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Thread: TRT prescribed by myself

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    TRT prescribed by myself

    I decided to go into TRT without prescription. I will take 200/W + some adex, dont know how much still..

    I am 19 years old.
    I want to speak you what about blood works how often to do it and what exactly i should check?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    why in the world would you want to self medicate TRT at your age?

    have you had your test levels checked?

  3. #3
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    Apr 2009
    Beacouse I feel On this low dose much better than in normal... I love that good feeling.

    Tomorow I will have my blood levels checked

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    Yes, get your test levels checked, and if you truly have low test, get your doc to prescribe it.

    Otherwise, that is just a terrible, terrible decision.

  5. #5
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    Apr 2009
    That is not possible in my country will never one prescribe it to you.

    I know advantages and disadvantages.

    Tomorow I willl post my results.
    But can you tell me how often and what to check during TRT?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    so let me ask you this,

    besides the host of other things wrong with a 19yr old self prescribing TRT,

    practically, what would happen if you can't get your test? Your lab goes under, or they don't ship, or you get scammed, or you don't have the cash for whatever reason, or any other possible scenario,

    then what? Say you're a year into this self medicated TRT, and you're now 20yrs old, you've shut down your HPTA for a year, and you can't get more? you'll crash, scramble to get some pct, and pray that you can recover.

    That's all on top of the fact that your proposal is the most reckless thing I've heard on here in a while.

    You do understand this could be for life, right? And for what? So that you can "feel" better?

  7. #7
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    I feel absolutely amazing when I am ON and when I am off I feel shy and depressed everytime .... that is not only "feel" better that is absolutely transformation.. I am new man.

    I starts going to gym for testsoteron I started taking steroids for psychical changes too.
    I really want it I hate my life when I am on my natty testosteron.

    That is very big decision but year before I was thinking about selfkilling... So what is better? when my test is above normal range 900-110 I feel very well.

  8. #8
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    Of course I was going to psychologist too. but without any succes only self medicating of TST helped me.

  9. #9
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by pepous View Post
    I feel absolutely amazing when I am ON and when I am off I feel shy and depressed everytime .... that is not only "feel" better that is absolutely transformation.. I am new man.

    I starts going to gym for testsoteron I started taking steroids for psychical changes too.
    I really want it I hate my life when I am on my natty testosteron.

    That is very big decision but year before I was thinking about selfkilling... So what is better? when my test is above normal range 900-110 I feel very well.
    you need to see a psycologist man and he will perscribe something to help you feel bothers me to hear shit like this......i train in part to battle depression and it makes me feel great....if you dont already live eat and breath bb'ing that aas is not for .02

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    psychologist cant help me only AAS :-(
    trust me.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by pepous View Post
    psychologist cant help me only AAS :-(
    trust me.
    and how are you qualified to make that diagnosis....are you a dr?

  12. #12
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    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    and how are you qualified to make that diagnosis....are you a dr?
    not. But I know that when I went to psychologist that he dont helped me. Many antidepresant I tried but without succes ... I went there more than year...

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
    im not shure how or when you tryed test but if you just took one shot and you immidiatly felt better than its all in your head imho......its called the placebo effect...anyways good luck with whatever you do...

  14. #14
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    Jul 2006
    Wow dude you have seroius issues that need to be delt with. YOu dont know how youll feel 5 years from now and when you cant get a bonner talk about what depression youll be in then? Dont come on here asking for advise and then dont listen to it. Nobody on here would condone such a stupid desision. You shouldnt have even cycled in the first place at your age. I did 2 years of research on here before diving into my first cycle. I suggest you do the same before you make a big regret

  15. #15
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    Apr 2009
    Not it is not placebo I am sure, I tried 2 cycles ( 250MG/week TST only) And I felt absolutely great ( for health man that is probably normal )

    I really dont know what is my problem.. I am diagnostic as "social phobia" dont know how it is called in english.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by pepous View Post
    Not it is not placebo I am sure, I tried 2 cycles ( 250MG/week TST only) And I felt absolutely great ( for health man that is probably normal )

    I really dont know what is my problem.. I am diagnostic as "social phobia" dont know how it is called in english.
    in english its called "a real nice guy"

  17. #17
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    As far as blood work goes, you need a complete panel including free & total test, estrogen, thyroid, PSA, lipid panel, etc. Once you have that, YOUR DOCTOR needs to review it with you and give you the explanations, NOT this self diagnosis stuff that you're currently doing.

    I don't want to be a jerk and have you think that this site just ridiculed you and left you hanging, but you need to listen up when people are saying you're too young for this. The path you're taking is irresponsible, and there will be a price to pay if you don't get it back on track. To just arbitrarily self diagnose yourself at 19, because your counselor and AD meds don't seem to be doing the trick is down right foolish and dangerous.

    Please, get into a doctor and tell him everything you're doing, then start working on a plan with him to make your personal program right.

    Good luck

  18. #18
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    Not pile on here but Pepous this is a bad decision,as vetteman said you need to get full panel bloodwork and have a professional reveiw it with you,you dont even know if you have low test,you are 19 and if you follow thru with your plan you could very well be setting yourself up for a temporary feel good for much more pain down the road. You will be well served to be under the care of psychiatrist and a medical doc,your mental and medical health can be a complicated thing to deal with.

  19. #19
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by pepous View Post
    I decided to go into TRT without prescription. I will take 200/W + some adex, dont know how much still..

    I am 19 years old.
    I want to speak you what about blood works how often to do it and what exactly i should check?
    stupid, stupid, stupid, unless you have some medical reason to do so - if you knew any thing, any thing!! you would eat right and enjoy the natty test you have corsing through your viens...

    just tell me why?

  20. #20
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by pepous View Post
    I feel absolutely amazing when I am ON and when I am off I feel shy and depressed everytime .... that is not only "feel" better that is absolutely transformation.. I am new man.

    I starts going to gym for testsoteron I started taking steroids for psychical changes too.
    I really want it I hate my life when I am on my natty testosteron.

    That is very big decision but year before I was thinking about selfkilling... So what is better? when my test is above normal range 900-110 I feel very well.
    bro you dont need aas... you need to kick your mom and dad in the shin and tell them they raised you in a way in witch you are not happy in you own skin!!! you will be just like the guy in "bigger,stronger, faster" who kills him self cuz he is screwwed up.

    good luck bro

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    stupid, stupid, stupid, unless you have some medical reason to do so - if you knew any thing, any thing!! you would eat right and enjoy the natty test you have corsing through your viens...

    just tell me why?
    Do you know what is depression ?? really depression when you hate yourself? you want to die? sensibly my decision is wrong but if enyone felt as me he will undersand me.

    And i know that testosteron can help me ...

  22. #22
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    Troll!!!! What a stupid post!!

  23. #23
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by pepous View Post
    Do you know what is depression ?? really depression when you hate yourself? you want to die? sensibly my decision is wrong but if enyone felt as me he will undersand me.

    And i know that testosteron can help me ...
    so can a good kick in the ass - drugs are use to hide issues- face them with good professional help! yes i am yelling!!! i want you to hear me!!!!

    if the aas dosnt work what is next? coke? alchol? raping girls? cuz that what all this leads to ....

    if it were so easy that aas was the answer why wouldnt a doc give it to you?

    face the issues you are hunted by... then make a decision to absolutly ruin you endo system...

    how can i help? what can i help you with?

    aas is not the answer to the things your running away from

  24. #24
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    sadly i think he is serious - but, i will do what i can to help

  25. #25
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    do you even know what TRT means?

    the "R" is for replacement - as in replace something that is missing. As a 19 year old, in all likelihood you are producing plenty of testosterone so you can't replace the missing amount.

    At your age, the permanant damage you are doing to yourself outweighs the benifit of the feelings of wellbeing that test gives you. Please do yourself a favor and try to deal with your depression w/o AAS for a few years.

    Replace testosterone with recreational drugs and your post reads like a budding drug addict. At best you are becoming a steroid addict.

  26. #26
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    Man you are really in a bad spot mentally right now aren't you? And You have been there for a long time it seems!

    Im the guy that understands what your going through. Feelings of depression thoughts of suicide, nobody understands what your going through. You get sent to Dr's that you put your trust in and they cannot come through for you. They treat you like an experiment. Giving you all kind of meds and none of them work.

    Ive been though alot of the same things and probably 10x worse.

    This is a glimpse of what I have been going through

    A friend I have made recently is going through the the worst stuff right now too. Here

    This board is a great place. Not only is the advice given to a persons specific Q. But when it is giving it has to be the correct and appropriate answer. We are held to a standard here. We look out for each other. And now you have some good guys looking out for you.

    I know you think that this is a good idea but it's really not. You will lose a source. You will come to a point when you cannot afford your test. Or eventually you will get some fake gear. The list goes on and on.

    When you get to where you dont have that test,the shit is really going to hit the fan for you bud. Your hormones will crash and the depression within a month will become really bad. Worse than before.

    Im telling you from experience . Not just to get you to stop. Between my depression anxiety and other things. I crashed and didnt know it. I was already going through a life crisis and It led to me almost killed myself.

    This is a really bad idea for reason upon reason. And you need to take a moment and think about this.

    If you want to talk more let me know.

    Last edited by CHAP; 09-08-2009 at 11:56 PM.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Thanks for reply..
    Today I was give the bloodwork results

    LH - 6 <1-9>
    Estradiol 0-37 <0-160> They cant exactly tell me there is <37 ..... so that is very low estradiol

    Testosteron - 30,1 <5,76-30,43> So TRT is bad idea how you all said me....

    Also I was now taking arimidex for testosteron boost.. that is reason for low estradiol..

    I will now stop taking arimidex and I hope I will feel fine.... Do you agree?

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    My congrats, Pepous! It's very good that you understood that TRT isn't a right way out.
    I hope, all will be fine

  29. #29
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    Man (pepous) im 20 man, ihave no clue what you aré going through, it looks pretty shitty, I sincerely congratulate you cause TRT wasn't the answer, I am here if u need a mate to talk to, none of us can live or pretend they live or that they have lived your life, but two things are for sure, AAS are real shit, and life sucks some time, that's why it's great to have people to talk to like us not only about gear but other stuff, I'm new to this and havnt met anyone yet but one thing is for sure This people in here u can count on for anything good. Hope it works out for u

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHAP View Post
    Man you are really in a bad spot mentally right now aren't you? And You have been there for a long time it seems!

    Im the guy that understands what your going through. Feelings of depression thoughts of suicide, nobody understands what your going through. You get sent to Dr's that you put your trust in and they cannot come through for you. They treat you like an experiment. Giving you all kind of meds and none of them work.

    Ive been though alot of the same things and probably 10x worse.

    This is a glimpse of what I have been going through

    A friend I have made recently is going through the the worst stuff right now too. Here

    This board is a great place. Not only is the advice given to a persons specific Q. But when it is giving it has to be the correct and appropriate answer. We are held to a standard here. We look out for each other. And now you have some good guys looking out for you.

    I know you think that this is a good idea but it's really not. You will lose a source. You will come to a point when you cannot afford your test. Or eventually you will get some fake gear. The list goes on and on.

    When you get to where you dont have that test,the shit is really going to hit the fan for you bud. Your hormones will crash and the depression within a month will become really bad. Worse than before.

    Im telling you from experience . Not just to get you to stop. Between my depression anxiety and other things. I crashed and didnt know it. I was already going through a life crisis and It led to me almost killed myself.

    This is a really bad idea for reason upon reason. And you need to take a moment and think about this.

    If you want to talk more let me know.

    Chap, i can't believe you went through that bro, you are one of the nicest guys on this forum and i would have never known if you didn't mention it. well congratulations to you and thank you for all the help you’ve giving us.

    Hey Pepous, congratulation bud, i hope things will workout for you, and if you ever feel down, just come here and dish-out, we'll be here for you. Don’t let the harsh responses offend you, my dad responds the same way to me when I am about to do something really stupid, because my dad cares about me, and I know these guys care about you too otherwise they would have never responded. wishing you luck buddy...

  31. #31
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    So what is my problem? why I feel so good on sustanon? I am really sure that is not placebo.
    Now I feel shit probably for low estrogens ( am i right?)

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Does anyone know why I feel so good on HRT dose of testosteron (250mg/week) ??

    My natty values are

    LH - 6 <1-9>
    Estradiol 0-37 <0-160> They cant exactly tell me there is <37 ..... so that is very low estradiol

    Testosteron - 30,1 <5,76-30,43>

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
    i dont think that anything anyone tells you is going to make a have your mind set on trt so if your levels are what u say that are maybee your doc will perscribe it....i personaly think there are much deeper problems in your life that you are not sharing and to be honest unless there are any psycologists present on the forum then no one here is really qualified to help seems as though your looking to us for diagnosis and treatment and we cant offer you that....many of us have hit rock bottom more than once in our lives and found a way to get back up and continue just worried that once trt stops making you feel good then whats seem very desperate at this time and really should seek profesional help.....good luck

  34. #34
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    today I said everything to my endocrinologist .... but they will proably not help me ( she looks that dont know much about it)

    What are signs of low estradiol? I dont feel joints... I am depressed and I have low libido.. I wil wait to estrogen rebound and I will see

    And yess I am very desperate!! This problem is since I came to puberty! Only TRT helped and I felt like MAN... But my testosteron looks good .. I am very confused..

  35. #35
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    dont ask for a source thx
    meybee its all in your head man......sometimes a more positive outlook on life can help....if you wake up everday with a negative attitude than yes your day will suck....i bet an attitude adjustment would do you some good.....

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    meybee its all in your head man......sometimes a more positive outlook on life can help....if you wake up everday with a negative attitude than yes your day will suck....i bet an attitude adjustment would do you some good.....
    No, I am sure that is not placebo....

  37. #37
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    And also when I am traning hard and eating alot I feel like on steroids.

    Now I stop taking arimidex and I am waiting for rebound E2..

  38. #38
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    Pepous that feeling on steroids might be because of the anabolic state that u put ur body into, I feel like that when I leave it all in there, it also sucks a lot when i'm not focusing, when I feel like I waisted a workout I would say squat a lot and give everything in the gym, ur protein synthesis increases for 24 hours after intense training, do u ever get that happy smile as soon as u push the exit door, knowing that ur done with another good workout and took it like a champ? I love those feelings keep it up man

  39. #39
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by pepous View Post
    No, I am sure that is not placebo....
    i wasnt talking about how you feel on aas i meant about your depression....i have no idea what you have gone through in life but life isnt about how hard you get knocked down its how quickly you get back up and keep pushing forward no matter what......if you sit around feeling sorry for yourself all day then ya your gonna always feel depressed. if you start planning things you can do to change your life(other than aas)then work your plan im shure youll start feeling better.....start setting small goals for your life and start accomplishing those goals.......each accomplishment will be another step up the ladder of freedom from worked for me.....i have good days and bad days but i NEVER GIVE UP........

  40. #40
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    Are u gonna take nolva?

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