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  1. #1
    ALEX1971 is offline New Member
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    Question Doing a cycle while on HRT help please

    Hello guys, I am 38YO (5'8" tall 155 Pounds) and I have been on HRT as per my doctor for about 1 year and half. My Doctor put me on HRT because I am an HIV patient and I wanted to get bigger. I have been getting 200mg testosterone cypionate every 2 weeks for a year and a half, but I have not seen the gains that I want to get.
    I have been researching about steroid cycles for beginners and I decided to do a 400mg/week testosterone cypionate 12 weeks cycle, which I already started a month ago.

    Now here come my concerns and I would love to see your opinions:

    Since I am on HRT do I need to do PCT before going back to HRT? or I just go straight back to HRT?

    I am concerned about keeping my testicles on a normal size, should I use some HCG to keep them normal size during HRT or the Cycle? what amount should I use?

    I do no want to get bitch tits either, should I take some tamoxifen as well?

    Would my Doctor find out I did I cycle when he sends my next blood test?

    Any experiences on this subject would be appreciated, Thank you,
    Last edited by ALEX1971; 01-12-2010 at 08:03 AM.

  2. #2
    tboney's Avatar
    tboney is offline Anabolic Member
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    I am going to answer your questions. However, please keep in mind that my answers apply to someone who is not HIV positive. I am simply not qualified to say whether or not your condition could be negatively affected by aas's or the various ancillary meds used in pct. Furthermore I dont know whether or not these compounds are contraindicated in people on antiviral meds. I recommend that you discuss this issue with your doc.

    If you are on hrt you dont need a pct.
    HCG will help with testicular atrophy. I run it at 125ius x2 a week until.
    I would run an AI like arimidex or aromasin only if estro levels get out of hand.
    Particulary in your case, bloodwork is essential. Level with your doc!

  3. #3
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    doubt a non anti aging doctor will be on board with 400mg a week...but agree with rest

  4. #4
    JHeisman1 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALEX1971 View Post
    Hello guys, I am 38YO (5'8" tall 155 Pounds) and I have been on HRT as per my doctor for about 1 year and half. My Doctor put me on HRT because I am an HIV patient and I wanted to get bigger. I have been getting 200mg testosterone cypionate every 2 weeks for a year and a half, but I have not seen the gains that I want to get.
    I have been researching about steroid cycles for beginners and I decided to do a 400mg/week testosterone cypionate 12 weeks cycle, which I already started a month ago.

    Now here come my concerns and I would love to see your opinions:

    Since I am on HRT do I need to do PCT before going back to HRT? or I just go straight back to HRT? No PCT needed in your case

    I am concerned about keeping my testicles on a normal size, should I use some HCG to keep them normal size during HRT or the Cycle? what amount should I use? HCG will increase size/function of testes, if they respond to it [literature states that too long or too high dose can desensitize leydig cells of testes to HCG or LH. Everyone is different, the dosage while on cycle should be between 125IU and 500IU [lower dose more frequently 2x/wk, the 500 should be good weekly IMHO]

    I do no want to get bitch tits either, should I take some tamoxifen as well? if your estrogen goes up or you develop gynecomastia, then yes. Otherwise no.

    Would my Doctor find out I did I cycle when he sends my next blood test?Yep, he's gonna check your testosterone and it will be thru the roof. If you dont level with him then he will think you are hypersensitive to your HRT and lower dose or increase the time between injections or both. I agree with tboney, Level with your doctor as he is trying to help you.

    Any experiences on this subject would be appreciated, Thank you,

    See bolds, good luck...

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