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    TRT Injection Critique (video)

    Here is a video of my injection tonight. I did my quad, but in a different spot than usual, I did more on the side. Normally I do top dead center, as shown in the photo I attached.

    Please not that this is the first time I have used a 25 guage needle, normally use a 22 guage needle. Very painless, no nerve or vessles, but it was a bit hard to push in to inject the test. I pushed really hard at the end to get all the test out, I did a good job getting it all out, but i need to get some B12 so I don't have to strain. That was so painless I am worried I didn't get it into the muscle!

    The needle is 1.5 inches, I was in about an inch or inch an a quarter. No light headedness this time, no blood either. maybe I should video all of them!

    Here is a pic of where I inject last time, very painful, hit a nerve, got some blood, nearly passed out. and below the is the video. Critiques welcome.

    Here is the vid, enjoy! I know its on youtube but I am not doing anything illegal so I don't care.
    Last edited by nwjt; 07-10-2010 at 10:43 PM.

  2. #2
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Thanks for posting this. Good technique, and 1 bonus point for the aspiration!

    Your pic looks like the pin mark is a lot higher than where it should be, at least from what I have seen from others. Also, you were doing 22g? Bejesus, man! That's like hitting your leg with a jack hammer! I've used 25g in the glutes for awhile now, and couldn't imagine anything bigger going into my leg.

  3. #3
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    Yes, 22 G 1.5 inch. Definately hurts a bit more, but the test is much easier to push in.

    I think the pharmacy messed up, I was supposed to get 22G to draw from the vial, then 25 to inject with.

    Do you know if the ar-r synriches are good? I may order a bunch so I don't have to jack with walgreens, they act like they've never dispensed syringes before and its a mess.

    I'm like the 25 G now.

  4. #4
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    I've never used their needles, but I'm sure it's top of the line stuff just like everything else they do.

    Funny thing, I've got a whole pack of 22g needles. I think my primary sent them to me when I first got setup on TRT. I've never used one of them ... If figured I would use them to draw if push comes to shove and I run out of 18g.

  5. #5
    subnet's Avatar
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    guys, I thought the best place when shooting the quads is on the OUTside rather than inner? Less nerves there compared to the inner thigh area, less blood vessels to hit etc?

    nwjt, when I do it, I was taught/read to take the alchohol swab, center it and swipe in a circular motion inside-out so that no 'dirt' or bad stuff gets re-applied to the spot. Not sure if I'm making sense.

    Also, I pretty much hold my skin tight and make a quick dart-like motion to get it in. Takes WAY less time and you can feel it even less. In fact, I think I'd be done with the whole inject by the time you start aspirating!

    Again, just my thoughts, not saying that you're doing anything wrong with the exception of questioning the inner thigh area?

    I use 25g x 1" in the thigh btw. If I do glutes, I only could find 23g x 1 1/2". Can hardly feel anything either way but definitely less with the 25g on the thighs...

  6. #6
    Jupiter2's Avatar
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    I agree with Subnet. Did alot of research prior to beginning my TRT because I was sooooo nervous about self injecting.

    The quad muscle is at it's densest and thickest on the outside portion of your thigh. To find the correct spot, section your upper leg into 4 quadrants (line from knee to top of leg, then find the middle of that line and draw another across it). In essence you should be seeing a large cross on your leg. The point of injection should be somewhere within the section of the cross that is closest to your body, not closest to the knee, and on the outside portion of the cross not the inner. My injection point is usually 20 or so degree's (or approx. 2 to 3 inches) from the long line running from knee to body.

    The reason for this, as Subnet stated are the lack of nerves and blood vessels in this portion of your leg. I use 18g needles to draw and 23g needles to inject with and have no problems.
    Last edited by Jupiter2; 07-11-2010 at 08:13 AM.

  7. #7
    nwjt's Avatar
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    My doc told me wrong then. So far through, I only hit a nerve one time. That is why I go so slow now.

    BTW, I feel that shot today, nice little knot in my leg.

    Will try the outter next time.

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
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    I am sorry to say but that was awful, why on earth are you injecting there? your asking for problems.

    My advice is do some research on IM injection on the quads and dont inject there again until you know how to properly.

  9. #9
    nwjt's Avatar
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    Can you explain why? I have done research on IM and my doc showed me how to do it. Lots of contradicitng information out there.

    I am curious what problems I may run into... A muscle is a muscle, and the bigger the better is what I found so far.

  10. #10
    pittbulldad's Avatar
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    i've purchased a ton of pins and syringes from ar-r .. they work just fine and cheaper than getting them from pharmacy... they also deliver really quickly

  11. #11
    Noles12's Avatar
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    That is not the head you want to be hitting in your quad for an injection. You run more risks with nerves and larger veins to hit there. There is also a lot more fat in the inner thigh than the outside which you run the risk of not actually hitting the muscle. You should be hitting the exact opposite side of the quad.

    Also your technique is quite bad. I didnt even realize that you were putting the needle in. It should be one swift motion in. Like a dart throught the skin. You shouldnt slowly push it through.

  12. #12
    marcus300's Avatar
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    There are to many nerves,veins and there are to many muscle intercections. I would never inject there and can you show me where you done your research were it states inject there??

    Here this might help you understand the quad muscles-

  13. #13
    Noles12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    There are to many nerves,veins and there are to many muscle intercections. I would never inject there and can you show me where you done your research were it states inject there??

    Here this might help you understand the quad muscles-

    Exactly as shown in the picture, you could have easily hit in a gap betwen three separate muscles. The outer head is ideal due to its size. You cant really miss it

  14. #14
    tubs is offline Associate Member
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    DO YOU always put the pin in so slow? I see kids toys in the bg can't your wife pin you in the ass? it is a lot easier

  15. #15
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    ehh. If I went between the muscles is it wasted?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by tubs View Post
    DO YOU always put the pin in so slow? I see kids toys in the bg can't your wife pin you in the ass? it is a lot easier
    No way, wife hates needles.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Here this might help you understand the quad muscles-

    According to your picture, I did it right between 1 and 4.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I am sorry to say but that was awful, why on earth are you injecting there? your asking for problems.

    My advice is do some research on IM injection on the quads and dont inject there again until you know how to properly.

  19. #19
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwjt View Post
    According to your picture, I did it right between 1 and 4.
    Take a look at your video and you will know were you injected,I was cringing all the way through that video, your technique was bad and where you injected was even worse, I wouldn't do that again if I were you next time inject into the outer quad like on the pics ive posted

  20. #20
    Noles12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwjt View Post
    According to your picture, I did it right between 1 and 4.
    Not quite. You actually shot a little higher. When you dont hit the muscle the absorption will be slower but it will absorb. In the future i would either hit much closer to the knee (the teardrop on the inside of the leg) or the larrger head on the outside. Then you never have to worry.

    Also go watch some videos on how to inject. I have never seen someone slowly push the needle in like that. I feel like you are more likely to fill the spot with blood therefore getting a false reading from aspirating sometimes and thinking you are in a vein. That also seems like a much more painful way of doing it. I mean have you ever had a doctor go that slow when giving you a shot?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Take a look at your video and you will know were you injected,I was cringing all the way through that video, your technique was bad and where you injected was even worse, I wouldn't do that again if I were you next time inject into the outer quad like on the pics ive posted
    I'm looking at the spot now, I can see the hole, right on the line between 1 and 4. Maybe the vid angle makes it look higher.

    But regardless, I will start doing outter.

    Whats wrong with my technique, too slow?

  22. #22
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    BTW guys, appreciate the feed back. I get all my advice from this forum. I recently made a post about hitting a nerve, here is the advice I got:

    Hit a nerve

    So I hope you understand why I do what I do, people here tell me what to do, so I do it then others tell me not to lol.

    I'm doing what I can to research but lots of contradicting information,

    Perhaps we need an injection video thread on here to show all to hit all the spots correctly?

  23. #23
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwjt View Post
    I'm looking at the spot now, I can see the hole, right on the line between 1 and 4. Maybe the vid angle makes it look higher.

    But regardless, I will start doing outter.

    Whats wrong with my technique, too slow?
    Yes its to slow, shoot outer quad next time

    best of luck

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Yes its to slow, shoot outer quad next time

    best of luck
    Thanks, will do the outer from now on. However, We'll see about the fast vs slow, seems to be some contradiction here.

    In terms of going fast, I am just unable to do it right now, my brain won't let me.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwjt View Post
    Thanks, will do the outer from now on. However, We'll see about the fast vs slow, seems to be some contradiction here.

    In terms of going fast, I am just unable to do it right now, my brain won't let me.
    I literally have never seen anyone inject that slow. What is the issue that is holding you back from going in fast?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwjt View Post
    Thanks, will do the outer from now on. However, We'll see about the fast vs slow, seems to be some contradiction here.

    In terms of going fast, I am just unable to do it right now, my brain won't let me.
    nwjt - hold the pin like a dart, get it to the location you want it, make sure the angle is correct and just plunge it in until it bottoms out! If it bothers you, just briefly look away the very same time you're jabbing it in. It really is easy once you do it. Like ripping a bandaid off but with no pain, just stab that sucker in

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    I literally have never seen anyone inject that slow. What is the issue that is holding you back from going in fast?
    Its like a scared of heights thing, I can't do it. Need to work on it.

    But slow seems to be working for me.

    BTW, I watched the video, the camera angle makes it look higher than it is, I am between spots 1 and 4 on the picture.

    Next time I'll try an overhead view.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwjt View Post
    Its like a scared of heights thing, I can't do it. Need to work on it.

    But slow seems to be working for me.

    BTW, I watched the video, the camera angle makes it look higher than it is, I am between spots 1 and 4 on the picture.

    Next time I'll try an overhead view.
    You dont want to be anywhere near where you pinned, you need to inject where it shows on the pic i posted.

  29. #29
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Good information from everyone. I'm looking to possibly crossover from glutes to quads, so I'm trying gather all the facts myself.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    Good information from everyone. I'm looking to possibly crossover from glutes to quads, so I'm trying gather all the facts myself.
    I prefer them over glutes. I still shoot glutes too due to ED injections but its a lot harder to turn all the way around when you get bigger.

  31. #31
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    at least 5" down and 3" to the right, your too high up and central in your picture, thts if tht is your right leg in the pict
    Last edited by dec11; 07-11-2010 at 09:52 PM.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    at least 5" down and 3" to the right, your too high up and central in your picture, thts if tht is your right leg in the pict
    That was my left leg, and the angle of the cam made it look too high.

  33. #33
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    Great thread NWJT!

    I'm kind of new to this stuff, I've only been pinning for about 4 months now but that even seemed a little slow to me. Not just inserting the needle but waiting to inject.

    What I was taught was to flex the thigh to find the "meatiest" part of the leg. Once I find a spot I like, I relax the muscle [this seems to be key] and clean the spot with an alcohol swab. Next I stretch the skin out with one hand [which makes the initial "breach" a little easier] and place the needle with the other hand. [I'm using a 22g 1 inch needle so I don't necessarily "jab".] I push the needle until I feel it hit the muscle. I usually stop the needle about 1/4 of an inch from the top; but it sounds like that's not so good? I find I don't get the "charlie-horse" effect afterwards if I do it that way.

    As for aspirating, do all you guys actually "draw" a little blood before you plunge? I was taught aspirating meant to make sure there are no bubbles in the syringe before I stick it in. In fact, there's usually a tiny drop of test on the end of the needle just before I insert it.

    I have noticed a couple times, after I withdraw the needle, a little bit of the test comes out of the leg before any blood. Is this a sign I'm doing something wrong?
    Last edited by forrest_and_trees; 07-12-2010 at 01:05 AM.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by forrest_and_trees View Post
    I'm kind of new to this stuff, I've only been pinning for about 4 months now but that even seemed a little slow to me. Not just inserting the needle but waiting to inject.

    What I was taught was to flex the thigh to find the "meatiest" part on the top of the leg, [as opposed to inner or outer]. Once I find a spot I like, I relax the muscle and clean the spot with an alcohol swab. Next I stretch the skin out with one hand and place the needle with the other. [I'm using a 22g 1 inch needle so I don't necessarily "jab".] I push the needle until I feel it hit the muscle. I usually stop the needle about 1/4 of an inch from the top; but it sounds like that's not so good?

    As for aspirating, do all you guys actually "draw" a little blood before you plunge? I was taught aspirating meant to make sure there are no bubbles in the syringe before I stick it in. In fact, there's usually a tiny drop of test on the end of the needle just before I insert it.

    I have noticed a couple times, after I withdraw the needle, a little bit of the test comes out of the leg before any blood. Is this a sign I'm doing something wrong?
    There a few things wrong with that. If you look at the pictures earlier in the thread you will see the problem with just shooting in the middle of the leg. There are many muscles that you could end up in between rather than in a larger one. If you look at the outer muscle you will notice it is much larger.

    The other problem with that is that the amount of fat in the top and middle of the leg will cause problems. Especially if you are only going in 3/4 of an inch. I would leave just a little bit of the needle out of the skin visible and inject according to the pictures posted by marcus

  35. #35
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    Never mind... Post deleted.
    Last edited by forrest_and_trees; 07-12-2010 at 01:02 AM.

  36. #36
    Noles12's Avatar
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    Its actually the muscle more on the outer quad. There are less nerves and if you flex you will see there is little fat here usually. Look at the other picture. It is actually the number 2

  37. #37
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    Alright, now I'm feeling *real stupid*. It wasn't until just now while I was sitting on the floor that I realized that actually *is* where I've been injecting. So ignore my previous picture and thanks for clearing that up.

    Corrected image:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails TRT Injection Critique (video)-inject2.jpg  

  38. #38
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    lol u took ages to put the needle in, reminds me of my first pin.

  39. #39
    tubs is offline Associate Member
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    put in in fast but push the test out slow

    it gets easier - i gave myself allergy shots for years I remember the first one sucked but the faster you stick yourself the less it will hurt and the better off you'll be.

    like someone said hold it like a dart or pen and stick it fast - don't worry it wont get away from you.

    your wife may like doing it, mine does - tell her it hurts a lot lol

    have her do it in your leg first if she wants you to watch - she couldn't do much worse lol (hope you can take a joke)

  40. #40
    oakdad is offline Junior Member
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    Lets see if I have this correct.
    To hit the Quad (number 2 / pink in the above picture) one can stand up flex it and mark where it peeks just above the outer side of the knee and inject about a half inch up and in from there.

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