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Thread: Making babies while on HRT/TRT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Making babies while on HRT/TRT

    I noticed that this question pops up on a frequent basis, so i asked a doctor that I'm on good terms with who does a medical talk show on satellite radio his thoughts on this matter.. here's his responses..

    Italics are the questions askedbold are his responses

    Hey Dr *****,
    I have question regarding Hormone/Testosterone therapy and making babies. There is an ongoing discussion on a support board that I'm on about whether or not you can get a girl pregnant while on TRT/HRT. The camps pretty much are all over the place on this and i was wondering if you had any input on this.

    Hell yes you can; what is their argument that they can't?

    Pretty much.. I think they are basing it on testicular atrophy from the decrese in testosterone production

    Ok, I was assuming you were talking about testosterone REPLACEMENT for men with low testosterones. For people taking it in body building, sperm count can drop to zero. When artificial testosterone is introduced into the body, the pituitary gland in the brain senses its presence and shuts off the supply of hormones that stimulate the testicles to make their own testosterone and sperm. The brain cannot differentiate natural testosterone from synthetic, so it shuts down its own sperm-making mechanisms.

    Infertility is a big deal among Testosterone users. It can take years to get it back once it's gone, if it ever does return.

    You can see by his reponse that if you are using for TRT/HRT there shouldn't be an issue with procreation due to the lower doses... the concern comes in with people who use the much higher doses for bodybuilding and such.

    if anyone wants a follow up on this let me know and i can email him with other questions..
    Last edited by pittbulldad; 05-21-2010 at 09:18 PM. Reason: minor changes to format

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    So, what he is saying is that at high bodybuilding doses (500mg or more of Test) that the sperm count shuts down.

    BUT, in TRT doses (200mg or less of Test) that sperm count remains unaffected.

    Is this true even after prolonged use (years)?

    If this is true, then I wonder what is to be said about HCG use?

    From my personal experience, HCG made my testes bigger and my estrogen increase. I never had a sperm analysis though. I am very interested in what else is to be said about this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    i don't necessarily agree with him

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    The way I understand it is any use of test(100mg to 500mg) long enough will shut you down. HCG is suppose to get you going again is what my doc told me. I am taking HCG every other month just for this as I want to have another child in the next few years. I hope my doc is right??

  5. #5
    " When artificial testosterone is introduced into the body, the pituitary gland in the brain senses its presence and shuts off the supply of hormones that stimulate the testicles to make their own testosterone and sperm. The brain cannot differentiate natural testosterone from synthetic, so it shuts down its own sperm-making mechanisms."

    This statement sounds like an infertility issue to me regardless of how much test a person administered.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Follow Up responses from Doc to dante's questions

    Well, it's more complicated than that.

    Guys who have low testosterone will often have low sperm count. Replacing the testosterone with HRT level doses will often actually DECREASE the sperm count further.

    So any dose of Testosterone can shut down the sperm production cells. Kind of a drag.

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