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Thread: Winni while on TRT

  1. #1

    Winni while on TRT

    what would happen if one was doing more AAS than what the doctor is giving me. For instance, if my maintence dose is 250mg per week Test C and i jumped on lets say winni. What would the Clinic do? Can they all of a sudden just stop treatment or would they just lower my does? I am interested in tryign to find some Winni when i get does to about 15-12% bf. Anyone have any experience on doing more gear while on TRT

  2. #2
    or should i just be honest and say " hey, i am planning on doing some stanzonol how do you feel about that"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    i know a guy whose trt doc gives him winni so maybe your doc does too

  4. #4
    i know that at my clinic they only will do Test C injections but i have a apt with my Edo on Friday and maybe he could give me some stanz but idk.. i dont even know for sure if he is going to even treat me.

  5. #5
    but does anyone know what my anti aging clinic will do if they find out i am doing more than they give me

  6. #6

  7. #7
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    Aug 2009
    Well, technically you're not doing more than they give you. If you add another compound and told them, they would probably just say they don't support it and that's that. The only way it will show up on your testosterone is by lowering your SHBG, thus raising your free bio-available testosterone.

    Stanozolol is offered through my clinic. In fact, I am opting to run some liquid stanozolol in place of repeating another anavar cycle. I'll update my TRT program thread in the near future with more details.

  8. #8
    what do you like more stanz or anavar

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Central Oklahoma
    My doc has me on 50mg winny per day. I notice really quick strength gains the first couple of weeks, then my joints (hips, shoulders and elbows) have been really dry and achey feeling that I haven't tried to go heavier. I would quit taking it but I am down to 7 more days of pills and I'm going to tough it out.

  10. #10
    whats ur BF%

  11. #11
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    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by TRT2010 View Post
    what do you like more stanz or anavar
    I don't know at this stage, but give me a month and I'll tell you for sure. I had pretty good results with Anavar. Going with liquid stanz on this round to avoid that first pass through the liver. I'd highly advise you consider looking at the same. Oral winstrol can be pretty harsh on the liver.

  12. #12
    yeah i was told me online source is no good anymore so i am nervous trying it again so i am hoping my doc agrees

  13. #13
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    You're going through a anti aging clinic, right? You might be surprised with his response.

  14. #14
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    I've worked with two different anti aging clinics and both were more than happy to write scripts for winnie. I'm convinced that most of the clinics will write for whatever you want as long as you're willing to pay their prices.
    For me, the injection pain from the winstrol was not worth the benefit. The clinic ended up writing me a script for deca, which was a much better choice for me.

  15. #15
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    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by TRT2010 View Post
    what do you like more stanz or anavar
    I like anavar. I've purchased 15 grams so far and really enjoy the benefits.

    I had a bad experience with winnie. It dries out your joints, and I blew out my knee doing some squats. (I'm sitting here right now with a knee brace). I still have about 8 grams of winnie left, which I will probably dump in the crapper here pretty soon.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    I don't know at this stage, but give me a month and I'll tell you for sure. I had pretty good results with Anavar. Going with liquid stanz on this round to avoid that first pass through the liver. I'd highly advise you consider looking at the same. Oral winstrol can be pretty harsh on the liver.
    Is winstrol bad for HDL too ?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by wecker View Post
    Is winstrol bad for HDL too ?
    Yes, it can have negative effects on both the HDL and LDL. BW should be monitored closely and cycle lengths should be kept relatively short. Very hepatotoxic compound ... IMO liquid injection is the only way to go.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    Yes, it can have negative effects on both the HDL and LDL. BW should be monitored closely and cycle lengths should be kept relatively short. Very hepatotoxic compound ... IMO liquid injection is the only way to go.
    What’s the idea behind it that people on TRT stack testo with wini or
    other AAS compounds is it not better just to stick with Testo ?

    also health wise.

  19. #19
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    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by wecker View Post
    What’s the idea behind it that people on TRT stack testo with wini or
    other AAS compounds is it not better just to stick with Testo ?

    also health wise.

    any thoughts on this ?

  20. #20
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    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by wecker View Post
    What’s the idea behind it that people on TRT stack testo with wini or
    other AAS compounds is it not better just to stick with Testo ?

    also health wise.
    The idea is simple ... People will sometimes consider adding other compounds such as Anavar or Winstol purely for the anabolic enhancements that they can provide.

    Looking at it strictly from a TRT standpoint, there's really no therapeutic compliment with these products. They really shouldn't even be considered unless a person has got everything pretty well dialed in, including their TRT program, diet, BF%, along with having some sort of objective/goal for running a cycle of something else. A person should also have a good handle of their BW stats going into a cycle, along with having a plan to monitor it during and after a cycle.

    A lot of us older guys don't have the iron clad livers like we used to, which is why I've suggested the injection route -vs- orals when possible. Anavar is about the only oral I will take, but it still isn't a free pass from the lipids going south.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    The idea is simple ... People will sometimes consider adding other compounds such as Anavar or Winstol purely for the anabolic enhancements that they can provide.

    Looking at it strictly from a TRT standpoint, there's really no therapeutic compliment with these products. They really shouldn't even be considered unless a person has got everything pretty well dialed in, including their TRT program, diet, BF%, along with having some sort of objective/goal for running a cycle of something else. A person should also have a good handle of their BW stats going into a cycle, along with having a plan to monitor it during and after a cycle.

    A lot of us older guys don't have the iron clad livers like we used to, which is why I've suggested the injection route -vs- orals when possible. Anavar is about the only oral I will take, but it still isn't a free pass from the lipids going south.
    Thank you now it's clear.

  22. #22
    yeah sence i could not find winnie yet i got some Turnibol and Hopefully some dbol today i am planning on adding it to my TRT

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