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Thread: In your guys experience, what is the best erectile dysfunction drug?

  1. #1

    In your guys experience, what is the best erectile dysfunction drug?

    In your guys experience, what is the best erectile dysfunction drug? Viagra? Levitra? Cialis? Because of my high estradiol, my doctor just lowered my weekly TRT dosage from 175 mg a week to 125 mg a week, but until that lowers my estradiol, my doc is going to prescribe me an ED drug. I just want to know from you guys what's the best one.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Dude you really only need to place the question on one forum

  3. #3
    Sorry Kale, it's just that I'm a nervous wreck over this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    i prefer cialis because it last up to 36 hours. As far as effectiveness, i've tried all three and they all work the same on me. I like the options the 36 hours give me and i can get a couple sessions in there on one dose.


  5. #5
    They all work. But really, I don't see teh point in life if I can't get a boner

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Out of my mind
    Cialis for sure. No worries about timing and as stated above you'll be good to go for at least 36 hours.

  7. #7
    you should try all three to see which one works best for you. i tried 3 and found that cialis gave me really bad heart burn, viagra worked well but i had a tough time getting off on it so this might be good if you're pre-mature. i now switch between levitra and the soft viagra.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Pacific Island
    A 20yr. old 40kg Thai girl does it for me

    Seriously, Viagara makes my eyes bulge and stuffs my nose up. Cialis is good, but it doesn't work to good for me if I'm drinking.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    I've always just used Levitra (20mg vardenafil) when necessary (or "special" occasions, just to be sure...) and it works, almost too well for me... but I've never done the others.

    Sometimes, I'll just bite the pill in half and spit out the rest, so nobody gets hurt...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    ZonaDave has the idea. My experience is Viagra turns my face beet red and stuffs me up bad. Cialis is cool if you split the dose 1/2 in the afternoon and 1/2 about an hour before you know. And memorizing Zona's avatar so it is fresh in you mind may do the trick as well.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Could you guys educate me on why some guys that are on TRT have ED issues?

    I have my first Endo appt next month so I do not have strong supporting blood work to help answer questions you may have about other levels. What I can tell you is that my GP doesn't test for or treat estrogen related sides of TRT. I may have confused myself in all the reading I have done but isn't estrogen somehow involved in this mess.

    FYI, just called my GP for a Cialis script to get me through to next month.

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