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Thread: Refined inquiry

  1. #1
    brush is offline New Member
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    Refined inquiry

    With some prompting i am trying to be more specific with my inquiry.
    I am temporarily living in a foreign country where the cost of steroids is considerably less. There are also opportunities to receive low cost blood work.
    I am told that with the proper research and direction, i can implement a HRT program that will benefit in the effects of aging.
    Is there an age where you are better off leaving it alone, or is it worth pursuing?
    If the consensus is favorable for pursuit, what specific steps should i take?
    If the consensus is that it is too risky, where would i follow up within the states, or at all. Any advise would be helpful.

  2. #2
    valencia1's Avatar
    valencia1 is offline Junior Member
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    General thoughts on HRT

    My two cents about the benefits of HRT: I am a 50 year old male, 5’10”, 175, lean. Started HRT 2 years ago and it has improved every aspect of my life; relationships, energy, strength, career, fitness and general wellbeing.

    I had test levels in the low 200s due to a life-long illness called hemochromatosis which wreaks havoc on various organs over the years. Finally found a doctor who cared/understood and he put me on Angrogel, which got me into the high 700 range and actually worked quite well aside from the need for daily application and possible transfer to spouse and (or) girlfriend ;-)

    After 4 months of that I asked to go to injections of Test Cyp. Endo prescribed 200mg every 2 wk but I asked for self injection at 100mg EW and after some discussion he agreed. I have experimented with dose and timing and currently do twice weekly inj of 80 mg which is working great and seems to be close enough to his schedule that he always approves refills when needed.

    I plan to continue HRT for life and the Doc agrees as long as I am in good health.

    Cost of medically prescribed HRT is very reasonable for me although gel was ridiculous compared to injections. Sounds like you may be looking at more of a “life extension clinic” experience which would cost more but ultimately it is a personal decision for you based on a doctor’s assessment.

    Get a blood test and see what the docs say…

  3. #3
    brush is offline New Member
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    "Life extension clinic" Is there such a thing, or are you being sarcastic.
    If you are being sarcastic, you may feel differently in 10 years. Nonetheless, this is the type of response i am looking for. Is it complete foolishness to approach HRT in my 60s. Is it time to throw in the towel and just take what comes, or reach for a better quality of life.
    There is also the issue of taking risks. I'm sure most would think a physician would absolutely necessary. I tend to agree, although the temptation to take advantage of low cost treatment is considerable.
    So assuming i need a doctor who specializes in geriatric hormones, where might be a good place to investigate?

  4. #4
    valencia1's Avatar
    valencia1 is offline Junior Member
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    No sarcasm intended my friend. You will find clinics in any major city that specialize in setting you up with hormone replacement and a whole 'cocktail' of things but it is usually outside of any insurance. This is what I meant by Life Extension treatment. Some will actually use that term. Do some research in your area.

    You can also start with your primary care physician and tell him or her that you are run down, no energy, etc and ask if they will check your levels for testosterone , thyroid... They may tell you that you are in the normal range for your age and then you explore other options, (see above) or a second opinion.

    My primary care doc told me I had the testosterone level of a 75 year old man and therefore, since I am 50, he could make the case for medically supervised supplementation. It changed my life. I have no idea what age is deemed "too old" but discuss it with your doctor. Of course there are so many other factors you can address too, weight, diet, exercise. .. Good luck.

  5. #5
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by brush View Post
    "Life extension clinic" Is there such a thing, or are you being sarcastic.
    If you are being sarcastic, you may feel differently in 10 years. Nonetheless, this is the type of response i am looking for. Is it complete foolishness to approach HRT in my 60s. Is it time to throw in the towel and just take what comes, or reach for a better quality of life.
    There is also the issue of taking risks. I'm sure most would think a physician would absolutely necessary. I tend to agree, although the temptation to take advantage of low cost treatment is considerable.
    So assuming i need a doctor who specializes in geriatric hormones, where might be a good place to investigate?
    Brush, it's never too late until it's too late. Are you looking to come to the states for this treatment, or consultation? If so, Florida is a heavy hot spot for the HRT - Anti Aging Clinics.

  6. #6
    brush is offline New Member
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    Nice posts. From both of you. Thanks!
    I will do more research, and get back with future questions.

  7. #7
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    like vette said...if youre asking then it aint too late...

    may i ask your age by the way?

    welcome bro

  8. #8
    valencia1's Avatar
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    Anyone interested should Google a guy named Dr Jeffry Life. He is 71 and is the poster boy for Testosterone replacement for Seniors. Has a clinic, I think it is in Las Vegas. You should be able to find a recent article published in the NY Times which tells his story.

  9. #9
    Brian McClay is offline Junior Member
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    It's never too late, in fact often times when guys go on TRT they feel 20 years younger.
    do yourself a favor and go for it...

  10. #10
    brush is offline New Member
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    My age is 63. I am in the gym 5 days a week. Recently a dramatic change in muscle tone and skin.
    I have been researching HRT clinics without much success. Yes i notice a lot in Florida, but the information is sketchy. Has anyone had a positive experience with clinics. Also i don't understand why there would be such a range of cost, unless the quality of care is that much superior.
    I would be willing to invest a reasonable amount of money, but i will not invest in the higher end programs. I simply want the basics.

  11. #11
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    I can't say enough good things about the care you get at the AA clinics. Lord knows I tried to keep it completely with the primary doc, and even with the Endo that she gave me a referral for, but they have been terrible in the field of HRT.

    Basic programs are going to consists (or should consist) of:

    -Fairly extensive blood panel, including complete hormone lab (let me know if you want a break down on this).
    -Medication and supplies, which might include AI medication for estrogen. I wouldn't rule out HCG in there somewhere too.
    -Usually, they will follow up with another hormone panel about 6-to-8 weeks after you start.
    -Then it should about 6 months before a follow up visit is needed.
    -Also, you might have an advisor/consultant checking in with you periodically, or that you can call if you have any thoughts, concerns, or questions in general.

    Hope this helps, let us know.

  12. #12
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by brush View Post
    My age is 63. I am in the gym 5 days a week. Recently a dramatic change in muscle tone and skin.
    I have been researching HRT clinics without much success. Yes i notice a lot in Florida, but the information is sketchy. Has anyone had a positive experience with clinics. Also i don't understand why there would be such a range of cost, unless the quality of care is that much superior.
    I would be willing to invest a reasonable amount of money, but i will not invest in the higher end programs. I simply want the basics.
    Keep in mind, some places offer HGH in their program, which drives the price tag ^^^^. I would actually LOVE to throw HGH into my protocol, but it's not in the cards right now. I went with the super charger on my Vette instead, so maybe I'll revisit HGH down the road when the dust settles.

  13. #13
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    Keep in mind, some places offer HGH in their program, which drives the price tag ^^^^. I would actually LOVE to throw HGH into my protocol, but it's not in the cards right now. I went with the super charger on my Vette instead, so maybe I'll revisit HGH down the road when the dust settles.
    ditto with vette down to the hgh..maybe one day for me as well....

    but only good things i've heard from the florida clinics....

    think of our anti aging possibilities if/when stem cells get advanced!

  14. #14
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    ditto with vette down to the hgh..maybe one day for me as well....

    but only good things i've heard from the florida clinics....

    think of our anti aging possibilities if/when stem cells get advanced!
    Very true JPK, there's all sorts of doors that can open if that day comes!

  15. #15
    brush is offline New Member
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    Found a clinic in West Palm. The cost of consultation, blood work, and diagnosis' is $250. The therapy ranges from $300 to $1200 a month.
    Could give the low end a try for a few months. Any comments?

  16. #16
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by brush View Post
    Found a clinic in West Palm. The cost of consultation, blood work, and diagnosis' is $250. The therapy ranges from $300 to $1200 a month.
    Could give the low end a try for a few months. Any comments?
    sounds like the same prices i was given by a clinic....

    the clinic i actually used you could actually by a la carte but they arent in business anylonger...

    but to compare your therapy prices to say what i pay by going to my family doctor and getting testosterone and arimidex you would obviously have to see what compounds your getting for your $300 and funny that i say compound because you will most likely be getting your meds from a compounded pharmacy...

    so for me to get 200mg of test cypionate ew and arimidex (1mg strength) dosed at .25 eod and 2 doctors visits for one year, i would be looking at $1,500 (thats $125 a month)....

    hope this helps

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