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Thread: My dilema

  1. #1

    My dilema

    Well I was posting on another thread about my prostate issues. I have had higher PSA readings. Last one was about 3 weeks ago and was 2.3 My TEST levels were 1300 and I am only on 200mg of TEST C. So my urologist thinks that it is the TEST causing the high PSA reading and wants me to cut that to every two weeks. However my Endo won't give me another prescription because my PSA. I think it is still an infection and trying to convince my uro into giving me cipro but he wants to see if the PSA goes down with lowering the TEST injections.

    Well I am out of TEST and quitting cold turkey is going to kill me (did that before). I can try and find a source but not sure I should. What should I take so that I don't feel like crap from quitting the TEST? The thing that sucks is I am finally feeling better and losing weight and working out again and now that is going to go out the window.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    are you taking HCG or anything like that?

  3. #3
    No, only taking TEST C and arimidex

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I'd get them to prescribe HCG to kick start you testicles

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    If you're secondary, HCG would probably be the route to go.

    I think jpkman and a few others have been down similar roads, hopefully he can chime in.

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