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  1. #1
    assymacgee1 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2010

    hrt and caloric intake

    i don't know if i placed this in the right place but here goes.

    i know that in order to build muscle while taking test you need to consume enough calories to do so, but, my question is : i weigh 225lbs and i got quite alot of muscle and i'm trying to loose some of the fat, i take 150ml of cyp every 10 days (normally for hrt) but i started taking 400mgs to get some muscle back and i'm wondering i know how many calories it takes to get the maximum results, but, that's for the normal bodybuilder, all i do all day is go to the gym workout for an hour or so, then i come home and pretty much sit on my ass all day!! every other day i spend an hour on the treadmill. how many calories should i consume in a day? do i need alot or is that just going to make me gain more fat? i'm naturally able toi put on fat so i'm wondering what would be good for me? i don';t have the appetite to consume alot of food so i drink alot of protien shakes to keep that high, so should i have a low, medium, or high calorie diet. i know my questions are a little confusing so you can imagine how i feel

  2. #2
    Regular guy is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2010
    Research the diet section, it has a lot to do with right foods in right combinations. I had to search it myself. After asking a very similar question.

  3. #3
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by assymacgee1 View Post
    i don't know if i placed this in the right place but here goes.

    i know that in order to build muscle while taking test you need to consume enough calories to do so, but, my question is : i weigh 225lbs and i got quite alot of muscle and i'm trying to loose some of the fat, i take 150ml of cyp every 10 days (normally for hrt) but i started taking 400mgs to get some muscle back and i'm wondering i know how many calories it takes to get the maximum results, but, that's for the normal bodybuilder, all i do all day is go to the gym workout for an hour or so, then i come home and pretty much sit on my ass all day!! every other day i spend an hour on the treadmill. how many calories should i consume in a day? do i need alot or is that just going to make me gain more fat? i'm naturally able toi put on fat so i'm wondering what would be good for me? i don';t have the appetite to consume alot of food so i drink alot of protien shakes to keep that high, so should i have a low, medium, or high calorie diet. i know my questions are a little confusing so you can imagine how i feel
    The dosage protocol will be better if administered at least every week, compared to taking every 10 days. However, your parentheses says, "normally for hrt." Are you on a prescribed program with a doc? I don't think the bump to 400mg is going to do much for you based on what you're telling us except send your estrogen flying. The only thing we know about you is your weight and you want us to throw out a calorie number to you.

    Please tell us more about yourself (age, height, BF, time on TRT, hormone levels including E2, etc.) It's a lot more complicated than just saying, "Yeah, go on a medium calorie diet." We're here to help, but we need more info. Thanks!

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    agree...for BEST results...follow the diet forum...they are professional bb's....

    for me when i went on trt i got what i was looking for (loss of bodyfat and adding muscle) with just a good well balanced diet with a little added protein....very few days would i ever reach the 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per lean body weight...but who knows how much better my bod could have been with a better diet....
    all depends on your goals?

  5. #5
    assymacgee1 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    The dosage protocol will be better if administered at least every week, compared to taking every 10 days. However, your parentheses says, "normally for hrt." Are you on a prescribed program with a doc? I don't think the bump to 400mg is going to do much for you based on what you're telling us except send your estrogen flying. The only thing we know about you is your weight and you want us to throw out a calorie number to you.

    Please tell us more about yourself (age, height, BF, time on TRT, hormone levels including E2, etc.) It's a lot more complicated than just saying, "Yeah, go on a medium calorie diet." We're here to help, but we need more info. Thanks!
    if you look at the rest of the responses you will see i provided all the info your looking for

  6. #6
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Aug 2009
    I see nothing on this thread but your weight. That's OK, good luck!

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