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Thread: hit the wall

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    el mirage Az

    hit the wall

    2 weeks after my last t shot, talk about hitting the wall i feel worse now than i did when i went there in the beginning.My Doc put me on Androderm,what a waste of money.A sticky mess which that leaves me with a nice rash every where i put it.Has any body ever benifited from this mess?I stopped using the patch 3 days before my next blood work.This should bring my t levels down. Next week i see my Doc again hopfully i can convince him to put me back on t shots.

  2. #2
    why did you go off shots before?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    el mirage Az
    That was my Doc's choice. He said he wanted to flood my system with test then stabilize with the patch.He also said it was more convenient.I still do not understand that last statement.Its not convenient for me.You have to wear them at bed time other wise they fall off.They do not flex with your skin like a band-aid and the glue stays on your skin which does not come off easy.You cannot take a shower with the patch they fall off.You cant go the gym they fall off, etc,etc,etc,,,,

  4. #4
    I don't understand why these moron docs pimp the gels. Maybe they get some kind of incentive from the drug companies.

    Its crap.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    dude i was on the patches,, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFKKKKKKKKKKKkk that shite,, just like you it would burn my skin and leave scabs.. those things are the devil. Tell him you want shots again.. Plus the patch w/o insurace is about 250 a month compared to 100 for about 3 months of shots

  6. #6
    i've heard some mixed opinions about creams/gels because some guys have a hard time absorbing them. i've heard alot of bad things about patches for the same reasons described above.

    shots are a guaranteed delivery, it's just a matter of getting the dose right for your body and then keeping E2 at a good level.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingIllini View Post
    I don't understand why these moron docs pimp the gels. Maybe they get some kind of incentive from the drug companies.

    Its crap.
    of course they do have you seen what those bastards get for a months supply of androgel!

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