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Thread: Struck Gold Yesterday

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Struck Gold Yesterday

    I visited a new Dr. yesterday and I was pleasantly surprised by her demeanor. After looking at the BW results my previous Dr. had taken (2 weeks ago) it didn't take her but a few seconds to tell me that I would benefit from injections as opposed to a topical. I quote...."I can't imagine why any Dr. would prescribe gel for TRT" In short, my "new" Dr. prescribed me 200mg/ml of Test @ 0.5ml/wk for 2 weeks. BW at the end of 2nd week to see where we are and make adjustments as needed. Doc also said that I would feel best if I could reach the upper T levels. "if we can get you close to 700, I think you'll feel much better".

    Here are my stats with a couple of corrections from a post I made in another thread.

    327 lbs down from 328
    BF 31.2% and not the previous 28% I mentioned

    Any thoughts on what Doc prescribed?

    What are the significant differences in what my Dr. is prescribing and the Sust 250 I took a few months ago.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    that seems like a big starting dose to me

    and it depends on the test but I am at 1080 (at my last bw) and my doc said I can go up to 1200 without a problem so maybe it is a different test but 700 may be low? Do you have a copy of the blood work with the range? also make sure to check the free test not just the total.

    what test did she give you ?cyp? my guess is probably e or cyp and it will probably give you a more even test level.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by tubs View Post
    that seems like a big starting dose to me

    and it depends on the test but I am at 1080 (at my last bw) and my doc said I can go up to 1200 without a problem so maybe it is a different test but 700 may be low? Do you have a copy of the blood work with the range? also make sure to check the free test not just the total.

    what test did she give you ?cyp? my guess is probably e or cyp and it will probably give you a more even test level.
    cyp is what was prescribed. #'s she is going off of is labcorp's 280-800 ng/dL range.

  4. #4
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    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by moe-t View Post
    cyp is what was prescribed. #'s she is going off of is labcorp's 280-800 ng/dL range.
    My last labcorp went to 1200
    quest went a little lower from what i remember - huh

    so 700 would probably be good and that is good she wants you in the upper range

    I use cyp once a week also and it seems pretty even but i may ask and split it to 2x a week to avoid any dips that i seem to get at the end of some weeks

    I just got a free and total test done the day after pinning from another doc and want to see where i am one week out to see if it is worth while - i will get the one week out numbers on the 14th of next month (blood draw the 1st of the month)

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Surface-of-the-Sun, AZ
    I'm confused about your dosing. Is that 200mg 1x every two weeks? Or 200mg each week?

    The difference between test cyp and sust 250 is the esters. Test cyp is a medium/long acting ester. Sust 250 is a blend of four different test compounds, each with a different ester. It's designed to provide an immediate effect (due to the short acting esters in the compound) while the longer acting esters help keep it effective for a longer period of time -- up to two weeks.

    Your doc isn't going to be able to tell much after two weeks. It will tak that long for the test cyp to even begin working, although you may have some immediate benefits in terms of increased energy and mental alertness. It will take at least 4 weeks to build up a therapeutic level in your blood stream. Any new blood work before then is kind of pointless. That's the down side to using longer acting esters -- it takes a while to determine how effect the dose will be, and then it takes an additional period of time before you'll know if any adjustments you've made (in dosing) is effective. Not a big deal, but patience is key and blood work after 3 months is ideal.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I think he's doing 100mg a week

  7. #7
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    Aug 2009
    Agree with PBD, it's 100mg/wk on the dose (OP says 0.5ml/wk)

    Also agree with Ed, 2 weeks isn't going to make or break. 6 weeks is usually where you want to take BW and assess your program. 280-800 is indeed the standard range for most places, and 700 would be right towards the top.

    Very pleased to hear that you had a receptive doctor, and better yet a female doctor! The only other thing that will make this story better is if you tell us she's hot too.

  8. #8
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    Mar 2010
    wow i read this totaly wrong while at work and agree with ed and vette above

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by tubs View Post
    wow i read this totaly wrong while at work and agree with ed and vette above
    Man, I don't know how to break it to you ... Your HR department sent me a PM today inquiring about your fascination for anabolic review on company time. They're scrubbing your system as we speak. They know about the porn too!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    Man, I don't know how to break it to you ... Your HR department sent me a PM today inquiring about your fascination for anabolic review on company time. They're scrubbing your system as we speak. They know about the porn too!
    odd - i don't remember sending you anything but i do get busy here a lot

  11. #11
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    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    Agree with PBD, it's 100mg/wk on the dose (OP says 0.5ml/wk)

    Also agree with Ed, 2 weeks isn't going to make or break. 6 weeks is usually where you want to take BW and assess your program. 280-800 is indeed the standard range for most places, and 700 would be right towards the top.

    Very pleased to hear that you had a receptive doctor, and better yet a female doctor! The only other thing that will make this story better is if you tell us she's hot too.

    HeHe...Doc not too hot, but that nurse was built like a brick outhouse and I bet she was close to 50. As she drew my blood I told her I'd bleed out for her any day.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by moe-t View Post
    HeHe...Doc not too hot, but that nurse was built like a brick outhouse and I bet she was close to 50. As she drew my blood I told her I'd bleed out for her any day.
    It sounds like a movie in the making Keep the doc around as a fluffer!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Read up on Anti-Es that will be next, and make sure you get tested for E2 on the next set of blood work.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by oakdad View Post
    Read up on Anti-Es that will be next, and make sure you get tested for E2 on the next set of blood work.
    Thanks for the heads up there Oak. Will do.

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