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  1. #1
    Forest is offline Junior Member
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    This is stressing me out...

    I have been seeing my small town Doc about my low test levels, and have had three blood tests in the past year and they are very low. I don't know the figures. I have been on numerous low dose cycles of anavar in the last couple years so that's the likely culprit. Done the MRI of the P-Gland and no tumor. I am 42 years old.

    Have not been honest with my Doc as its a small town. He said I need TRT but first wants me to go to a big city specialist to get more tests because it still could be a tumor or something he has perhaps missed.

    Anyway, I am scared that this specialist could discover that I have been on steriods and that would be terrible as my Doc is pretty cool and I feel like a tool for lying. Should I worry.

  2. #2
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    Seems you ought to stay with what you have told your Dr. The specialist is just an endocrinologist. It is standard operating procedure for your GP to hand you off to an endocrinoligist for HRT. The endo will do peaks and trough tests to find out which dosage you should be on and then it'll be an annual visit. Or...go back to your GP and tell him.

  3. #3
    Forest is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks Whiteowl...I am worried that the endro could order up blood tests that specifically look for AS. Is this common?

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    they dont check to see if you've done anabolics....nobody's gonna know unless you tell them or we do and we're cool

    welcome...go to the're almost of luck

  5. #5
    Forest is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks Mate. I really need to get this sorted out as the sex drive is nil.

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forest View Post
    Thanks Mate. I really need to get this sorted out as the sex drive is nil.
    np....youre half way there...keep us posted

  7. #7
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Forest, there's a variety of reasons why "T" levels could be low. At 42, I don't think the docs are going to be speculating AAS or anything else. The Endo will probably review and confirm your results and leave at Hypogonadism.

    Keep us posted.

  8. #8
    Forest is offline Junior Member
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    Yes. Thank yu Vetteman. I think many of u can understand my concern of whether an Endro would test for AS, concurrent with the other blood related tests. associated with low test levels. My guess is that the AS test would be expensive, inconsistent or ???..please chime in if you know.

    Anyhow, I have posted this question on several other AS forums and many have said, "get off the AS before your TRT blood tests". But nonebody really knew why. Nothing wrong with being cautious, but...?

  9. #9
    Subotai is offline Junior Member
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    You should get off so that you have a clear picture of what your body is doing itsself for the doctor to look at.

    His has nothing to do for detecting drugs. They aren't going to give you a drug test, your goal should just be to paint a clear picture not fogged by anything else

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