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Thread: Help with diet & training

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Help with diet & training

    hi guys
    i have just started some HRT and wanted some advice with diet and training.
    firstly, i am 42yrs, 177cm, 105kg & my doc says i have 28% body fat. so, i obviously need to lose som body fat. i have been training on and off for 20yrs.
    i have been prescribed the following, DHEA 75mg daily, SciTropin .05mg daily, testosteron (lipoderm creme) 150mg topical.
    my goal is the obvious, to lose body fat & retain or gain muscle.
    what are peoples suggestions for a diet? i havent realy followed a diet for a while and wondering what is the latest.
    as for training, do i go heavy, light, train for a long time or short sessions and how often?
    what about cardio?
    any help and suggestions would be appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Southern New Jersey
    Here are some dieting basics...

    1) Try to eat 5-6 small meals per day

    2) Try to eat a high protein / medium carb / low fat diet

    3) Try to make your carbs complex carbs as opposed to simple carbs. (Learn all about the "Glycemic Index")

    4) Do lots and lots of cardio. While doing cardio pay attention to your heart rate. There's a fat burning "sweet spot" specific to your age. Off the top of my head you probably want to be in the 115-125 bpm range

    5) Have the majority of your carbs earlier in the day. Taper them off as it gets later. Try to eat ZERO CARBS after about 6 or 7pm.

    6) Don't eat late at night prior to bed. If you're hungry drink tons of water. Trust me, going to bed hungry is the best, fastest way to lose weight. It makes a huge difference.

    7) Write down everything that you eat. Yeah, I know it's a pain in the ass but it'll help.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I agree with Radster's ideas. Keep a log if you can. If you have an IPhone, they have some cool applications for keeping track of this.

    The diet section has lots to offer with diet programs and recipes. At 28%BF, you'll see some nice results soon enough if you get on a good routine. I fully agree with Radster about the carb deal and being careful with the amounts and time of day when you eat.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    agree with most of the above but do not go to bed hungry this is a good time to at least have a casein shake with fish oil,i have anything from shake with almonds or natty pb to a lean cut of red meat.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    welcome and good luck...agree with all above....i started about 5 years younger than answer to your heavy or light question...i went heavy and i believe most will agree that the more muscle you pack on the more calories you'll burn...look forward to your post when it says youre at 15% bf!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by j4ever41 View Post
    agree with most of the above but do not go to bed hungry this is a good time to at least have a casein shake with fish oil,i have anything from shake with almonds or natty pb to a lean cut of red meat.
    ^^^ agreed i drink a muscle milk protein shake every night before bed.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    hi guys
    thanks to all for the replies.
    i have down loaded a diet planer application to the iphone and planed my meals and so far feeling pretty good.
    will let you know when im down to 15%

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