playing with you at anything under 350 mg/ week no matter what ester your doing. I didnt feel real results until I hit the 700 range after thousands of dollars and months of less than stellar results. of course i know that we all have diff needs but less tham 400/mg week of any test seems like wheel spinning. if im wrong say so.
    From "Testosterone dose-response relationships":

    dose base week 16 (tested 7 days after last injection)
    (mg) (ng/dl)
    25 593 253
    50 566 306
    125 553 570
    300 653 1345
    600 632 2370

    150 mg EW or so should produce hi-normal results as the low point in the weekly cycle. LOL at 400.

  25. #25
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by saltydog1820 View Post
    Update - Got in to see the Dr. a day early. Things went much better than expected.

    He took one look at my lab work and started writing. New script for 300mg/wk of Test Cyp with a years worth of refills. He told me to start at 150mg/wk and to find a dose I felt best at... come back in 6 months for more blood work.

    I was so excited, I think I was skipping when I left his office... I felt like a kid on Christmas morning.

    Just took my first shot - 150mg... I'm back baby!

    For anyone frustrated with their current Dr, keep searching, understanding Dr's are out there... And thanks to everyone above for their positive comments.
    Congratulations, sounds like a great doctor. Sounds about the same as my new doc except he said since I have been doing 200mg a week and I felt ok just stick with that, see you in 6 months.

  26. #26
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Another happy ending. Glad to hear you got what you needed. Could you imagine if you just stuck by the original doctor and her conclusion? These doctors need to start taking this stuff seriously and quit blowing people off. Anyway, great job for not giving in, and for fighting to get what you need!

  27. #27
    BIG SMURPH is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by saltydog1820 View Post
    Update - Got in to see the Dr. a day early. Things went much better than expected.

    He took one look at my lab work and started writing. New script for 300mg/wk of Test Cyp with a years worth of refills. He told me to start at 150mg/wk and to find a dose I felt best at... come back in 6 months for more blood work.

    I was so excited, I think I was skipping when I left his office... I felt like a kid on Christmas morning.

    Just took my first shot - 150mg... I'm back baby!

    For anyone frustrated with their current Dr, keep searching, understanding Dr's are out there... And thanks to everyone above for their positive comments.
    So, I know this is a bit of an old post but Id love to know which doctor you found as Im looking for someone good in the houston area also.

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