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Thread: Hot Flashes and Insomnia TRT :(

  1. #1

    Hot Flashes and Insomnia TRT :(

    I have been on my TRT for almost 5 weeks now along with my A-dex but for the last 6 days or so i have gotten about 4 hours sleep each night. I cant seem to fall asleep and when im laying down i sweat non-stop. My maa is going through metapause and i feel like i am doing the same thing lo.. She complains about hot flashes and sweats and now i guess we have something else in common. Does this have to do with the AI? Any advise would be nice fellas

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    yes, i experience this even now. my wife makes me wear a t shirt to bed or she sleeps somewhere else because i am like a freakin faucet. I sleep maybe 6 hours a night overall. It seems to get worse for me when my e2 is low. I am going to lay off the adex for a while. (not suggesting you do this though)


  3. #3
    so u think that it is becasue my e2 is probably shot to the ground

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    my good man, it could be, but i couldn't tell you for sure. when is your next bw scheduled? this is just bases on my experience. are you having any other symptoms of low e2?

  5. #5
    Just an FYI, I had night sweats and hot flashes when my E2 was *high*, they stopped when my levels got down. As for the insomnia, I've been living with it for years but yah, the TRT did seem to aggravate it even more, It's been just over a year now on TRT and the past month or so I'm getting more sleep overall in the night but still wake up a lot. At least now I can get back to sleep. Before, I'd wake up after only 30-45 mins and think I'd slept the whole night through. It would drive me crazy; especially because I'd wake up at least a dozen times a night thinking it was time to get up. Then when the morning really came, I was exhausted.

  6. #6
    on week 7 of TRT they have my maintenece dose at 180mg per week cause i levels came back at 1260 after 5 weeks. I am also taking ambien when i cnt sleep but it has gotten better. i only took it once this week so far, and the night sweats have decreased a good bit as wel

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by TRT2010 View Post
    on week 7 of TRT they have my maintenece dose at 180mg per week cause i levels came back at 1260 after 5 weeks. I am also taking ambien when i cnt sleep but it has gotten better. i only took it once this week so far, and the night sweats have decreased a good bit as wel
    E2 that has been pounded into the ground will give you menopause like issues. Sweats and Hot Flashes are just a couple, on the flip side E2 out of range will do the same thing. With the way my TT and E2 was in my body, I would sweat like a pig and wake up with a drenched t-shirt along with a soaked pillow.

    Like you Ambien has worked wonders for me. However with Ambien you're body will become very tolerant to it within a month or 2 so use it only when you really need it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by TRT2010 View Post
    on week 7 of TRT they have my maintenece dose at 180mg per week cause i levels came back at 1260 after 5 weeks. I am also taking ambien when i cnt sleep but it has gotten better. i only took it once this week so far, and the night sweats have decreased a good bit as wel
    So what was your E2 results after 5 weeks?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Surface-of-the-Sun, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by TRT2010 View Post
    so u think that it is becasue my e2 is probably shot to the ground


    That's exactly what's going on. Lay off the Dex for at least a week and see how you feel. If you return to normal don't start taking the Dex again until you experience some symptoms of E2 going too high. Pay attention to moodiness and bloat -- those are usually the first indicators. Then start dosing the dex again at .25mg EOD. Re-evaluate as necessary.

    *forgot to ask -- what was your dose and frequency of Dex before you cut back?
    Last edited by Epic Ed; 09-17-2010 at 12:05 AM.

  11. #11
    I get night sweats when I change my dose and then they go away when I get used to the new levels.

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