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  1. #1
    Cavedyvr is offline New Member
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    Aug 2006

    Bloodwork and Some Questions!

    Hey all,
    Been on HRT for a few years and have been pretty much side free until about 4 months ago. Started having random libido issues and ED issues. Had a "hallway consult" with my urologist at work and he just casually said "we may have to up your Test dose" and wanted to do a peak/trough test. He hooked me up with a bunch of Levitra samples and said its's prob just anxiety related (new, very hot GF) Well, I never got around to it and failed to tell him at the time that I had just upped my dose of Test C from 125mg a week to 200mg a week. I have been positive that I have high E2 levels from upping my dose. No other sides, have felt great. Had my 6 months appt for bloodwork and new script this week. Told him my new dose and that I wanted a script for Arimidex . Said no problem but wait for results before I start taking it. So......

    43y 5'7" 175 (not sure of BF% but I am very lean)
    Diet is good but gym time and cardio have lacked the last couple months due to having surgery to repair torn meniscus in my left knee. Will be hitting it hard again next week finally.

    Total Test 1114H 280-800 ng/dl

    Test free and weakly bound 606H 40-250 ng/dl

    Estradiol <20 0-47pg/ml

    Prolactin 5.38 2.64-13.13 ng/ml

    TSH .62 .34-5.60 uIU/ml

    T4 5.2L 6.1-12.2 ug/dl

    I'm considering dropping back down to 100-125 mg a week but I'm obviously not having issues with high E2 from my dose. Is there something else I should be looking at from a bloodwork standpoint? Something is an issue unless its totally psychological?

    Thoughts? Opinions?

  2. #2
    ZonaDave's Avatar
    ZonaDave is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cavedyvr View Post
    Hey all,
    Been on HRT for a few years and have been pretty much side free until about 4 months ago. Started having random libido issues and ED issues. Had a "hallway consult" with my urologist at work and he just casually said "we may have to up your Test dose" and wanted to do a peak/trough test. He hooked me up with a bunch of Levitra samples and said its's prob just anxiety related (new, very hot GF) Well, I never got around to it and failed to tell him at the time that I had just upped my dose of Test C from 125mg a week to 200mg a week. I have been positive that I have high E2 levels from upping my dose. No other sides, have felt great. Had my 6 months appt for bloodwork and new script this week. Told him my new dose and that I wanted a script for Arimidex . Said no problem but wait for results before I start taking it. So......

    43y 5'7" 175 (not sure of BF% but I am very lean)
    Diet is good but gym time and cardio have lacked the last couple months due to having surgery to repair torn meniscus in my left knee. Will be hitting it hard again next week finally.

    Total Test 1114H 280-800 ng/dl

    Test free and weakly bound 606H 40-250 ng/dl

    Estradiol <20 0-47pg/ml

    Prolactin 5.38 2.64-13.13 ng/ml

    TSH .62 .34-5.60 uIU/ml

    T4 5.2L 6.1-12.2 ug/dl

    I'm considering dropping back down to 100-125 mg a week but I'm obviously not having issues with high E2 from my dose. Is there something else I should be looking at from a bloodwork standpoint? Something is an issue unless its totally psychological?

    Thoughts? Opinions?
    are you taking one or two shots/week?

    you FT is pretty damn high and i'm surprized that you're not converting more T to E. why did you increase your dose from 125mg/week?

  3. #3
    Cavedyvr is offline New Member
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    Aug 2006
    I'm injecting once a week. I too am floored that I am not converting based on my T levels and the random libido/ed I am experiencing. Otherwise HRT has been a blessing! I am doing Delt injections on Sun or Mon nights and was thinking that I was dropping off and experiencing symptoms toward end of week. Instead of doing the smart thing and switching to 2x a week I just upped dose. No reason to touch the Adex I have knowing what my E2 is. Thing that has me concerned now is how low IS my E2? And what can I do to raise it to mid 20's? Cycle? lol. I will talk to my Friend/Doc about my results this week and share his thoughts. I'm lost. Def going to drop dose. Maybe to 150/2x a week and see how that goes.

    Nice to know I'm not prone to converting at this point, I guess.

  4. #4
    ZonaDave's Avatar
    ZonaDave is offline Member
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    the fact that you're lean is probably contributing to your low E2. the more belly fat you have the higher your E2 normally goes. drop back down to where you were before to see if your symptoms go away.

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