Originally Posted by
OP I can't speak for anyone else, but as you've previously read it could be a thousand things.
One question I have is How long have you been on TRT? I started back in late May. A couple shots in, I felt like a champion then totally deflated. Finally, about mid-August, I felt consistently better. I'm 37 and just now feel like I have the mindset to lift and diet consistently.
My story may not be the same as yours. I went through YEARS of misdiagnosis (docs giving me SSRI's, SNRI's, Xanax, Klonopin, Cialis, Viagra, you name it, etc.). Finally I was referred to a uro, he gave me the needle out of the gate. I'm overweight, so apnea is an issue. Like a PP said lack of rest can wreak havoc on your body.
It's almost November, but the gains I've had have come in a total reduction of meds (I was on 6 scripts, now down to Test Cyp only and Adderall 2x/day for ADD), emotional stability, no anxiety. I feel better most of the time.
My levels were similar to yours. High Triglicerides (still borderline), liver levels all messed up (fatty liver) are now normal. Finally, I am starting to "feel" good. If you do have apnea? Wear the mask, lose the weight. It sucks, but it will bring you to a better place ultimately. My diet is new. It's hard, but in 6 months I will be a better man than today.
I've received a lot of good information from this forum and I appreciate it.