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Thread: Protocal for AI

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Protocal for AI

    i start the first TRT stick on Monday (200 cyp) per week, so no AI till first BW lab is done in 6 weeks. Out of curiosity what's the range of E2 that one should be in to avoid and AI?

    What's the overall protocol for AI? Any other suggestions for best practices when it comes to introducing other gear, such as Deca to help with arthritis in the shoulder, also need a good suggestion for keeping water gain down and when such a substance would be suggested to add in.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by eregitano View Post
    i start the first TRT stick on Monday (200 cyp) per week, so no AI till first BW lab is done in 6 weeks. Out of curiosity what's the range of E2 that one should be in to avoid and AI?

    What's the overall protocol for AI? Any other suggestions for best practices when it comes to introducing other gear, such as Deca to help with arthritis in the shoulder, also need a good suggestion for keeping water gain down and when such a substance would be suggested to add in.
    What is your E2 score going into the TRT program? If your E2 is high then you should probably introduce an AI right out of the gate. Either way, 6 weeks is definitely when you want to run BW, then make your adjustments from there.

    The protocol will vary with each individual. Let us know your E2 score and we might be able to suggest a good starting point. AI's like Arimidex will help with the water retention issues, but compounds like deca won't help with it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    What is your E2 score going into the TRT program? If your E2 is high then you should probably introduce an AI right out of the gate. Either way, 6 weeks is definitely when you want to run BW, then make your adjustments from there.

    The protocol will vary with each individual. Let us know your E2 score and we might be able to suggest a good starting point. AI's like Arimidex will help with the water retention issues, but compounds like deca won't help with it.
    great info, don't have my e2 score handy however I can check it out tomorrow. Will Deca hurt water retention, is it a matter choosing do I want to help my joints or keep water retention low?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by eregitano View Post
    great info, don't have my e2 score handy however I can check it out tomorrow. Will Deca hurt water retention, is it a matter choosing do I want to help my joints or keep water retention low?
    Yeah, that score will definitely impact where and how you start your regiment. Feel free to include any other results from your lab work that might help us comment on your new HRT program. Also, would appreciate anything else you can share about yourself (stats, personal goals for TRT, etc).

    You could very well experience some water retention if taking deca. I've experienced a little retention at times, but nothing severe. However, like the AI's, it varies with each individual. Some of it will also depend on your current BF stats and the diet/workout routine.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    I was wondering the same thing. My E2 was really low. I am also on test cyp 200 mg per week. SO I think my chances of gyno are slim.

    BTW, It is working well for me, but the first week they gave me 300 mg and that was much better!

    I worry about my nipples a lot, but I did anyways long before HRT because I got up to 35% BF for awhile.

    I am thinking of buying something from AR-r but I question if talking to my doc first is the way to go. It tought about just calling up and asking if I can get a script for an AI to have on hand. Not sure if they would do that or not. It just seems odd buying non human-grade chems to supplement a legitmate prescription.

    I don't like being on HRT but I really love the results so far after 2 weeks:
    -More defintion
    -Sex 5 times a day
    -Strenght has increased 30%

    The only downside is I pin on Sundays, and by thursday I can tell I am coming down, by Saturday I'm getting weak.

    PS Drink LOTS of water, you'll add water weight, I gained about 10 lbs. I wasn't drinking enough and I was getting very weak at times.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    good advice above....j
    ust would like to e2 was low and went way up just on androgel so i wouldnt guage worry so much where youre starting at but like said above that 6 weeks will tell also keep a mental note of how/what you feel and see because youre treating your symptoms as much as the numbers
    target range for e2 (20-45) but once again a lot of feel
    also, my little run of deca helped with my shoulder issues(rotator cuff)(not sure if arthrities, never a diagnosis) but as vette said...that 6 week mark is pretty good for bloodwork and best to get your trt protocol (test-estrogen) dialed in before adding the deca so you can know what compound is doing what to you
    hope this helps

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