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Thread: low sex drive

  1. #1
    tm123 is offline New Member
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    low sex drive

    So I've been taking 200mg/week of T cyp since August 1st, and 0.5mg Adex EOD. I've also been taking HCG on and off. At my last blood test which was in November, my Test levels and E2 levels were in the normal range. My free test was a little above high normal, but Total was fine. So I'm reading some stuff on here and people are telling me that I don't need the HCG and that 0.5 adex is way too much. So, I switched the adex to 0.5 every 3rd day and have not been consistent with the HCG. Anyway, lately I've been having weird erections; not very hard and orgasms that seem to happen a little to easily compared to what I'm used to. The only time I get a really solid hard on is immediately before I have an orgasm. It's really annoying. Have any of you had any similar problems? Any advice?

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is online now AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by tm123 View Post
    So I've been taking 200mg/week of T cyp since August 1st, and 0.5mg Adex EOD. I've also been taking HCG on and off. At my last blood test which was in November, my Test levels and E2 levels were in the normal range. My free test was a little above high normal, but Total was fine. So I'm reading some stuff on here and people are telling me that I don't need the HCG and that 0.5 adex is way too much. So, I switched the adex to 0.5 every 3rd day and have not been consistent with the HCG. Anyway, lately I've been having weird erections; not very hard and orgasms that seem to happen a little to easily compared to what I'm used to. The only time I get a really solid hard on is immediately before I have an orgasm. It's really annoying. Have any of you had any similar problems? Any advice?
    Sounds like you didnt have these issues when your TRT program was consistent? You need to make it consistent. HCG is needed to help you recover if you are planning on ever stopping TRT. If you are not planning on staying on TRT for life then you would need to continue to use the HCG. If you are on TRT for life then it is probably not needed. Best of luck!

  3. #3
    ZonaDave's Avatar
    ZonaDave is offline Member
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    can you post your latest lab results with ranges?

  4. #4
    tm123 is offline New Member
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    I can but there's a boatload of them. In which results are you specifically interested? I'm included some of them below.

    My stats:
    age: 42
    height/weight: 5'10", 195
    BF: about 18%

    Total T: 520, range (250-1100)
    Free T: 185.6 (35-155)
    % Free T: 3.57 (1.5-2.2)

    SHBG: 6 (9-45)
    Estradiol: 18 (13-54)
    LH: <0.2 (1.5-9.3)
    FSH: <0.7 (1.6-8)
    T3: 501 (230-420)
    T4: 1.7 (0.8-1.8)
    TSH: 1.37 (0.4-4.5)

    These were taken a couple of weeks after stopping Winstrol , which I know I never should have been taking, so I don't know how that would affect these levels, and what my levels would look like now. These results were from mid November.
    Thanks Dave.

  5. #5
    ZonaDave's Avatar
    ZonaDave is offline Member
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    your numbers actually look pretty good. your TT looks low for that dose so my guess is your body is going through the T pretty fast. the winny shouldn't have much of an affect on those numbers.

    i would suggest you try splitting the shots up into two a week and lower your adex to .5mg twice/week. that should bring your TT up and at the same time keep your E2 under control. this should prevent the up and down roller coaster affect.

  6. #6
    tm123 is offline New Member
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    Ok thanks Dave. That sounds like good advice. Is it a problem that my free test is above the normal range? What about the LH and FSH being below the normal range? Is that something I should be worried about?

  7. #7
    ZonaDave's Avatar
    ZonaDave is offline Member
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    it will always be below normal range when your'e on TRT. measuring LH and FSH is only important before starting TRT to determine if you're primary or secondary.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by tm123 View Post
    So I've been taking 200mg/week of T cyp since August 1st, and 0.5mg Adex EOD. I've also been taking HCG on and off. At my last blood test which was in November, my Test levels and E2 levels were in the normal range. My free test was a little above high normal, but Total was fine. So I'm reading some stuff on here and people are telling me that I don't need the HCG and that 0.5 adex is way too much. So, I switched the adex to 0.5 every 3rd day and have not been consistent with the HCG. Anyway, lately I've been having weird erections; not very hard and orgasms that seem to happen a little to easily compared to what I'm used to. The only time I get a really solid hard on is immediately before I have an orgasm. It's really annoying. Have any of you had any similar problems? Any advice?
    this is me to the T...abusing test from 200 a week to 600 a week a ****ed up my dick and the anxiety that comes along with it is awful..trying to screw my wife with a soft on is awful as well embarrising. i have stopped test for about a month and going to start back on 200mg a week hoping the fellas come back to life...going from jerking off 5x a day plus sex to this..well ya get the picture...

  9. #9
    tboney's Avatar
    tboney is offline Anabolic Member
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    How much hcg are you using and how often?

  10. #10
    JHeisman1 is offline New Member
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    Low gonadotropins [FSH/LH] can cause erectile dysfunction and decreased libido even if the testosterone is within the normal range. Also, cortisol is elevated when your on juice so a cortisol level when should be done too [which can cause those symptoms]. Also, a prolactinoma on the pituitary can cause these symptoms, should check prolactin as well.

    -check Cortisol in am, pm
    -check prolactin
    -try to increase your FSH/LH [are you still on juice?, cuz PCT should include Clomid and Nolvadex to increase the gonadotropins & there is a herb that is suppose to help too, Stinging Nettles].

    Good Luck

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