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Thread: Estrogen levels

  1. #1
    marineone888 is offline New Member
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    Estrogen levels

    Hi All,

    I have recently been given the go ahead to move from 100mg of test per week to 200mg, and I am a little worried about my estrogen levels, as I do not want to gain weight or grow boobs. I know I should have my doctor test my levels, but I am a consultant and won't really be able to have those levels checked again until November.

    Is there an over the counter med I can take to ensure I keep my levels in check? Is this something I need to be worried about with the my current test dosing? Thanks!

  2. #2
    ReBilly's Avatar
    ReBilly is offline Junior Member
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    You probably won't go all gyno on that dose (though everybody is different) but it IS possible you may experience sides from elevated estrogen. Most over the counter stuff falls into the SERM or SARM category which usually is no good on sex drive. High estrogen can counter the effects of being on TRT in general, and taking a SERM or SARM can too.

    If you take an AI with that kind of dose increase you're gonna feel wayyyyyy different and your test may go through the roof. You really need to find a way to check your levels before November if you're gonna double up your test dose. 200 is usually the max they give for a weekly shot so you *might* be pretty high

  3. #3
    killswitch is offline New Member
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    There are labs all over the country, (some such as quest labs and lab corp) are nationwide chains. Your doc can email you a requistion form for any lab you want... in any city. You print and take, get blood drawn, and a week later you can have your results. I travel a lot for work too, but its never been a problem getting my blood work done..

  4. #4
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    Like ReBilly said, you should be OK however, everybody's different. Just as a point of reference, when I first got tested, my Total T was 174. Now after about 3 months 200mg weekly of Test Cyp and 50mg of DHEA daily, it's 1132. As for my E2 levels they are now *167*! For obvious reasons, it would have been nice to know what my E2 was when I started.

    As for pricing,you need to shop around. *Seriously*. I did and I got my E2 test for only $28 with a cash discount at my local hospital. My Doctor wanted to charge me $115.
    Last edited by forrest_and_trees; 07-13-2010 at 07:23 PM.

  5. #5
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    didnt understand the consultant part.....i had a doctor and heard people use 60X0(otc at like gnc's) for estro control...actually used it briefly b4 arimidex but couldnt vouch for its effectiveness....also...nobody mentioned liquidex from lion (this board's sponsor)

  6. #6
    marineone888 is offline New Member
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    Does liquidex work well? How is it taken?

  7. #7
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by marineone888 View Post
    Does liquidex work well? How is it taken?
    i heard it works just as well as arimidex ...and it is taken orally in liquid(drops) form....i've never used it but i've seen COUNTLESS posts on this board from members who have and i'm sure they'll vouch for its effectiveness and or be able to help with doseage if lion doesnt make it clear

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    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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  9. #9
    marineone888 is offline New Member
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