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  1. #1
    Hiphopharry is offline Associate Member
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    These Dr.'s need to wake the F up!

    Again, the many months saga continues....

    Some background- 36 yo cancer survivor, went through chemo for several months 5 yrs ago left me hypogonadic. Test levels always hovering around 250 since then.
    Saw a Dr, then another, then another, then an endo- no one cares at all. The wife is thinking bad things, she thinks I have a girl on the side- If I cant give her more attention I am sure she will get some somewhere else eventually (cant blame the bitch! haha)

    Last endo appmnt several months ago I went there from my PCP with a 23- level. She tested me, I only just saw her yesterday. She tells me my test level is normal. I ask what the number is. she says 250. I know about AAS, heck, I did a few cycles back in the day, I'm no meat head anymore, but no virgin either.

    Bottom line, she wants to test me again before she will even think of giving me some bs testsim or testim or some gel BS. I told her I was on the Androgel a few years ago and it didnt do shit. She says that one shot of 200mg test every THREE WEEKS might be in order- She is a ****ing retard.
    She then tells me that my loss of libido is tricky and may not be due to low test. Yeah, right....

    I got this bs blood test tomorrow, then MAYBE she will let me get a script for this bs gel, which we all know is bullshite. Before I left her office she tells me test has the potential to be abused. I laugh. I'm 36 yo, 6'1'' 160 pounds, not exactly a monster. I try to tell the dumb cvnt that I do have cancer and my particular type has a median survival rate of 10 years. It's been 8 already. I just want to feel normal and want my wife to be happy with me in the bedroom (which, lets face it dudes, influences a lot in a relationship).

    I didnt want to go to the old boys and get some shady shit, but I mean damn! I'd have a much much easier time getting Xanax and percoset and pain pills then a legit script for what I need.

    Whats the deal with the Dr's? My insurance is real good. I have cancer for ****s sake!

    I know she will blow me off, if I get the ****ing script for the gel, **** it, I'm getting a few bottles of Test enan or cyp- **** these hypocritical mother ****ers.

  2. #2
    Hiphopharry is offline Associate Member
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    Also, yeah I ordered from those "pharmacies" that got raided a few years back. But it seems thats what has to happen again I guess. I'm not going to take some mexican bullshete with a pic of a freaking westie terrier on it- I'm not 26 anymore.

    I really really hate these Doctors. She tells me 250 is normal. What a bunch of shit.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Is there anything a person can do to make them "fail" a Testosterone test? Any drugs they can take that will make their Testosterone test register very low?

  4. #4
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    Actually... just inject yourself with Nandrolone ! Take Nandrolone on its own and your Testosterone level will hit the floor! Then go get yourself tested and BAM you're on Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

    Just an idea.

  5. #5
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Don't feel alone on this, many of us have been through this same ordeal. I also have a female primary who's been pretty good, that is until it came time to work with me when my "T" results came in low. Then it was as if she never went to med school or any other school for that matter. I don't quite get it why some of these mainstream physicians are just plain pathetic with HRT, but they are! What they're doing is borderline criminal behavior IMO. 250 is not normal! Giving you a shot every 3 weeks will just put you on a roller coaster ride. I doubt she's going to improve ... Any chance you can seek out a doctor that specializes in HRT? If so, start moving on it now ... No need to take anything to try and lower your numbers, you're there! You've been through a ton already man, why do these places have to keep jerking you?

  6. #6
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErectileTissue View Post
    Actually... just inject yourself with Nandrolone ! Take Nandrolone on its own and your Testosterone level will hit the floor! Then go get yourself tested and BAM you're on Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

    Just an idea.
    He's at 250 already, why would he need to risk putting this compound in his body? He's dealing with a female doc who would probably deny him even if his score was 100 ... Any half decent clinic that knows just a little bit about this stuff wouldn't hesitate to put him on proper meds. The only variable might be if the cancer issue involved the prostate, but what I'm gathering from the OP, that's not the case.

  7. #7
    elpropiotorvic's Avatar
    elpropiotorvic is offline Senior Member
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    Honestly man what a fvcked up situation ... I went to my doc because I wanted them to put me on nolva for my pubertal gyno (i didn't go in saying I want nolva) and he said stop drinking protein shakes :@ fvcking ignorant prick !!!! Hope everything goes well with u

  8. #8
    Nicotine's Avatar
    Nicotine is offline Anabolic Member
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    week 1:
    1cc of deca on monday

    1cc of deca on thurs

    week 2:
    1cc of deca on monday

    1cc of deca on thurs

    week 3: blood work

    week 3: enjoy your script .

    screw the dr's who listen to the media hype, when they should care more about patient care, than jamming THEIR personal beliefs down the throats of patients who need legit care.

  9. #9
    Biff77 is offline Junior Member
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    just drop the woman DR.. just keep witchin Drs. til you find a good one..

  10. #10
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Yeah, it's pretty tough getting a female doc out there that's in tune with this stuff. I don't know if I've really read a post where someone was raving bout their lady doc and HRT. It would be interesting to hear about just one who does Test/Deca /HCG & AI.

  11. #11
    Epic Ed's Avatar
    Epic Ed is offline Associate Member
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    Sorry you're dealing with this, but the easiest solution would seem to be just switching doctors. I'm not sure what your AO is, but in most any area of the country you should be able to find a doc who will work with you. It's pretty sad when you know more about which test methods and frequency of administration are better when it comes to TRT than she does. Eject, dude.

    Oh -- as soon as she looked me square in the eye and said "250 is normal" I would have walked out the fecking door.

  12. #12
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    most doctors have no clue about any of this stuff. its sad that the people going in there know more about this stuff then they do. Maybe u should look into a different endo. i had the same thing happen with the gyno thing i told my doc about gyno when i was a teen and he told me to stop drinking shakes and that protein will hurt you. i just find stuff myself i dont trust doctors anymore

  13. #13
    Hard.On's Avatar
    Hard.On is offline Senior Member
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    man oh man,
    The doctors are the same all around the f'n world

    what a waste

  14. #14
    Titalis is offline New Member
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    i must have gotten lucky with my doctor i guess. total around 200 free around 7 and she tells me i have two choices, shots or gel. so i pick shots, she says ok lets start at 50mg/wk and see how it goes. 2 days later after doing some research i call her and say hey, everything im readin says 100mg is the baseline to start at. to which she says, ok no problem let me know how you feel.

  15. #15
    pittbulldad's Avatar
    pittbulldad is offline Associate Member
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    I had the same issue last year.. my test was 200 and doc said it was bottom of range and fine... went to another doc and he had me on test the next day... feel like i've posted this before

  16. #16
    Indymuscleguy's Avatar
    Indymuscleguy is offline Senior Member
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    I am curious to know what your cancer primary was. Some cancers, such as prostate cancer, get their fuel from testosterone . Just curious to know...and congrats on your survival.

  17. #17
    pittbulldad's Avatar
    pittbulldad is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indymuscleguy View Post
    I am curious to know what your cancer primary was. Some cancers, such as prostate cancer, get their fuel from testosterone. Just curious to know...and congrats on your survival.
    at his age my guess would be either testicular or lymphoma but they should have shielded his testes to prevent damage... at his age if it was prostate cancer he would be dead (in general speaking on the 5 year survival rates)

  18. #18
    Indymuscleguy's Avatar
    Indymuscleguy is offline Senior Member
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    Pitt...yea you are prob right as I have never heard of a 36yo with prostate cancer. Also generally speaking, men under the age of 50 with prostate cancer is rare and has a low survival again, you are right.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indymuscleguy View Post
    Pitt...yea you are prob right as I have never heard of a 36yo with prostate cancer. Also generally speaking, men under the age of 50 with prostate cancer is rare and has a low survival again, you are right.
    indy, for some cancers the worst age to get them is between 20-45.. prostate and breast cancers are the primary examples since they feed off of hormones that are abundant at these times.

    I have heard of someone that had prostate cancer under 35(second hand from a doc) and he only survived 4 months from diagnosis.

  20. #20
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by pittbulldad View Post
    indy, for some cancers the worst age to get them is between 20-45.. prostate and breast cancers are the primary examples since they feed off of hormones that are abundant at these times.

    I have heard of someone that had prostate cancer under 35(second hand from a doc) and he only survived 4 months from diagnosis.
    this is astonishing news to me...i thought early diagnosis was the key regardless of age...but the hormone thing makes sense...glad i got past my scare before going on trt

  21. #21
    pittbulldad's Avatar
    pittbulldad is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    this is astonishing news to me...i thought early diagnosis was the key regardless of age...but the hormone thing makes sense...glad i got past my scare before going on trt
    early diagnosis is always better than not... but the problem with a lot of cancer symptoms is that they tend to be non-specific so they can be missed especially if its in a group that you wouldn't expect the disease in.

    for example, male breast cancer is easier to find due to less fatty tissue but tend to present further advanced because men don't expect to get it...

    but to be honest there are some cancers that regardless of how early the outcomes are usually bad.

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