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  1. #1
    grayhulk's Avatar
    grayhulk is offline New Member
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    Does this sound right?

    I just found out that my testosterone level is 167 ng/dl. I am 6'2" 310lbs and 35 years old. I have a good amount of muscle but feel like shit most of the time. My Dr. gave me a 100 mg shot of Testosterone Enthanate and told me to come back in 30 days for another blood test and to see how my levels are. Does this sound normal? I can't imagine that one shot will do anything for me over the course of 30 days. What do you think the normal treatment would be for someone with that low of a testosterone level? Also, the day I got the shot, i was kinda light headed, had a headache, and was flushed the rest of the day. Normal? Thanks for reading.

  2. #2
    buckeyes#1's Avatar
    buckeyes#1 is offline Junior Member
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    One shot will not do anything for you over the course of a month. I am on 200mg every other week and that is not enough for me. I do not understand where these doctors get the idea that this kind of dosing could work.

  3. #3
    grayhulk's Avatar
    grayhulk is offline New Member
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    I think maybe he's trying to start slow? It's killing me though. I have been feeling like crap for years, now I know what it's from and he wants to go slow. I guess I'll just wait and see what he says in a month.

  4. #4
    buckeyes#1's Avatar
    buckeyes#1 is offline Junior Member
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    I have a coworker who is on TRT. His doc think she is going to restart his natural production. She has him come in for 200mg every week for 4 weeks and then tests him. His numbers are elevated, so she tells him to come back in six months to see if they stayed high. That philosophy is absurd, as is 100mg per month.

    My own doctor wanted to start me at 200mg per month. I told him, "You and I both know that that will not work. Why waste our time messing around with it." He tells me that many of his patientshave great success with it. Total BS. Those are patients that are made to think they feel good. It has to be a placebo effect for them because the pharmakinetics do not support the feasibility that the amount of test will support you over the course of the month based on the half life.

  5. #5
    warchild's Avatar
    warchild is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    don't settle for anything below 200mgs every week i say

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    share this with another doctor...2nd opinions are commonplace in the medical/doctor field and you are in bad need of one

  7. #7
    valencia1's Avatar
    valencia1 is offline Junior Member
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    This seems so common. When I went to injections from gel, my endo wanted to start at 200mg every month. I asked the obvious questions and he agreed that that schedule would cause peaks and valleys and then suggested every 2 weeks. Based on what I had learned on this site I suggested weekly self injections. He was very reluctant but I did not back down and he finally agreed but I think it is very rare to allow this in his practice. I think what swayed him is that I had done my research and had my facts straight and he could not disagree. Good luck

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I find your doctors injection protocol stupid, one injection once a month is going to make you feel worse, you need to go with every week injection or every 14 days IMHO, get a second opinion.

  9. #9
    grayhulk's Avatar
    grayhulk is offline New Member
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    I'm gonna let it ride until the 10th of march when I have my next appointment. When I leave the office on the tenth, I will have some satisfaction. I am kinda a big dude with a lot of muscle and something tells me that he thinks I screwed with the test or something. When He read my results, he sent me right away to the lab for another blood test. Maybe he was try to catch me off guard?
    Anyway I never even mentioned test to him, he was the one that brought it up. Maybe he just couldn't believe how low it was? As for the 100mg of test, I don't feel one bit different. I might even feel worse. I will update when I see him again. Thanks for your advice!

  10. #10
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by valencia1 View Post
    This seems so common. When I went to injections from gel, my endo wanted to start at 200mg every month. I asked the obvious questions and he agreed that that schedule would cause peaks and valleys and then suggested every 2 weeks. Based on what I had learned on this site I suggested weekly self injections. He was very reluctant but I did not back down and he finally agreed but I think it is very rare to allow this in his practice. I think what swayed him is that I had done my research and had my facts straight and he could not disagree. Good luck
    yes...i do think this helps with SOME doctors....some appreciate that you've done research but some takes them down from their perceived elevated status

  11. #11
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Like everyone is stating, that's not the dosage path you want to be on. The half life on your shot is right about 7 days ... Doesn't make sense to take it once per month. Like JPKMAN mentioned, some doctors appreciate you doing some research, but then again there's some that don't. My guess is, you're dealing with "one of those" doctors that is so far off the track that he will never catch on with what is really needed for your program. I had an Endo fire me when I started sending him journals from his peers that contradicted everything he was telling me.

    You might prepare for a possible "Option B" if it's possible. Like others are saying, you probably need something more in the lines of 100-to-200mg per WEEK, not monthly. You're a big dude too ... A good doctor needs to factor estrogen in the picture and be looking at some AI included in your program. When your total test was checked did they order a full hormone panel, or just the total test?

  12. #12
    grayhulk's Avatar
    grayhulk is offline New Member
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    I remember him saying my estrogen was good but I don't remember the number. I have a friend that uses this Dr. and he said he is on 100mg about every 10 to 12 days but his levels were higher then mine. He said it just took time for the doctor to work him up to that level. We shall see.

  13. #13
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by grayhulk View Post
    I remember him saying my estrogen was good but I don't remember the number. I have a friend that uses this Dr. and he said he is on 100mg about every 10 to 12 days but his levels were higher then mine. He said it just took time for the doctor to work him up to that level. We shall see.
    It sounds like the doctor treats this stuff like Clenbuterol ... Probably wants to make sure the patient doesn't develop "Roid Rage " or any other terrible side effects ... LOL.

  14. #14
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    Copy on Marcus. 167 and he wanted a once a month? You may want to find another Dr.
    I do twice a week (split dosage) and my endo was delighted that the peak/trough tests were damned near identical. When Dr got the results he called me in to make sure i understood what he had asked for so i told him i was doing the injections 2x weekly. His response was to just keep doing it cause it was obviously working so well.

  15. #15
    Brian McClay is offline Junior Member
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    Once a month is a disservice to you and just plain stupid. The half live is about 12 days and you will be on a constant roller coaster ride on this protocol. The other thing to keep in mind is that even that low dose once a month will shut down your natural production of testosterone and bring your levels lower than they might be without injections, remember that every man deserves the right to have normal high test levels.

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