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Thread: Tired all the time

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Tired all the time

    So the past 2 years or so have been on trt at 200mg per week. Prior to starting my test levels were in the low 200 and now are in the low 500s. Problem is I go through my doc and he is not a specialist. So.... Well enough said.

    So prior to starting never had a sex drive or erection problem. I was good for 2 a day at least. Sometimes back to back. But I held bodyfat, was tired all the time, didn't recover well. I
    Now 32 also.

    So even being on I'm still tired all the time. I feel like I never sleep. And im constantly short tempered. Which I wasn't prior to trt. Now my doc has me come off an do a restart to keep the boys going for reasons of prostate issues or something down the line that I can no longer use and outside source of test.

    So last time I was off 3months after pct I tested and my level were the same they are now. My estrogen is in check and I'm still miserable as shit.

    So I'm thinking bout coming off and just doing a cycle or two a year instead. Plus I'm scared of hair loss and I'm sure even 200mg can trigger it. It has slowly started already.

    Any I put or thoughts.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I personally think your opening paragraph said it all with the fact that your doctor isn't a specialist. TRT isn't a start and stop program, and I doubt you can restore your natural levels properly if you've been on TRT for any real length of time.

    The first thing to address is the problems you're having. The first starting point of that is blood work. Have you had a complete set of labs and physical. Anything out of range? (RBC, hematocrit, PSA, etc.) Your E2 could also be a variable here, so the lab is the first place I'd start. I'm kind of surprised that 200mg is only getting your serum up in the 500's.

    Anyways, there's an easy way to get your testes up and running better than ever just by adding a little HCG to your program. What do you think?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I just had 15 tubes drawn. All levels were normal. Maybe test wasn't actually my problem is what I'm thinking. I was off for 6 months and felt better I think.

  4. #4
    What's normal? Often what the labs state as normal can still leave you with symptoms which are more telling and significant. Did you have your thyroid checked? If so, what are your TSH, T3 and T4 numbers? I'd also be interested to see exactly what your E2 is? I had similar symptoms and getting my E2 in check made all the diff. Also, do you have sleep apnea? Do you snore a lot? Do you have insomnia? Have you monitored your glucose levels over time? These could all be contributing factors. It would help if you posted all your test results.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Well drinking 5 red bulls a day was a big problem. I've since stopped that. Thyroid was good. Funny thing last dec I was off for 3 months and had used hcg when coming off trt and my levels were the same they are now.

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