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  1. #1
    OCTOBER-2009's Avatar
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    Can low estrogen = Low sex drive?

    Ok, I have been on HRT for almost 3 years now. Originally my DR. put me 20 mg a day of Nolvadex and everything was fine (awesome sex drive-always hard & horny). Recently my DR. took me off of Nov and prescrbed me .5 mg EOD of Arimidex . I'm currently taking 200 mg of test C a week.

    Now Arimidex lowers your estrogen levels where Nov does not. I have 2 questions?

    1) Could low estrogen levels lead to a decrease in sex drive? Or, Should low "E" increase your sex drive?

    2) Do I really need to take Arimidex on a low dose of 200 mg of test C a week? My only concern is getting gyno. Everything I have read suggests taking Arimidex when high doses of gear are used.

    Just for some background;
    in 2008 I was on 400 Mg a week of test "C". My levels were over 2500 and my estradiol was 89. The best sex drive & sex I ever had.

    In 2009 my levels were around 1000 and my estadiol was 59. Still no problems.
    Last edited by OCTOBER-2009; 02-11-2010 at 05:01 AM.

  2. #2
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    yes low estrogen does kill your sex drive to some extent. maybe cut down your adex to 0.25mg eod

  3. #3
    baja212 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by OCTOBER-2009 View Post
    Ok, I have been on HRT for almost 3 years now. Originally my DR. put me 20 mg a day of Nolvadex and everything was fine (awesome sex drive-always hard & horny). Recently my DR. took me off of Nov and prescrbed me .5 mg EOD of Arimidex . I'm currently taking 200 mg of test C a week.

    Now Arimidex lowers your estrogen levels where Nov does not. I have 2 questions?

    1) Could low estrogen levels lead to a decrease in sex drive? Or, Should low "E" increase your sex drive?

    2) Do I really need to take Arimidex on a low dose of 200 mg of test C a week? My only concern is getting gyno. Everything I have read suggests taking Arimidex when high doses of gear are used.

    Just for some background;
    in 2008 I was on 400 Mg a week of test "C". My levels were over 2500 and my estradiol was 89. The best sex drive & sex I ever had.

    In 2009 my levels were around 1000 and my estadiol was 59. Still no problems.
    We both have the same problems. My E2 levels are <20 pg/ml. My sex drive has definitely diminished considerably, but not completely. Currently, I'm on Testim Gel with no Novladex or Arimidex, ever!! They say that my E2 is normal, but I think it really has hinder my sex drive and subsequently brought on ED isssues as well.

    Did your doctor perscribe 400mg per week? Seems pretty high HRT, your levels allow would indicate that (2500).

  4. #4
    edgarr is offline Member
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    I thin that you need to experiment with Arimidex . .25 twice a week worked for me

  5. #5
    BLACKTOP PETE is offline New Member
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    use it as needed. if you have symptoms use it for a couple of wks. i am on trt 200mgs test c per week for the past two years. i only use arimidex when my nips start to get sore or itchy. i have noticed when i do use arimidex i lose my sex drive and i piss alot.

  6. #6
    baja212 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BLACKTOP PETE View Post
    use it as needed. if you have symptoms use it for a couple of wks. i am on trt 200mgs test c per week for the past two years. i only use arimidex when my nips start to get sore or itchy. i have noticed when i do use arimidex i lose my sex drive and i piss alot.
    Why are you on HRT? Is because of AAS?
    Last edited by baja212; 02-18-2010 at 03:34 PM.

  7. #7
    BLACKTOP PETE is offline New Member
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    I would say thats the reason. Started using when i was kid 16 to be exact. between the age of 16-21 i was blasting with everthing, never even heard about pct back then. I would do a cycle and then cruise on test right into another cycle never really came off in that 5yr peroid. NOT VERY SMART I KNOW, But i had agreat time doing it. Now at age 42 its trt 4 life.

  8. #8
    baja212 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BLACKTOP PETE View Post
    I would say thats the reason. Started using when i was kid 16 to be exact. between the age of 16-21 i was blasting with everthing, never even heard about pct back then. I would do a cycle and then cruise on test right into another cycle never really came off in that 5yr peroid. NOT VERY SMART I KNOW, But i had agreat time doing it. Now at age 42 its trt 4 life.
    "Its TRT 4 life" I disagree, I did all my cycles after the age of 37, now I'm 43 and never any PCT. Now I'm severly shutdown and subsequently on TRT, but there is hope, especially what I've been reading on other Men's Health Forums. I'm going to continue with TRT until May and blast one more time, and finally throw up the white flag. At which time I will start my first PCT, with a protocol of HCG , Novladex, Clomid. If that doesn't work, then off to an Endocrinologist. My only regrets over the years was own my ignorance to PCT. I for one don't want to be on TRT for life. TRT can be a grind, constant bloodwork, worryinng about your E2 levels, ED problems and libido, you got to pay attention to your Hemocrit in your CBC. If your interested I will give you a good PCT protocol that I'm going to give a try.

  9. #9
    BLACKTOP PETE is offline New Member
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    I would def appreciate that. having a few problems with my hemoglobin its was 19.6 hematocrit 57.8 rbc 6.4 donated some blood yesterday hope that helps.

  10. #10
    OCTOBER-2009's Avatar
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    Ok, I stopped taking arimidex & I'm still taking 200 MG of Test C a week. I have no Gyno issues (so far), I'm just going to run 200 a week with only HCG .

    I personally think the elevated E2 levels are not an issue for me. My sex drive picked up after stopping the arimidex.

    Are there any seasoned veterans out there who think it will be a problem running 200 a week without any nolvadex or arimidex?
    Last edited by OCTOBER-2009; 02-18-2010 at 11:00 PM.

  11. #11
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OCTOBER-2009 View Post
    Ok, I stopped taking arimidex & I'm still taking 200 MG of Test C a week. I have no Gyno issues (so far), I'm just going to run 200 a week with only HCG .

    I personally think the elevated E2 levels are not an issue for me. My sex drive picked up after stopping the arimidex.

    Are there any seasoned veterans out there who think it will be a problem running 200 a week without any nolvadex or arimidex?
    i always got sensitive nips when running higher trt doses of test like your mentioning(200mg) so i would take arimidex just like u said out of fear of gyno, stated above...on that dose of test seemed like .25 eod was a good dose of arimidex....its just hard to get the ratio of test to estrogen just right when youre running 200mg of test every week all year round...i've had steady libido since i've lowered my test to 100mg ew and cut out the arimidex to answer your question...i would think you WOULD need SOME ai if youre doing that much test(200mg or greater ew)
    hope this helps

  12. #12
    baja212 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BLACKTOP PETE View Post
    I would def appreciate that. having a few problems with my hemoglobin its was 19.6 hematocrit 57.8 rbc 6.4 donated some blood yesterday hope that helps.
    1. Where did you go to donate blood?
    2. How much blood did you donate?
    3. How did you feel afterwards? (eg. Lightheaded)
    4. Did your Hematcorit immediately lower?
    5. How often do you give blood?
    6. What was your dose of Test to get that high.

    Sorry for the all the questions but being on TRT or even blasting that's my biggest fear, the Hematocrit side of it.

  13. #13
    BLACKTOP PETE is offline New Member
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    My trt doc ordered blood work for me.I got the results before he got back from vacation. My hemoglobin 19.3,rbc 6.40, hematocrit 57.8 After researching on this informative site i decided to donate blood before my doc got back from vacation. I donated a pint of blood at the blood bank in the local hosp. they check ur hemoglobin before u donate mine was 19.3 again.
    I felt just the opposite i had a boost of energy for about three days. I went a week later to donate at a different blood bank.they checked my hemoglobin,it was now 19.6 out came another pint. so did it go down i guess i felt great for about 3 days and then sluggish all over again it must have went back up. My dose is 200mgs test c per week. My trt doc is back he ran some other blood work i have afeeling he is going to cut me down or off.

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