Originally Posted by
Vetteman asked me to post my latest results with hope of getting a few questions answered by him.
43 y/o, 225 lbs, 6'3", about 16.5% bf
Began TRT about 3 years ago with TT at 312. Had typical symptoms of andropause. Never knew what baseline E2 was when we started. Dosage was 1 tube Testim every day for about 1 year.
Year later TT plummeted to 195, then to 105. Did have some muscular growth and weight gain; outside of that, all abt. the same.
Moved to Cyponate injectible. Have moved around with dosages over last 2 years. Highest was 80 mg every 2 days, and now 50 mg every 2 days with .25Arimidex every 4th day.
Here were my July 1 results from Quest:
DHEA-S 191 (45-345)
E2 31 (13-54)
TT 845 (250-1100)
Free 212.9 (45-224)
SHBG 17 (9-45)
Albumin 4.4 (3.6-5.1)
Bioavailable T 428.6 (110-575)
April 2010 results doing 120 every 3 days (Quest with same ranges)
DHEA-S 207
E2 69
Prolactin 9.3 (2.0-18)
TT 809
Free 227.7
Albumin 4.6
Bioavailable T 478.2
The issue: I am wondering if this every 2 day dosage is accomplishing anything except a bunch of pricks in the glutes. Do you think going to a 2X a week dosage of same amount would make any difference?
I will say that injectibles had significant positive effect on muscular growth, depression, and good weight gain. Had the spare tire, and that is almost gone. Libido comes and goes, as do the hot spells and night sweats.
Probably important to know that i take 100 mg Zoloft and 150 mg Wellbutrin daily, and have done so for several years.
Apologize for long post, but the whole story is important here. Ask any questions, any of you who have some insight.