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Thread: TRT and NCAA Sports

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    TRT and NCAA Sports


    Does anyone know if someone would still be elegible to play a NCAA sport if they were on TRT through a legit doctor? Thanks

  2. #2
    sure, why not? when they do drug testing they look for abnormally high levels of T.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    I kinda doubt it - look at what the PGA did to Barron. I don't know what levels he was at - but anything over 100/week can put you in the abnormally high range. I am sure there is a process to go through to get it approved - but like the insurance co's and many doc's - people are making decisions that don't know jack. I would be very careful and do you dd if I were you. JMHO

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    yes and no. In order for it to fly you have to write an appeal to the NCAA and then they will review your medical condition whether or not you are eligible. Its really a toss up whether or not they will let you play. Do you have hypogonadism? that is one condition that might let you to slide by. But you have to have the blood tests to back it up. And the doctor has to be legit. I took 100 mg a week test cyp for my last year of college ball and had no problems and and had really good gains throughout the year. I did not go the appeal route because if they turn you down, youre done

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