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Thread: Read me

  1. #1
    ADO's Avatar
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    Read me

    so i have had low testosterone since i was 18, i never took anything that would mess with my hormones. in 07 i went in for a check up, i had almost ZERO testosterone in my body! so they thought it was a pituitary problem but everything was somewhat normal so took some meds and got my test to the low end of normal 450 or so. a couple of months back i got sick of it (mainly because i was getting married in dec)and took matters into my own hands and started a cycle i felt amazing (+pct). im seeing a new doctor now and she is great shes wanting to put me on trt! im kinda happy but at the same time kinda worried to start TRT at my age (24).

    My question is : would you go on TRT if you were at the low end of normal??????

    what would you do
    Last edited by ADO; 01-14-2010 at 06:05 PM. Reason: ya

  2. #2
    THORSZ's Avatar
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    Did this new doctor do blood work? If so, what are your results?

  3. #3
    ADO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THORSZ View Post
    Did this new doctor do blood work? If so, what are your results?
    LH 3.5 IU/L REF RANGE: (1.5-12.4 IU/L)
    FSH 2.9 IU/L (1.7-8.6 IU/L)
    total testosterone 470 ng/dl (300-1080 ng/dl)
    free testosterone 96 pg/ml (47-244 pg/ml)
    shbg 22 nmol/l (11-80 nmol/L)

    they did
    T3 and T4 but cant find the results.

    What you think??

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ADO View Post
    so i have had low testosterone since i was 18, i never took anything that would mess with my hormones. in 07 i went in for a check up, i had almost ZERO testosterone in my body! so they thought it was a pituitary problem but everything was somewhat normal so took some meds and got my test to the low end of normal 450 or so. a couple of months back i got sick of it (mainly because i was getting married in dec)and took matters into my own hands and started a cycle i felt amazing (+pct). im seeing a new doctor now and she is great shes wanting to put me on trt! im kinda happy but at the same time kinda worried to start TRT at my age (24).

    My question is : would you go on TRT if you were at the low end of normal??????

    what would you do
    your first sentence says that you were close to zero and that you took "meds" to get u to 'round 450....what meds??????????
    and what do u mean u got sick of it? sick of it cuz you were getting married?....
    then your last questions talk about you being low end of do you know where your levels are now?
    What made you test your levels when you were 18 and ever you have symptoms of low T? And still? If so....there really wouldnt be a question here would there

  5. #5
    ADO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    your first sentence says that you were close to zero and that you took "meds" to get u to 'round 450....what meds??????????
    and what do u mean u got sick of it? sick of it cuz you were getting married?....
    then your last questions talk about you being low end of do you know where your levels are now?
    What made you test your levels when you were 18 and ever you have symptoms of low T? And still? If so....there really wouldnt be a question here would there
    i cant remember what medication i took but it was for my thyroid, which within time fixed my testosterone that was near zero (45 total testosterone)

    i got sick of it being low it effected my erections and yes i was getting married thats why i decided to jump on a cycle

    when i was 18 i went to a doctor and told him what was going on, he suggested he run those tests. thats how i found out i had low test.

    i get tested every few months (i work at a lab so its free) and the results that are in my last post are 2 weeks old my testosterone never gets higher then 500! except when i was on the cycle it was well over 1500 total and above 466 free.

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    if i needed to take shots to feel better i would no matter what age i was...i started at 37 but no tellin how long i was are under doctors what you got to do..good luck

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